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Chapter 1870

Jensen was slightly stunned. He did not expect that the person who he watched from a distance would actually come to him. When he came to thefront, he even smiled slightly. A refined and light smile appeared on the young and determined handsome face.

"Officer Charm, long time no see," the man spoke. His voice was clear. it was mixed with a faint minty fragrance. It sounded so pleasant that it wasenough to invade other people's hearts. He thought that it sounded particularly pleasing to the ear.

As Jensen was in a trance, he saw from a far distance that Sylvia seemed to show a hesitant expression. Then, she waved her hand and left.Jensen looked at the person who was talking to him.

His mind never stopped thinking, but he could not remember who this person was. However, he knew that he had a strong impression of this personthe moment they met.

"You are?" Jensen still smiled slightly and said, "Sorry, there must be something wrong with my memory."

The man smiled as he shook his head, "Mr. Charm, there is nothing wrong with your memory, we have never met directly before. The last time wemet was at the National Police Conference. It was my honor to see your glory, Mr. Charm. I know that you have handled a few special cases. I admireyou very much."

Jensen then realized that it was not that he did not have any memories of this person, it was just that there had never been any direct interactionsbetween them.

No wonder he could not remember who this person was.That person was not angry, he even maintained his decent smile, it was very confident and indifferent.He then heard this dazzling young man introduce himself. "Hello, Mr. Charm, I am Kendrix Trevinc.”

Jensen was startled. He had long heard of the man's name. However, he never expected it to be this person in front of him. He had fair skin anddelicate facial features. He looked exceptionally handsome.

He felt that people looked just like their names. For the first time, he really felt that Kendrix deserved his fascinating name.He could not imagine this young man in front of him to be Kendrix, the young genius.

Kendrix had always been a genius in criminal investigation. He had been a genius ever since he was young. It was rumored that he could complete asketch of a suspect with just a little bit of information

He had quite the reputation in the social circle of the police, a lot of people wanted Kendrix to help their unit.However, it was rumored that Kendrix was a promising young genius with quite a perscnality, he was taught by Eigo Lynch.Eigo was the most famous professor of criminal psychological science across the country, he was also an old policeman

Both master and disciple were famous. Naturally, there would be more rumors surrounding Kendrix, but Jensen did not expect such a young geniusto be teaching in Sylvia's school. He was greatly surprised. "So, you are Kendrix. I have heard a lot about you, but I have never seen you before. I didnot expect you to be such a handsome young lad, Mr. Trevino."

Upon hearing this, Kendrix smiled slightly. There seemed to be a flash of displeasure in his sharp and distinct eyes.

For some reason, Jensen felt that the flash of emotions in his eyes were a sign of unhappiness, as if he did not like to be called a handsome younglad. However, Kendrix did not express it. Instead, he only smiled faintly.

He said, "Thank you for your compliment.”

Jensen shock his head and said, "My description might be inappropriate, but I mean no harm.”

"I can tell." Kendrix was also very calm, as if he had already guessed Jensen's thoughts from his eyes. There was no sign of malice.Jensen smiled. "I forgot that you are very proficient in psychology. Why are you here, Mr. Trevine? Did anything happen here?"

"No." Kendrix smiled and shook his head. "I am on vacation, and happened to have a case study. That is why I came to the school to study thepsychology of high school students as an intern teacher. I am teaching arts and calligraphy.”

"Oh." Jensen was shocked by this fact too. He could not help but laugh. "Are you an art enthusiast?”

"Yes." Kendrix smiled back. He seemed to understand Jensen's hesitation, but he did not make any explanation. He just repeated himself, "Yes."Jensen got serious too. He felt Kendrix was someone who could easily suppress other people with his calm temperament.

He looked at Kendrix and asked, "That girl you talked to just now, are you teaching her too?"

"Yes." Kendrix said, "I am teaching art in her class.”

"That's my wife's niece.” Jensen did not conceal anything. "Sylvia."

As he said that, Jensen locked at Kendrix.

