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Chapter 1839

Gary burst into laughter. It was the first time he heard Ernest being so sarcastic towards Heinz. It was quite interesting."How am I a pervert?" Heinz was dumbfounded. He widened his eyes at Ernest. "What's wrong with you? You are being so sarcastic towards me!"

Ernest didn't find anything wrong with his words. He sneered. "I never once doubted your feelings for Mom, but then you once belonged to anotherwoman too. You had a history in this, had you not? So, don't blame us for being concerned.”

Heinz felt deeply remorseful to think back on his history. Once you had made a mistake, there was no way to erase what you did.This stain in his life would always make him feel a little abashed, and it was especially so when his sons would make fun of him.He was really taken aback as well to see the obedient Ernest acting like that too.

What changed Ernest?

Could it be that there were some problems between him and Leah?

Was that why Ernest was venting his anger out on Heinz instead?

Heinz asked as that crossed his mind, “Ernest, are there any problems with your girlfriend? Is that why you're acting like this towards me? Don't youthink that I'm an innocent party here?"

"You are never innocent. You never will be." Ernest refuted, his tone getting heavier.

Heinz was dumbfounded again. He subconsciously stole a doubtful glance at Gary, trying to see if he could get any hint in his gaze for the reasonwhy Ernest had been treating him so harshly.

Gary noticed how Heinz was looking at him, as if he was asking for help.

He shrugged and gave Heinz an answer, "Ernest is just mad that you're trying to bring Simon and Marry back together. You shouldn't forget that theywere the wicked ones who separated him from mom back then. You may be able to let go of this now, but it seems to him that you've ignored hisfeelings."

Ernest's cheeks flushed a little as Gary read his mind. He glanced at Gary and said, “Stop talking as if you got to grow up in a functional family forthose five years. I was away from mom, while you were away from dad. We both had an equally dysfunctional childhood.”

"You're right."

Gary suddenly came to a realization and nodded. "I was indeed away from dad back then. Speaking of which, neither of us should forgive Simon andMarry at all. We should make them suffer for what they did every single day now."

Gary then glared at Ernest, and no one could actually read Gary's mind.

He continued, "Yet, what can we do now? Instead of suffering, they're having fun right now.”

Hearing that, Ernest frowned.

The couple had now made up, and thanks to Heinz. they even had a place to do what they want.

Gary was obviously speaking up for Simon and Marry too. It seemed like he did let it go as well.

Ernest couldn't help but to sigh.

He still glanced hatefully at Heinz, and the hatred in his gaze was so obvious that it made Heinz feel a little guilty.

Heinz thought back on what his sons had to go through back then, and it was indeed miserable for them. That was especially so for Grace and Gary.That was all because of Simon and Marry.

Heinz's gaze turned sharp and he pursed his lips as he thought of that.

However, he thought of Grace too. She had Simon and Marry on her mind all those years too. After all, having another friend was better than havinganother enemy.

There were times when Heinz stumbled upon Grace and Alice talking about Marry, and they would immediately change the topic once they saw himaround.

Heinz felt that they were still keeping Marry in mind. After all, if they could accept someone like Lowell, why couldn't they put Marry's history behind?

Heinz also knew that Grace actually treated Marry's father as her own. After all, he was the one who took care of her back then.

Although Grace never once broughtit up with Heintz, from how well heknew Graceshe still felt like heshould do-sdmething for Marry on-~her behalf. That was why he decidedto brigg $ Simon and Marry back-’together without informing GracebefSrehand A So, even if Simon wasto’create another scandatous news,it wouldn't bother them too mucheither. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


All those things could be forgiven anyway. The past was the past.

f they were able to live in peacefrom then onand stay away fromcreating troubles, Heinz could be .seen to have done something goodand fulfilléd their wishes too. <>However, seeing how sarcasti¢-andharsh the usually nice Ernest wasacting owards him then, Héinz ellefeel like he hadn't taken Efnest'sfeelings into consideration. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

After thinking for a while, Heinz saidwith a serious tone, "Ernest, I'm sorrythat I haven't made enough oconsiderations before proceeding”with this. All I thought about was toresolve the problems. I'm sorry forneglecting your jeernas. Content

bel ongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

Ernest was a little embarrassed as Heinz apologized.

He looked away. “There's no need for that. I understand why you did what you did, but it’s just that I refuse to accept it.""That's right. You know that this is the best ending to this as well, don't you?” Gary said

Ernest didn't say anything. but it was as if he was agreeing with Gary.

Heinz looked back at the window of the room where he arranged for Simon and Marry to be in. He then said to his sons, "Come on, let's go home.”

The three then headed home together.

After reaching home, Heinz noticed that there was someone else at home

She was a beautiful young lady.

He said with a slightly surprised tone as he glanced at Leah, "Hey, we've met, haven't we? Was it at the airport?"Ernest was startled as he looked at her deeply.

Hearing Heinz's words, she blushed a little and said, "Nice to meet you, uncle. I'm Leah Winston.”

Heinz smiled. "Welcome, Leah."

"Thank you,” Leah greeted pleasantly, looking obedient as ever.

Grace went up to Heinz and asked, "How is it?”

"Simon and Marry are now back together. You don't have to worry much,” Heinz replied.

Grace was startled for a while before saying, "Leah has joined us today, so I've told the kitchen to prepare a nice welcome meal for Leah. Let's stoptalking about those upsetting matters and focus on our reunion instead."novelbin

"I have the same thought too." Heinz gazed deeply at Grace and took her hand as they sat down.

The dishes were soon served. Alice and Jensen also joined them soon after.

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