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Chapter 1854

"After all the hardship, their long- awaited happiness can be considered as a blessing," Heinzlooked at his wife and exclaimed, "What we wished for came true as well."

"That's right," Grace sighed, "How wonderful would it be if this had happened a long time ago."

"People don't cherish what they have until they lose it."

"Michael actually showed up in person this time," Heinz narrowed his eyes and commanded one ofhis men, "Keep an eye on Michael. I'll meet him when the time is right."

"Of course."

Soon after, the man left.

Heinz and Grace were soon left in the living room.

Grace could not help but sigh.

Heinz knew that it'd been bothering Grace for a while, and he was relieved that it was finally solved.However, he hoped that Marry and Simon would live peacefully and no longer bother them.

"Can you get me Marry's medical report?" Grace looked at her husband and asked.

Heinz frowned and looked back at Grace. He felt a little helpless. Grace was a kind woman, andshe would never leave Marry and Simon alone.

Now that she wanted Marry's medical report, she most probably wanted to help realize Marry'sdream to be a mother.

Heinz admired his wife's generosity and tolerance.

After all, he was the only one that knew what Grace had gone through before.

She had been gravely hurt by Simon and Marry before.

He was momentarily silent before he muttered, "Marry's health is in good condition, much betterthan she had been when she first left prison. I checked on it earlier."

Grace nodded and recalled what had happened in the past.

She asked again, "Ten years ago, I remember that she was told that she might not get pregnantagain for the rest of her life. Have you looked into this?"

Heinz shook his head and sighed, "The doctor performed a very routine examination, and sheseems fine. As for her fertility, no one ever really paid any attention to that. Honestly, I think theyshould just leave it up to fate."

Heinz thought it would be best if they could have children, but if they couldn't, then it was just fate.

"Why don't we get a good gynecologist to care for Marry?" Grace suggested.

"Can't help but care for her, huh?" Heinz looked at his wife quizzically. He knew his wife was verykind.

"Many years ago, I made up my mind to ignore them for life," Grace grinned wryly, and she felthelpless at her inability to ignore the two.

Frankly, so did Heinz.

He thought that he'd never have any interaction with Simon and Marry again, much less sympathizewith them.

However, with the passage of time, he felt that this matter would slowly fade away.

Now, Grace was taking the initiative to care about them.

All those years of imprisonment should be enough.

Grace sighed, "I thought I would hate them, and they would do the same to me. However, I canbarely remember the previous hatred. Compared to my happy life now, it doesn't matter anymore!Just like what happened with my mom and dad, I've let it all go. There's no need to care anymore."

Heinz nodded, "Letting others go is also forgiving yourself."

They exchanged glances. Fortunately, they shared the same thoughts.

Perhaps they were the only ones who understood one another perfectly.

It was very difficult for someone to bury the hatchet completely.

"That's why we have to find her a good gynecologist to help her. If that doesn't work, Marry can tryan IVF."

Grace felt that doing this was to repay Anderson for all he'd done.

Although she had no blood relationship with Marry, Alice and Marry were his children.

Heinz nodded, but there was still some worry in his heart. He told his wife his concerns.

"Ernest still thinks about the time he was taken away from you. He grew up without a mother, and Ididn't give him enough love even though I showered him with everything he wanted materialwise. Ifeel like he could be traumatized by this, and it's really showing recently. Don't you think you shouldconsider Ernest's feelings before you find a gynecologist for Marry?"

Grace was shocked when she heard this, and her heart ached for her son. She shot Heinz a sadlook.

"Did Ernest really talk about this to you?" Grace's voice was shaky as she asked.

Heinz nodded honestly.

"Well, I did bring Marry and Simon back together, and Ernest has shown great dissatisfactiontowards that. He said that he would never forgive Marry. Though, Gary doesn't really care that muchanymore. He doesn't think much of it compared to before, and even helped me get Marry andSimon back together."

At least that was a small comfort.

"Gary grew up with me, and I loved him very dearly. However, Ernest didn't receive the sametreatment," Grace knew that Ernest did not receive a mother's love when he needed it most.

"Although I wanted to make up for it, our relationship isn't the same as mine with Gary. There aresome things I can reprimand Gary about, but I just can't bear telling Ernest off. I owe him too much!"

She'd always been cautious with Ernest from the start, so what about Ernest himself? He was thetrue victim here.

"Forget it. Let's wait till Ernest lets this go before we seek a gynecologist. I don't want to hurt himbefore he forgives Marry. I owe Ernest way too much."

Heinz held his wife's hand and assured her, "Don't think too much about it. Ernest isn't that fragile,and he's a very kind boy. Sometimes, it's just that things have been bothering him for so long thathe finds it hard to forgive. Either way, I know that Ernest has a good heart."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"I know. Ernest is a kind and tolerant person. He has always been like this. I only hope that Leahcan bring more comfort to him and make up for whatever that was missing when he was a child. Ifso, I'll have no regrets."

