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Chapter 1926

Leah simply had no words to say. What did Ernest mean by letting him know? Was she supposed to send him a signal?

She looked at Ernest dumbly. Ernest's deep eyes were sincere and brimming with confidence. It seemed like he thought that Leah would definitely send him a signal very soon.

Leah took a deep breath and said, "You promise? We have to take a break today. You can't touch me, okay?"

Ernest's eyes flashed once more and he said, "Yes, I'll keep my word."

After reaching a consensus, Leah put forward her conditions. "So, can we go out for a stroll now?"

Ernest said, "How about you spend some time at home and rest for a bit? I'll leave you alone to rest. I'll go back home for a short while and come back later tonight. We can go shopping and watch a movie after that."

Leah was surprised at his suggestion. "That sounds good. But why are you going home? Did something happen?"

"I'm just going back just to check," said Ernest vaguely.

"Alright, go on home. Sorry, I'm a bit clingy. I know you can't be with me every second of the day," Leah said.

Ernest could tell that Leah was very reluctant to part with him.

He smiled and said, "I'll try to make it back earlier. We can go get dinner then watch a movie. You'll have the rest of the afternoon to yourself." "Okay, no problem. You should leave now." Leah urged, "Go home and visit your mother."

Ernest got up to change his clothes and kissed Leah before leaving.

As soon as Ernest left, Leah was alone in her apartment. She planned to take a short nap. After all, she didn't have much to do. After her nap, she planned to revise her studies.

However, a few minutes later, the doorbell rang.

Leah was startled awake by it. She got up and went to check who it was.

She turned on the video surveillance and saw that it was an unwelcomed guest she did not want to see.

It was her mother.

Leah frowned and decided to ignore her.

She planned to not open the door. She was going to pretend that no one was home. However, her mother eventually called her on the phone. Leah picked the call up and asked impatiently, "What is it?"

"Come on, open the door. I know you're in the apartment. You haven't left your place yet. I know that you want to pretend that you're out."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Leah was instantly speechless. "Since you know that I would pretend to do that, why would you expose me?"

"I have something to talk to you about." Sieara sighed and said, "Let's talk. If you don't open the door for me, I will just keep waiting here until you do." Leah was rendered speechless once more. "Why are you being so annoying?"

Sieara was silent for a moment then changed the subject. "Open the door. I know you can see me right now. It's cold down here, and I'm not wearing many layers. My legs are going to give out from exhaustion soon."

"Then you should leave." Leah did not want to entertain her at all. "No one told you to come here."

"Well, you wouldn't want me to go trouble Ernest, do you?" Sieara said again.

"How dare you!" Leah immediately raised her voice. "What do you want from me?"

"I want to see you right now." Sieara made her intentions clear. "Come on, open the door."

Leah took a deep breath, fuming with rage. She was very reluctant to let her mother in.

This was her personal space!

She was still angry at the thought of what she had gone through over the years because of her mother's abandonment.

She rented the apartment with her own hard-earned money. She didn't want to be disturbed by anyone, especially not by the mother who abandoned her.

Over the years, her mother had never spared her a single thought.

She had once fantasized about her mother taking her away from her horrible home life. But her wish never came true. Her mother would only take her in for a few days and send her back soon after.

Now that she thought about it, she realized that she had been too greedy before. She had been expecting too much from her mother.

Eventually, she gave up on that dream. When her mother asked her to visit the Qualls family during the winter and summer breaks, she refused. Now her mother had presented herself at her front door.

It seemed that Norval was rather resourceful. He managed to find out where she lived.

When Leah heard how determined her mother was, she remained silent. She walked back to her bedroom, changed her clothes, and put on a cotton- padded jacket before going downstairs.

When she arrived at the security door downstairs, Sieara was stunned to see her. Complex emotions stirred in her eyes.

"You're not going to let me into your apartment to have a look around?" She seemed very sad.

Hearing that, the originally calm Leah suddenly became flustered and got a little upset.

