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Chapter 1897

"I see him," Gary said in a deep voice. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. "It's the winter season. There are ten minutes left for the classes."Celeste nodded. "I can't believe you still remember the school hours. You have really good memory."

"Don't tell me you've forgotten?" Gary rubbed affectionately on her head. "I remember you also skipped a grade. Although you're not as smart as me,you're still smart enough.”

"I didn't forget.” Celeste laughed sheepishly. "I know I'm not as smart as you, but then, can’t you make it sound nicer?""Well, I can't help it when I'm this confident about myself.” Gary quirked his eyebrows.

Celeste was at a loss for words.

"Keep an eye on Kendrix. He will definitely give Sylvia the notes after her class,” Gary said.

"How are you so sure? I don't think he'll rush for this," Celeste said.

"He's running out of time. Sylvia needs the notes, and since Kendrix is playing out his plan, he knows better than to drag it on," Gary said, "Otherwise.he wouldn't have offered to fulfil any wish from Sylvia."

Celeste finally understood. "Is he waiting for Sylvia to take the first step in this and confess her feelings?"

"It's still too early for that. He wants to secure a chance of meeting Sylvia again after she graduates,” Gary said, "I admire him for pouring in so mucheffort. He's a man who would keep his words."

"At least he's considering the best for Sylvia's studies and not want to affect her studies," Celeste said, "I think he's a responsible man. He thinks ofher studies first and made her see the light of her future.”

Celeste believed that Kendrix would only be breaking Sylvia's heart if he directly rejected her feelings.

Instead, he gave Sylvia hope by fulfilling her a wish, by the condition of her excelling in her studies. If she liked him, she would do as toldHe was quite a decent person, and it was a great plan.

Time passed by and soon, classes were over.

Celeste sat up straight immediately and focused on the screen. After noticing that Kendrix had walked out from an office with a slightly heavier bagthan before, she immediately asked, "Why do I feel like the notes are thicker now?"

Gary also moved closer. His sharp gaze stared intently at the scene. After which, he nodded. "It is indeed a little thicker than before.”"Could it be that he also added some revision materials for Sylvia?" Celeste asked.

Gary nodded. "You're right.”

"Could you see what was inside the bag?" Celeste asked.

"I'm guessing a set of past year questions. We bought materials like this back then. I saw the cover through the bag, and it seemed like it." Garyleaned back in his seat as he fixed his gaze on the screen.

He couldn't wait to see Kendrix going to look for Sylvia, as it would be such an interesting scene that would be hard to com by.However, Kendrix walked to a classroom, and instead of Sylvia, he looked for someone else.It was a tall boy. He was seen talking to the boy before handing the notes over to to the boy. Kendrix then walked away.

"It's not Sylvia," Celeste gasped. "He handed the notes to someone else." Gary frowned. His sharp gaze was still on the screen, being deep in histhoughts.

Celeste then said, "He's looking inside the bag. Wait, he walked into the classroom.”

Gary also leaned forward. He gently rubbed the space between his eyebrows with his slender fingers.About a minute later, Sylvia walked out of the classroom in a hurry, as if she was chasing after someoneThe scenes were changing until they finally saw Sylvia catching up with Kendrix.

Gary smiled. "l didn't take Kendrix to be so pretentious. He got someone else to pass it to Sylvia."

Celeste was also surprised. "He was already outside of the classroom, yet he asked a random student to hand the notes to her instead of giving it toher himself. What was he thinking?"

"He's obviously putting on airs." Gary smiled.

Through the screen, they saw that Sylvia was talking to Kendrix with a smile on her face.

Kendrix was staring at her with a calm expression.

He was still in his sportswear, which looked thin, showing off his big build figure.

Sylvia's smile grew wider throughout their conversation. She said something more to Kendrix before walking away.

