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Chapter 1869

It did not seem like a big problem. Jenson felt that Grace was just overly anxious.

With Jensen's many years of experience as a criminal police officer, he had a pair of discerning eyes and felt that he was great at seeing through aperson

Even though Sylvia was spoiled, she was not spoiled to the point of no return.

Now. it seemed that Grace was really too worried. It seemed that Sylvia knew where to stop. Therefore, Jensen still had great confidence in Sylvia, hedid not think that this was a serious problem at all.

He smiled at her and said, "It seems that you really enjoy living on campus, so you'd better seize the time and enjoy this rare period of freedom youhave. Perhaps your mother won't let you live on campus anymore after the winter holidays."

As soon as Sylvia heard that she could not live in school anymore, her expression instantly turned sad.She was very depressed. If she really couldn't continue to live on campus after the new year, then her time on campus was really too short.

That meant she had a total of less than two weeks. How sad, it seemed that she really needed to take advantage of this rare short period of time shehad.

Sylvia stared at her uncle, she thought that if she did not make good use of the resources she had, then she would really feel sorry for herself.She thought that she needed to work hard and strive to get the opportunity to continue living on campus for the rest of the year.

She started to think craftily, and her mind started to wander about. She smiled at Jensen and said, "Uncle, can't you put in a good word for me andhelp me continue living on campus for the next semester?”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Jensen raised his eyebrows. "l don't want to be a part of this.""But Uncle, don't you think that my dad pampers me too much?"When he heard this, Jensen was surprised too. He stared at Sylvia and said coldly, "So, you know that your father pampers you a lot too, don't you?"

"Yes, my dad dotes on me to the point of spoiling. My mom is worried that my brothers will be left out and have an unstable mentality. You see, havingme live on campus is great as it solves all those problems. My mom doesn't have to worry about me, and my dad doesn't have to dote on me somuch, so my brothers can be at ease too. Plus, my new siblings will be born soon, and my dad and mom will have time to take care of them, so theydon't have to worry about me. I will be good at school, and my dormitory management is very strict. Anyway, I can adapt to living here, I can observeeveryone's character, and learn about what a group life looks like. It will be very helpful for me as a police officer in the future. Don't you think so?"

Jensen felt a little persuaded. He looked at her in surprise and said, "Well, Sylvia, your analysis is very accurate. But have you ever thought aboutyour parents feelings if they know about your current thoughts?"

Sylvia shrugged and said, "That is why I asked you to put in a good word for me. Besides, I know that you know what you should do.""You really think too highly of me." Jensen smiled as he looked at her calmly.

"You have been my father's good friend for so many years, and now you are his brother-in-law. I think your words are certainly useful, Uncle. Besides,Mom is pregnant, and I can't make her angry. Is that okay?" Sylvia even bowed to him.

"It seems that you are very sensible. In that case, we don't have to worry about you that much. About living in school, I can help put in a good word foryou, but I am not sure about what will happen. Your parents call the final shot." Jensen did not continue making things difficult for her, he only said afew words.

"Well, in that case, there will be no hope left for me to live on campus.” Sylvia felt sad at once. "Uncle, can't you be more straightforward and help memake a decision?”

"Sylvia, if your mom knows that you want to run away from home, she will be very sad.” Jensen reminded her.

"Don't say it that way. I am not running away from my family." Sylvia smiled. "I just want to live on campus. I need to observe my life. I think I havebeen exposed to too little experience and need to integrate more into the community.”

Jensen raised his eyebrows and said, "That is an excuse.”

"Well, okay, I admit it." Sylvia shrugged. "Uncle, being spoiled is a painful feeling.”Jensen was a little shocked.

He looked at her in surprise, only to find her showing a bitter and helpless smile.At that moment Jensen felt distressed for her.

Was she not happy at all?

Jensen was very surprised.

He did notknow what was on hermind. However, when he saw thebitter shile on her face, he could tellthat there were some thoughts inher mind that she could not Speakoutloud. Content belongs 10NovelDrama.Org -

This was not an expression that Sylvia should have.

"Uncle, you should go back.” Sylvia only showed that expression for a moment and then smiled. "I'm fine. It doesn’t matter whether I live on campusor not."

After graduating, she would go to a university somewhere far away. She would neither study in Northern City nor abroad

She wanted to live her own life. She did not want to be the youngest daughter of The Jones family. She didn't want to live an extravagant life. She justwanted to be herself.

A normal personThat was all, she had a normal wish.

However, no one might be able to understand it.

Upon hearing Sylvia's words, Jensenwas overwhelmed with mixed <7feelings. He said in a trance, "Sylvia,will ty to convince your parents tolet. You stay on campus next year."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Sylvia was stunned, she looked at Jensen in surprise. "Uncle, I can tell that you are in a dilemma too.”

"No, to me, this is just a piece of cake," Jensen said, "But, you have to promise me that you will always know when to stop.”"Relax." Sylvia smiled. "Of course I can tell. I want to be a police officer. I won't leave any stains on myself."

"That's good." Jensen nodded and stood up. "Go to class. I should go back teo.”

"Thank you, Uncle." Sylvia looked at Jensen and bowed deeply.

Jensen was shocked once more. He really did not expect that this little girl, who was spoiled and pampered, would do such a thing.He thought that no one quite understood the little girl from The Jones family.

Cr, perhaps everyone just liked to wear a mask.

Sylvia left the small conference room.

Jensen walked out too.

When he came out, he saw Sylviawalking towards a tall man. Theywere smiling’ at each other as they ._talked. Since they were too far away,he couter not see it clearly, nor couldhe hes? it clearly. He just thoughtthat the person Sylvia was taking towas a particularly dazzling:individual. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Jensen was slightly stunned. The man seemed to look at him too. Then, he walked towards him.

He walked with steady footsteps, bringing along an extraordinary sense of handsomeness.

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