Kendrix's expression was calm, there was no sign of anything wrong. As if, he was not interested in this topic at all.

Jensen was in no hurry to leave. He looked at Kendrix and thought for a moment before he said, "Mr. Trevino, I have a personal question, I want toask you this question for some advice. Please enlighten me."

"Officer Charm, go ahead." Kendrix was still smiling. "If there is something you want to say, just say it directly.”

"Here's the thing." Jensen looked around and found that there was no one else around. He lowered his voice and said, "Do you think that there isanything wrong with Sylvia?”

Upon hearing this, Kendrix's expression changed slightly, he said calmly, "Mr. Charm, don't you think that your question is very inappropriate?"

Jensen nodded and said, "Franklyspeaking, it isindeed aninappropriate question. However, >you are different. You are a masterin psyehology. You know about”psychology well. You must havestadied a lot in this field. I just wantt5know, is this child norgial?”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Kendrix raised his eyebrows and said, "She is normal. In fact, she is very smart."Jensen was stunned. Did that mean that Sylvia was indeed a normal child?

That meant that there was no need to worry.

Before Jensen. could breathe a sighof relief, he heard Kendrix's unhappytone. ‘Mr..Charm, you don't have anyblood refation with her, perhaps thatB why-you can insult her like that.However, if she was your niece, Idant know if you would ask'such aqGestion as well." Contentbelongsto NovelDrama.OrgContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Jensen was stunned, he looked at Kendrix once again

Kendrix looked back at him with a smile. His eyes were sharp and alert, but he did not avoid his gaze at all. It seemed that he could only express hisfrankness and doubt by locking at him directly.

Jensen felt embarrassed.

"You have misunderstood me. I just want to know from your point of view whether she is normal or not."

Kendrix frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Charm, I think you are the abnormal one.”

Jensen was shocked.

"I still have classes to attend.” Kendrix shrugged. "I need to go. Mr. Charm, there is something wrong with you, you need to be treated.”Cnce he finished saying that, Kendrix left.

Jensen was stunned, he only came back to his senses after a long while. To him, it felt like Kendrix was protecting Sylvia.

Ha. he was indeed a good teacher, he knows how to defend his student.

Jensen smiled, he did not care. After that, he turned around and left.

When he got back in the car, he called Grace and personally reported to her.

"Grace, I have done as you asked," he spoke.

"You've seen Sylvia already? That's quick.” Grace was surprised. "How efficient.”

"I am still outside the school," Jensen said, "I think that you are too worried. Sylvia is a good girl, she understands everything.”

"She understands everything?" Grace immediately retorted, "How is it possible?"

"Well, you have probably neverunderstood your daughter, right?"Jensen srited and said, "You alwaysthink that Heinz dotes on her, so younever éared too much about her:But, this child needs your care: Shealse knows that you are opposed toHeinz doting on her." Cogtentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Grace paused for a while and asked, "Sylvia knows that I am against it? Everyone knows that. Everyone in the family knows that I am against it.”"That is why she is very sensitive,” Jensen said

"Jensen, you are on Heinz's side. You want to convince me, don't you?" Grace thought about it.

"You have misunderstood me." Jensen immediately denied. "I haven't called Heinz yet."

Grace was stunned. Heinz had always been by her side, it was true that Jensen had not called him

"You know what? I met a young genius in the criminal investigation circle, who's working as an intern teacher in the school for a full three months. Ialso consulted him to ask if Sylvia was normal."

Grace was also shocked and asked, "And what did he say?"

"He said that I am the abnormal one." Jensen smiled bitterly. "He even said that Sylvia has nothing to do with me. He then told me to go treat myself."This time, Grace was really surprised and a little


She was very surprised. "How could this happen? Why did he tell you that?"

"He said that Sylvia is normal and intelligent. I asked this because I thought there was something wrong. So, Grace, these are my words for you. Askyourself, do you think you are really qualified to be a mother? Is there really nothing wrong with you?”

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