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Chapter 277

Grace had just sat down and had a sip of tea when her phone rang. She glanced at the screen and

immediately picked it up.

"Hello, Teacher White?"

It was Teacher White from Gary's kindergarten.

The thought of something bad had happened to Gary made her hair stand on end.

"Did something happen to Gary?” she asked nervously.

"Don't worry. It's no big deal. There's just a thing that I feel necessary to let you know," Teacher White


Still feeling tense, Grace said, "Go ahead."

"Gary and Ernest were chatting in the playground and I've overheard their conversation, and I think it's

necessary for me to talk with you about it."

"Sure, go on," Grace said.

"Little Gary said that father and son were enemies of their past lives." Teacher White described their

conversation to Grace.

Grace was astounded.

"Seeing that children are very sensitive, I think you should pay more attention to Gary," Teacher White


"I understand. I will keep an eye on him," Grace said.

Teacher White said, "I think it's best that you don't ask him about it when you pick him up later. Gary

and Ernest are both very sensitive and smart compared to children of the same age, we shouldn't

aggravate them."

"Got it, Teacher White. Thank you for being so thoughtful." Grace was really thankful to Teacher White

from the bottom of her heart.

"It's my responsibility." Teacher White soon ended the call.

Grace sat on the chair and glanced at her watch. One hour to go before picking up Gary.

She let out a sigh.

It seemed that Gary had a strong desire for his father.

Just when Grace was still lost in her thoughts, Hermione came in and said, "Grace, can you come to

my office?"

"Sure!" Grace got up quickly and followed Hermione into her office.

After sitting down and putting her bag away, Hermione said, "I have talked with Mr. Jones's special

assistant, Lester, this morning. Then I had some errands to run in the afternoon, that's why I didn't

come till now."

"I see, you've been busy, Editor Lowe." Grace said. "But why did you call me in?"

"There's something I'd like to tell you," Hermione said.

For some reason, Grace's heart skipped a beat. She pursed her lips and said, "Okay, carry on."

"Mr. Jones asked me for a favor to pass you some compensation. I guess it has to be money."

Grace was stunned, with a look of astonishment in her eyes.

"I've refused," Hermione said, "I don't think you would accept it. And if he really wants to compensate

you, it would be more sincere if he gives it to you personally."

"I don't want any compensation from him," Grace said as she shook her head. What's wrong with


It was too humiliating to compensate her with money.

Did he see her as someone who was selling her body?

Her feelings could not be valued with money.

"Yeah, that's why I refused." Hermione looked at her and said, "From what I know of you, you wouldn't

accept it, and obviously his behavior was out of line." "So, did he say that he would not invest in our

company?" Grace asked.

"Well, he didn't," Hermione replied. "If he had dared to cut off the investment, not only you and me,

even his assistant would have loathed him. A man shouldn't go back on his words."

"Okay," Grace nodded. "Glad to hearthat." "That's what I wanted to tell you," Hermione said. "You don't

have to feel pressured. I'm just telling you so that you could be prepared for it."

"Thank you, Editor Howe."

"Not a problem at all," Hermione said.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

When Grace got off work, she called Alice to inform her that she would be picking Gary up.

Alice was already in the school.

Just when she was heading out, she spotted Jensen watching her from afar.

With his hands clasped behind his back, he looked dashing standing amidst the sea of people.

His towering figure had always caught the eyes of girls around him.

Alice walked toward him with a cold face.

"What are you doing here?" she said with a harsh tone.

Jensen's lips curled into a smile and he immediately gasped in pain, "Ah-"

Alice looked up and was shocked to see his face, "What happened to you?"

Not answering her, Jensen moved his hands to the front and revealed the bunch of flowers he was


He lifted it up in front of Alice.

It was a bunch of yellow roses.

Alice was startled. She knew that different flowers had a specific meaning to them. Yellow roses

symbolized an apology.

She frowned and asked, "Why are you apologizing?" Jensen was surprised that she had figured out

what the flowers meant. The yellow roses were adorned with lilies.

He was hoping that his relationship with Alice would turn out good and Alice would forgive him for what

he had done to her.

He hoped Alice could feel his heartfelt apology by accepting the flowers.

"It's about yesterday," he said.novelbin

He couldn't tell her what happened the day before. It was not the right time.

If he said it, Alice would probably turn around and leave. She would hate him forever.

Jensen could only find an excuse. He said, "It's because of what happened yesterday. I have tricked

you into agreeing to be my girlfriend. I'm sorry, but I don't regret it."

He felt a little nervous when Alice did not get the flowers from him.

To Alice, the sight of him holding a bunch of flowers with his face bruised was unbelievable.

She asked again, "What's wrong with your face?"

"I had a fight with Heinz," Jensen replied.

Alice widened her eyes and exclaimed, "Did you tell him about Little Gary?"

"Of course I didn't," Jensen shook his head. "I have sworn on it."

Still not believing him, Alice asked, "Then why did you fight with him? I'll never forgive you if you've told


Jensen pushed the flowers into her hands and said, "I just can't stand his arrogance, so I punched him.

I've promised that I won't say anything about Little Gary."

Alice was clearly hard to convince. She said, "How can I trust you?"

"It's true." He looked at Alice seriously. "You'll gradually get to know me better. How would I

immediately break my promise right after we've agreed on it? Think about it, if I've really told Heinz, he

would have gone to your house last night."

"Really?" Only then did Alice look at him and relaxed a little.

She felt that what Jensen said was right. If Heinz had known about it, he would definitely come to

acknowledge Little Gary.

It seemed that Jensen was telling the truth.

Alice couldn't help but give him the cold shoulder. "You said you have taught him a lesson. So how did

you get yourself injured?"

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