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Chapter 1896

"Mr. Trevino? You're working out so early in the morning." Gary walked over to the field with Celeste and gave Kendrix a huge smile. Kendrix had justfinished running a lap in the field.

Kendrix was wearing a black and white sportswear that morning.

The outfit was ordinary yet it looked attractive on Kendrix, who had a charismatic aura on him.

Gary was still smiling at Kendrix.

Kendrix stopped and nodded to them. He didn't intend to say anything.

Gary naturally wouldn't let him off. He smiled and said, "Mr. Trevino, aren't you curious why we're here today?""I believe you have your own reasons,” Kendrix said

"Of course.” Gary smiled again. He was still holding Celeste's hand as he said, "I came here for two reasons.”"I don't need to know," Kendrix said faintly.

"That won't do. I feel like sharing." Gary smiled. "I have to tell you." Kendrix glanced at him. Although Kendrix was done with his first lap, he was notout of breath. That showed his great stamina.

Regardless of Kendrix’s reaction, Gary continued saying on his own, "I'm here to send Sylvia some of my old notes to help with her revision. Theseare all great notes that I made back when I was in high school.”

Kendrix glanced at the bag Celeste was holding. He raised his eyebrows but still didn’t say anything.

Gary continued, "Also, my girlfriend and I fell in love back when we were studying here. We feel like reminiscing this old place too."

Kendrix blinked his eyes and made no comment.

"It can be said that school is a great place to cultivate love. Mr. Trevino, don't you agree?” Gary continued asking despite Kendrix's lack of reaction.Gary was always rebellious and loved a challenge. Thus, the more that Kendrix wasn't responding, the more he wanted to provoke him

He couldn't just stay quiet and not tease Kendrix, that would be against his usual sarcastic self,

"I met the love of my life in this place. Kendrix, my dear brother-in-law, you should cherish your time here too. I hope everything goes well with youand

Sylvia," Gary said

Kendrix frowned in an instant.

"Celeste, give Kendrix the notes. He will hand them over to Sylvia," Gary told Celeste.Celeste was startled as she looked at Gary.

Gary winked at her.

Celeste had no choice but to hand the notes over. She smiled as she said, "Mr. Trevino, we indeed brought these notes for Sylvia. Please help ushand this to her."

Kendrix glanced at the bag. "I still have several laps left."Celeste understood that he was implying he didn't want to do this favor for themHowever, Gary would never let him go

Gary smiled. "Mr. Trevino, don't worry. You can bring it to her after you're done with your laps. My girlfriend and I can walk around in the field in themeantime. You know, I used to ponder about my love life here. This is a blessed spot. Mr. Trevino, it's great to know that you love coming to this fieldlike me too."

Kendrix frowned. What the hell was that?

Gary ignored his reactions and handed him the notes.Kendrix had no choice but to take it.

He nodded again and walked away.

Kendrix was holding the notes as he started jogging again.

Until Kendrix was far away from them, Celeste glanced at Gary. "You're lucky that Kendrix can tolerate you. If this was anyone else, I'm sure you'llonly be getting yourself in trouble. How can you make it sound like everything is already made official?"

"It's already official,” Gary said with confidence.

"Is it official?” Celeste was startled. "What? I'm talking about what's going on between Kendrix and Sylvia.""Exactly. They're official already.” Gary repeated

"But how?" Celeste was speechless.

"He didn't even deny when I called him my brother-in-law.” Gary chuckled. "Isn't this evident enough?"Celeste was dumbfounded.

Did he really just conclude everything based on that conversation?

To Celeste, it was only out of his good manners that Kendrix didn't deny it. Perhaps he didn't want to make a sceneYet, Gary was so confident to claim that Kendrix already acknowledged what he said.

Celeste glanced at him and remained silent.

Gary held Celeste's shoulders and said, "It's not like he's not the least bit interested in Sylvia."

Celeste didn't believe what he said because she couldn't notice anything either.

"How can you tell? I can't," Celeste said

Gary feigned a mysterious smile and said, "Men will know how men look at women.”

Celeste was once again stunned, feeling puzzled. "How does he look at her? It seems normal to me though.”

"That's because you're numb to this. If you were a little more sensitive, we could've started dating way earlier,” Gary took the opportunity and teasedher.

Celeste was once again speechless.

Gary continued to wrap his arm around her as they watched Kendrix running his laps.

Kendrix was jogging toward them as he was about to finish another lap then. Gary whistled at him, teasing him."Mr. Trevino, you have great stamina. You aren't out of breath even after running 800 meters," Gary said.

"Are you saying that you don't have good stamina?" Kendrix asked calmly.

Gary was taken aback and immediately retorted, "Of course I have great stamina. However, I have a girlfriend too. I don't need to release my energythrough jogging.”

Kendrix glanced at him and didn't say anything as he carried on with his joggingGary laughed out loud.Celeste pinched him and Gary continued to laugh as he wrapped his arms around her.

"What are you laughing at?" Celeste was embarrassed by what he said.

‘Nothing. I just wondering if ~~.Kendrix isout here jogging after hehad his breakfast because he's:single and has nowhere to use uphig energy,” Gary said in herear.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Celeste was startled for a moment before saying, "Can you stop assuming about others personal matters?”

"I can't helpit, especially when it's -.this fun to tease him." Gary laughedand then buried his head in the.crook of Celeste's neck. He hléw hisbreath on her, continuing to teaseHer. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"He's done.” Celeste said, "He left from the other side.”"Is he hiding from us?" Gary tilted his head to glance at the direction where Kendrix had left.

"Perhaps he was supposed to be going in that

direction.” Celeste said."No, he's definitely avoiding us.” Gary was extremely confident. "He's already admitted that he's taken a fancy to Sylvia."Celeste couldn't agree with him. "Aren't you afraid to be making the wrong assumptions as you're so overly confident about it now?"

"Aren't you worried that I might prove you wrong too as you are so unconfident about it now?" Gary asked.

Celeste was stunned and she shookher head:Of course I hope you're”right. I find Kendrix to be quite adecent-guy too. Although he's a littleolderthan Sylvia, he's quite goodmatch with her." Content betongs toNovelDrama.Org -

"He isn't that old. He's just mature enough for her," Gary said, "With how mature Sylvia is compared to her peers, she should definitely find someoneolder than her."

"You're right. You already have your eyes set on Kendrix." Celeste agreed.

"You're right. I do have my eyes set on him." Gary nodded. "I have been saying this since yesterday.”

Celeste nodded. "Yes, you did."

"I want him to be my brother- in- law," Gary corrected. "Come on, let's follow behind and find cut if there's going to be anything interesting.""There's nowhere we can hide in this school. Everyone can see us. How are we supposed to follow him?" Celeste asked"We can always hack into the school's surveillance system." Gary smiled. "Let's return to the car first."

"Sure." Celeste was a little excited to hear about his suggestion, and they got back to their car.

In the car, Gary opened his laptop and started typing on it

Not long after, several windows appeared on the screen. They were all surveillance videos.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Are you in already?” Celeste gasped.

Gary gave her a suggestive look and said, "It's not like I should be taking it slow and sensual like I usually do in bed.""You!" Celeste blushed at his words.

He liked to bring everything back to that. Celeste was a little flustered.

However, soon, Celeste was attracted by the videos on the screen. Kendrix appeared in one of the surveillance videos.

"He's here." Celeste pointed.

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