Kendrix seemed to be startled for a while as he watched her left. He suddenly came to realization and locked up at the surveillance camera. His gazewas as sharp as a hawk's, and it was intimidating

Both Gary and Celeste gasped at that.

"He looked at the surveillance camera. Did he notice something?" Celeste couldn't hold back and exclaimed, "Is he suspecting something?”"Perhaps it's just out of habit," Gary said in a deep tone, "I don't think he suspects us. It should be out of habit.”

Celeste sounded impressed. "That's still smart of him. No wonder he's a police officer. He's so good at detecting things."

Kendrix stared at the surveillance camera for some moments before walking away.

Celeste inhaled deeply again. "He's scary.”

"What's there to be afraid of? Hecan't see us.” Gary smiled. "Look,SVERE backto her classroom. Sheprobably came out to thank him. I'msure Kenridrix already expected hertocatch 4p to him. That's why hewaswalking so slowly after givingithenotes to the guy. I think he waswaiting for Sylvia to catchiup tohim." "How did you notice even thatas well?" Celeste was dumbfoundedas she missed that. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

"Of course, I'm observant too," Gary said.

Celeste was speechless. She turned back to the screen.

Kendrix went back to the office hecame out of-befo e. After a couple ofminutes, he ‘came out in a different >outfit. Hé-was wearing khaki pantswith sweater and jacket, more:layered up than before. He then wasabst to head down the stairs.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"He is leaving,” Celeste pointed out.

"Is he heading out?" Gary muttered.

Shortly after, his screen wasdisrupted: It seemed like someonedisrupted their signal. The screenwas garbled and then turned blank.A message appeared on thedblankscreen. Content belongs to.NovelDrama.Org -

"My friend, is it interesting to hide behind and watch?"

Gary and Celeste were both stunned.

Celeste was surprised. "Someone turned it around and hacked into your laptop.”

Surprisingly, Gary let out a laugh. "It's not that. He's just trying to tell us that he found out about us.""Is this Kendrix?" Celeste asked uncertainly.

The screen was already blank. There was no way Gary could find out where Kendrix was thenFor a moment there, he couldn't really tell if Kendrix was behind it.

Gary started typing after he tock over the laptop, "Impressive, my friend!"

The other end replied, "Shouldn't you go back now? I believe you've already seen enough.”Gary chuckled. "Mr. Trevino, aren't you a little too blunt?”

There was no reply.

Gary leaned back in his seat in the car. He stared at the screen and started typing again. Not too long after, they gained access to the surveillancefootages again

However, it was already time for class.

There was no one in the corridor, and there was nothing for them to see.

Gary didn't see Kendrix on the screen at all anymore.He slightly raised his eyebrows and said to Celeste, "I'll head inside. You can wait for me here."Celeste was a little nervous. "Was it really Kendrix?"

"I'm going to confirm this,” Gary said, "Wait here.” "Be careful.” Celeste was worried."It's fine. Don't worry." Gary got out of the car quickly and started walking to the office Kendrix walked out of earlier.If Kendrix got to change in the office, it must be his personal office.

Gary was familiar with his old school's facilities. He studied there after all

It didn't take long for him to find Kendrix’s office.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

He reached out his hand, bent his long fingers and knocked on the door.

The knocking sound on the door was clear and loud

There was no movement inside.

Gary continued knocking.

Then, there seemed to be some slight noises from the inside.

The corners of Gary's lips curled up slightly. Kendrix must be in the office.

Sure enough, the door opened.

Kendrix was standing inside. He looked at Gary with a calm expression on his charming face. "It's you." "That's right, it's me." Gary raised hiseyebrows.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"I'm busy,” Kendrix said. Obviously, he didn't want Gary to go in

"Everyone is busy," Gary said, "Who isn't busy these days?"

Kendrix scrutinized him and said, "You should get back to what you're busy with then."

"I think it'd be better for you to invite me in," Gary said, "You know just how persistent I can be. I will never stop trying until I get what I want.”

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