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Chapter 276

Heinz frowned. He was getting anxious and confused. "Editor Lowe, what do you mean?"

Hermione gave him a thin smile and said, "Compared to making money, I care more about the people

around me."

Heinz stayed still, and his eyes became darker.

"Although Grace is my employee, she's more like a friend to me. While you are a financial tycoon in

Northern City, you are not someone I can afford to offend."

"Although you have helped me tremendously by investing tens of millions in my company, I wouldn't do

this behind Grace's back."

"That being said, I can't help you with this matter. I hope you understand, Mr. Jones."

"This is a white lie," Heinz said as he retracted his cold gaze.

"Even so, I can't do it," Hermione said.

Heinz frowned again, "Why is that so?"

"Because Grace told me that she would never get back with you," Hermione said. "So I think it's better

for you to deal with the matter on your own, Mr. Jones."

"Do you think I'll invest in your company if she's not an employee?" Heinz said angrily.

He didn't foresee Hermione to say that. Did Gracenovelbin

just tell her about it that morning?

This woman actually said so.

How could Grace say something like that to both Jensen and Hermione?

It was an unprecedented blow to his pride.

Hermione smiled gently and said, "So, Mr. Jones, you'd better think carefully about investing in us

before you regret it."

Looking at Hermione smile, Heinz felt nothing but contempt.

"Of course I'd invest," Heinz said. "We have agreed on it."

"Thank you," Hermione nodded. "Shall I settle this matter with Assistant Lester first?"

"Editor Lowe," Heinz spoke again. With doubting eyes, he asked, "What has Grace said to you today?"

"She said that you're not meant for each other and she hoped that I'll be impartial," Hermione said

frankly. "I don't know what happened between you two, but I could see that Grace was serious. Her

attitude was very firm."

Heinz took a deep breath and couldn't say a word.

Hermione said again, "Grace is a woman with selfdiscipline. After working with her for some time, I

knew her quite well. She is not a person who would compromise easily. I cherish this employee and

friend of mine." "You can leave now," Heinz said.

Hermione nodded slightly and left the room.

Lester was lost for words too.

It seemed that they had really broken up, which explained the devastated look on the president.

"Was it Miss Smith who had dumped the President or the other way round?" Lester thought to himself.

In the reception room.

In the reception room, Lester asked, "Editor Lowe, do you think there's still any possibility that the

President would get back together with Miss Smith?"

Hermione chuckled and said, "From a woman's point of view, he still cares for Grace. But he's just too

stubborn and arrogant. With this kind of character, it's inevitable he has to suffer a little."

"Do you mean that they might still get back together?" Lester asked.

Hermione smiled and said, "Maybe. It depends. If they still have feelings for each other, of course there

is still a chance."

Lester nodded, "Okay, now shall we talk about the advertisement?"

"Sure," Hermione replied.

They then began to discuss work.

At the kindergarten, on the outdoor slide ladder.

Gary was sitting on the ladder leading to the slide, staring blankly at the sky above him.

Ernest came over and stood next to him. He looked at the sky and asked, "Gary, what are you looking


"Life," Little Gary answered.

Ernest was startled and said, "You seem unhappy."

"Yeah," Gary nodded. "I'm indeed unhappy."

"Let's talk." Ernest turned to face him with a serious look on his face. "You have your mom. What's

there to be unhappy about?"

"But I don't have a father," Gary said.

"Life is not perfect," Ernest said. "I don't have a mom although I have my dad, and I can't get to see him

often. My life is not perfect either."

Gary turned to look at him and said, "Seems like you have it worse than me." "Yeah, I envy you. What's

there for you to be sad about?" Ernest said, "You have a nice and beautiful mom and a lovely little aunt

and you guys spend time with each other every day."

"But they are not my father,” Gary couldn't hide his upset. "No doubt I like my mom and little aunt very

much, but I always feel that something is missing."

"A missing father, huh?" Ernest said.

"Yes." Gary said, "I don't even know whether I want this thing or not."

"A father is not a thing." Ernest frowned and felt that it was not appropriate. He quickly said, "I mean,

your father is not an item. He is a person. Of course, it'll be better if you have both your parents."

"Do you miss your mom?" Gary looked at him and asked.

"My mom?" Ernest said, "I don't know who my mom is. I think my dad had me with someone, but he

didn't like the woman. So he decided to walk out on her."

"I couldn't believe your dad is such a jerk," Gary gaped with his eyes wide open. "How could he just

abandon your mom like that?"

"That's just my guess.” Ernest frowned and said, "Don't say it in such a bad way, okay?"

"Don't you think what your dad did was beyond acceptable?" Gary asked with a cold face.

Ernest said, "It's not necessarily true. My dad had never said anything about my mom. Whenever I

asked him about it, he would pull a long face."

"Your dad has quite a temper, was he born with it?" Gary said with a sneer.

After pausing for a while, Ernest said, "Gary, why are you venting your anger on my dad? Your

misfortune is not caused by him."

"If it's your dad who caused it, do you think I'd be talking nonsense here with you?" Gary shrugged and

looked up at the sky again. "But you're right. I'm indeed a little mad with your dad. Forget about it, it has

nothing to do with you."

"Why are you so angry?" Ernest asked.

Gary said, "You won't understand even if I tell you. I'm in a really bad mood now."

"Do you know who your father is?" Ernest asked again.

"Of course," Gary replied.

"Then why don't you go to him?"

"I'm not in a hurry. I'm plotting something to catch him by surprise," Gary gnashed his teeth and said.

"Gary, why are you holding a grudge against your father? What had he wronged you?"

"Haven't you heard of that saying?" Gary asked.

Ernest said, "What?"

"Father and son were enemies in past lives."

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