Meanwhile, Ernest and Leah overheard what Heinz and Grace were talking about.

Ernest was standing at the corner of the corridor. He closed his eyes when he heard how much hisparents were worried about him. His lower lip trembled.

Meanwhile, Leah stood next to him.

Her back was to the wall, and she felt upset when she saw Ernest close his eyes.

Right now, she felt that Ernest seemed especially fragile.

The two were both shocked and surprised when they overheard Heinz and Grace's conversation.

Leah was also sure that everyone in the Jones family was exceptionally kind-hearted.

Simon and Marry had committed grave mistakes, and yet Heinz and Grace chose to forgive them.Even Gary chose to forgive them.

Now, Ernest seemed to be the only one holding onto the grudge. However, Leah felt that he mayhave finally chosen to forgive them after this.

Their entire family were very kind people indeed.

Leah stretched out her hand and took Ernest's hand.

Ernest opened his eyes and tilted his head to look at Leah. He did not speak, but his eyes werefilled with a complicated mix of emotions.

Leah's heart ached when she saw how torn Ernest was.

"My mother thinks that she'd neglected me," Ernest's tone was soft as he muttered, "However,Simon and Marry are the true cause of everything that's happened. If they didn't give me to the

traffickers, my mother wouldn't have been separated from me."

"At the time, I was still very young and I didn't know what it meant to be separated from my mother.However, my mother must have felt excruciating pain. Furthermore, Simon and Marry told her that Iwas dead."

"They're so f*cking vicious. Now, my family's decided to forgive them. I mean, I want to as well, but Ifind it simply ridiculous."

"It's not ridiculous at all. This just proves that your family is very kind."

"My heart tells me not to forgive them, but my mind tells me not to dwell on this any longer."

Leah nodded and gave Ernest an encouraging look, "I'll respect whatever decision you make, okay?I don't have much of an opinion on whether or not you decide to forgive them..

Ernest smiled and forced a wry smile, "Let's stay here tonight, okay?"

Leah didn't expect him to make the same request, but she decided to agree because of how Ernestwas feeling, "Sure, why not?"

She also wanted to stay in the place Ernest grew up in

Perhaps being in Ernest's room would be more natural for him.

Leah felt like Ernest had really bent over backwards for her these days. He was born with a silverspoon in his mouth, but he'd spent his days living with her in her simple flat.

Hence, she wouldn't mind staying with the man she loved.

Ernest looked at Leah, a crafty glint flashing through his eyes.

"Give me a few minutes, I'll have a few words with mom and then we'll go upstairs!" Ernest reachedout to hug Leah, his actions conveying his intentions very clearly.

Leah stiffened. One didn't need a brain to know what he wanted.

She nodded, her cheeks blushing, "Then I'll wait for you upstairs."

Leah was wise, and she knew that Ernest didn't want her to hear him being all emotional.

Ernest nodded in reply.

"Go back to my room and wait for me. I'll be with you soon."

With that, Leah freed herself from Ernest's embrace and headed upstairs.

However, she heard soft moans coming from Gary's room when she was on the way to Ernest'sroom.

Leah took a deep breath.

The adults had just left, and it was literally in the middle of the day. Why were they being so horny?

The room was rather adequately soundproofed, but Leah could hear bits and pieces of what washappening inside. Hence, she blushed furiously.

Gary and Celeste had a very loving relationship indeed.

Meanwhile, Ernest descended the stairs to find Grace being comforted by Heinz. It was very clearto him that his mother was upset.

She was upset about him, and Ernest felt sorry for Grace.

"Mom, dad," Ernest called out as he walked over to them, "I heard your conversation, and I thinkyou're right, mom. You should get a proper doctor for them."

His mother was one of the kindest people he knew. She went through a lot of agony after beingseparated from him, but she still chose to forgive Simon and Marry in the end. Ernest knew that hismother must have suffered much more than he did.

Since even his mother had chosen to forgive them, what else could Ernest say?

Grace felt even more upset when she heard Ernest's words.

Tears sprang to her eyes, and she called out Ernest's name softly.

Ernest smiled and replied, "I'm alright now, mom."

Grace went to hug her son after a moment's pause.

Ernest looked at his father subconsciously, and Heinz smiled encouragingly at him.

Ernest reached out and hugged Grace back, carefully avoiding her pregnant belly. He said, "Mom,I'm doing just fine. You don't have to feel like you owe me anything. What happened had nothing todo with you in the first place."

Ernest knew very clearly who was at fault here.

However, Grace didn't think so. She felt that she'd trusted Simon and Marry too easily, and that washow Ernest was taken away from her.

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