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Chapter 1925

By the time Leah ate and drank her fill, it was already 11 at night.

Since she had eaten a lot and slept well, she felt energized

Unable to sleep right away after eating, she sat on the sofa and scrolled through social media. When she found the message board, she found out that her substitute writer had replied to a bunch of comments.

He placated the readers by saying that he was going to post 8000 words in advance at midnight.

When Leah saw this post, she immediately thought that it was a little strange. She frowned and muttered to herself, "What's wrong with this guy? Didn't he agree to update two days later? Why did he suddenly update today?"

Hearing Leah muttering to herself at the side, Ernest's entire body stiffened before he said quietly, "Perhaps he finished dealing with his family matters and found the time to write."

Leah nodded since it made sense. Then she turned her gaze to him and said, "Do you want to know how the book ends? Why don't we just stay up all night and wait for his update?"

Ernest's lips immediately twitched and his expression became odd when he heard her say that. He suddenly moved closer to Leah and said, "Since you seem to have recovered your energy, why don't we do something better?"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Leah immediately waved her hand and shivered. "I don't want to do that. I just want to wait for the update. If you don't want to stay up with me and wait for it, you can go to sleep first. I'll sleep after I read the update."

After Ernest heard this, he muttered, "What if he doesn't update because you don't go to sleep?"

Leah immediately frowned and asked in a strange tone, "Do you hear yourself? What kind of logic is that?"

"I just think that you should go to sleep. You don't have to stay up and wait for the update. Anyway, you'll get to read the update when you wake up, right?" Ernest said in a reasonable tone.

"But I really want to know what happens next. Don't you think it's very interesting?" Leah really wanted to know what was going to happen next. "Even so, you can't just stay up for the sake of an update." Ernest brought Leah into the bedroom and tried to kiss her.

"I really don't want to do it again. Ernest, don't

mess around. I said no. If you keep acting like this, I'll get angry," Leah threatened.

Ernest started to gently persuade her with sweet words and kisses. He didn't force himself on Leah but he employed a roundabout tactic. Eventually, Leah surrendered herself to him.

Soon enough, the two of them started to go at it again.

The last time they did it, Leah had said she couldn't handle another climax. Who knew...

Ernest made her lose control and Leah was rendered boneless at the end.

She was groggy and started to doze off.

It was past midnight.

In a daze, Leah eventually fell asleep. By the time she woke up, it was dawn.

The first thing she did was check her phone for updates. She found that the substitute writer had indeed updated 8,000 words. Not only that, the plot really hooked her.

The update was posted fifty minutes past midnight.

The substitute writer had kept his promise about updating at midnight.

Leah mumbled, "He said that he would post it at midnight. I thought it would be at 12 sharp. It turns out that he posted it around 1 in the morning. That's so unprofessional. I would've posted it on time."

Lying next to her, Ernest was stunned beyond words, he asked, "What are you muttering about over there?"

Leah turned to look at Ernest, who

was lying in bed next to her, and said, "It's the update. The guy posted it at one o'clock. Thank goodness I went to bed early. If I waited would have to wait till 1 a.m.l" Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org S

Ernest stretched his arms to pull Leah into his arms. "Don't worry about it. Let's just lie down for a while."

Leah was enveloped in his arms.

When she looked up at him, she noticed Ernest's bloodshot eyes. She frowned and said, "Did you stay up late? What time did you sleep after | fell asleep last night? How are you awake now?" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Ernest hesitated then replied, "I feel fine. I was writing some stuff last night. I slept 2 hours after you did."

Leah nodded and asked, "Were you working on your thesis?"

Ernest didn't open his eyes but nodded.


Leah took the opportunity to nag again, "Look at you, I've already told you to not go at it last night. Come on, let's go out on a date." "Nah," Ernest opened his eyes and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. He looked Leah in the eye and said, "I think this right here is a pretty cozy date. Without doing this, bdon't think the woman in the relationship is loved by the man." Content belongs

to NovelDrama.Org

Leah's mouth moved soundlessly before she said incredulously, "So what you're saying is that if a man really loved a woman, he would want to sleep with her all the time?"

"Well, yeah. Do you think that a man who doesn't sleep with his girlfriend loves her?" Ernest asked.

For a moment, Leah realized that she couldn't answer that question at all.

She was completely stumped by Ernest.

She blinked and searched her mind for words. "That doesn't seem right. Even if they love each other physically, they might not connect spiritually." "You're a writer. Someone like you would naturally be good with words." Ernest replied.

Leah was rendered speechless once more.

There was nothing she could say to refute him.

"What I mean is that we should take a break from being physical and connect more spiritually. We shouldn't tire ourselves out," Leah said again. The man chuckled and said, "I'm not tired."

"Well, I am."

"That's why you need to train your body," Ernest smiled and teased her, "I haven't completely unleashed my full potential."

Leah's cheeks were burning red. Because of Ernest's devilish gaze, she knew that he was telling the truth.

"This is the best time of my life. You can't ask me to not sleep with you. I don't want to contain myself around you."

Leah blushed and kept silent for a long while. She did not plan to speak anymore.

"Are you angry?" Ernest stared at her with a serious expression.

Leah shook her head and said, "No, I just think that my body is going to die from all of this."

Ernest was stunned for a moment and laughed. "Alright then, I'll give you some time to rest. I won't touch you for the next two days, okay?"

"Really? Do you mean it?" Leah did not believe him.

Ernest nodded and he made himself look solemn. "I can endure it. If you can't bear it, you can just let me know anytime."

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