Of course, Leah did not intend to be welcoming at all. She opened the door, looked at her mother, and said, "I'm too poor. I'm afraid that you won't be used to the frugal furniture I have at my place, so I think it's best if you didn't go upstairs."

After that, Leah walked out and slammed the door shut behind her.

Sieara's eyes turned red when she heard Leah's words.

"I know you're angry with me." "No," Leah shook her head and said directly, "I don't have the time to be angry with you, nor do I have enough feelings to waste on you. I'm used to being alone. I'm really puzzled as to why you're here. You've brought me a lot of trouble, you know? Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Sieara's face instantly turned pale. She paused for a moment and looked at Leah with red eyes.

"Stop it, I don't want you to get emotional here," Leah said flatly, "I don't have time to coax you."

Sieara immediately bowed her head, two teardrops fell from her eyes.

Leah could see two wet spots in front of her mother's feet.

Leah frowned and looked away.

Sieara quickly got a hold of herself and said to Leah, "Leah, I'm leaving soon. I'm here today for two reasons. Firstly, I came here to visit you and have a look around your place. Secondly, I'm here to talk to you about your marriage."

"What right do you have to do that?" Leah asked.

Sieara's face paled even more. "Leah..."

"Do you think you're qualified to call yourself my mother?" Leah's tone was cold and direct. "Since you haven't fulfilled your duties as a parent, why are you suddenly here to talk to me about such things?"

Sieara trembled at Leah's tone. She looked incredibly upset. Leah had hit a sore spot and she paled significantly.

Leah glared at her and said, "You chose to give up on being a parent I could depend on, so you don't have the right to dictate what I do now. You can't reap all the benefits in the world just because it suits you, you know?"

Sieara started to tremble even more. She looked unstable, as if she was on the verge of fainting.

Leah was standing next to her but she didn't try to help her mother in any way. Instead, she took a few steps away from the woman to avoid getting dragged down.

Sieara didn't think that Leah would shy away from her. She didn't even want to give her a helping hand.

She looked at her daughter in disbelief and her eyes turned redder. More tears started to well up in her eyes.

Leah was irritated and pressed her lips together unconsciously.

Sieara remained stock still and eventually managed to calm herself down.

After a long while, she said, "Let's find a place to sit down and have a chat." "No need for that." Leah refused. She didn't want to have anything to do with Sieara at all.

"Leah, I know you hate me. Although you don't want to admit it, I know you do."

"Don't flatter yourself," Leah said flatly, "I don't feel any sort of emotions for you. The only connection we have is that we're biologically related."

"But we still have blood ties."

"Of course, if we weren't related by

blood, we wouldn't be related at all," Leah sneered and continued, "Mrs. Qualls, I might as well make it clear to you now. I will make my own plans in life. No matter what I choose to do in life, whether they are right or wrong choices, none of them


concern you. Whoever I end up with, or what kind of life I lead will entirely be my own business." Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Leah, I'm doing this for your own good!" Sieara exclaimed, "Please believe me. I'm really just trying to do what's good for you."

"You want me to break up with my boyfriend for my own good?" Leah asked mockingly.

Sieara shook her head and said, "I really think that it would be best if you were to date Norval instead. He's the best choice for you. I brought him up myself. I know the kind of person he is. I also know for certain that he sincerely likes you."

Leah sneered "Do you hear

yourself? You brought up someone



else's son instead of your own daughter After so many years, he still doesn't regard you as his mother, does he? You're still an aunt

to him. You think someone like that

has a good character?" Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Sieara was speechless. She couldn't believe her ears. Was this still her daughter?

She couldn't answer the question.

Sieara looked at Leah very sadly. She pursed her lips and said after a long while, "Leah, at least well be able to spend more time together in the future. We'll finally be reunited if you guys get together."

"What a joke. I didn't need you when I was younger. Now that I'm older, the more I don't need you. Don't you think all this talk about reuniting with each other is beyond ridiculous?"

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