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Chapter 1825

The door opened

Simon immediately turned and looked at the door.

He stopped his scoldings and curses, as well as his hysterical complaints.At that moment, he was squinting at the direction of the door.

When he saw the two big build young men entering, he was a little stunned.

Their faces looked familiar, and their figures were tall and straight with a firm and steady temperament. The two young men looked really handsome,and they had vaguely familiar features

One looked greatly similar to Heinz, while the other one looked a lot like Grace.There were two of them

A thought flashed in Simon's mind for a brief moment.

His vision was blurred, and he started to wonder if they were twins.

Were they their twins?

How ironic. It was their children. Back then, he and Marry wanted to separate the twins, but they were so lucky to be raised by their biological father,Heinz.

It seemed that they still reunited.

Then, he thought of his misfortune, and how he could never have any children in his life. yet Heinz's two children had already grown up.He heard that they later gave birth to two more children

It was another pair of twins

They were really good at reproduction.

Simon thought about how Grace was so great at giving birth to her children. She should have been his woman, yet Heinz was the one who won herheart, and made her his woman. His unwillingness started to pain his heart.

It hurt so much. He was so unwilling to accept it, and the dull pain in his heart persisted and he could not let go of it.

What had Marry done to him? How did he end up together with Marry?

Grace was the one that he lovednovelbin

God was too unfair to him.

He could not accept his fate.

He was looking at the grown children then, the children that belonged to Grace and Heinz.

They looked excellent. They were both youthful, healthy and outstanding.

No, they weren't boys anymore.

They were already young men then.

He saw the two children who had become so determined then, from how they looked so innocent before. After a while, Simon felt upset once more.

Gary and Ernest walked into the room together, they saw Simon staring at them in a daze. Gary smiled faintly and raised his eyebrows, "Long time nosee, Uncle Simon.”

Simon frowned.It felt like Gary was scolding him even when he called his name.Ernest burst into laughter. "Gary, that's a funny way to call him. We don't even have an aunt, how could we have an uncle?"

"Oh my, don't say that. She has always been there. It's not like we don't have an aunt at all. We rarely get to see our uncle, but once we do, it's justdisgusting." Gary's tone was obviously filled with mockery.

Simon frowned, he recalled that Gary had always had a sharp tongue. He was so eloquent with words that it was impossible for anyone to argue withhim

Back then, he had experienced Gary's way with words too. He was so great at mockery that he was able to anger him back when he was just a littleboy.

As of then, the two brothers joined hands in mocking him, and they were still as strong as ever.

Uncle Simon?


He had not heard someone called him that for a long time.

When Simon saw them, he twitchedhis lips and forced a sarcastic smile."Boys, no matter how you mock me,lam still your mother's boyfriend. >Before yaur mother fell in love withHeinz,She wanted to marry methemostv0n the night you two wereconceived, if I weren't beingssChemed against, your nadtherwould have been mine. You won'tget to call me uncle. Haha, a moreappropriate title would be ‘dad'.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


When they heard that, Gary and Ernest both frowned and squinted their eyes with a dangerous glint in it.Gary stared at Simon sharply and sneered, "You don't deserve to have such smart children.”

"You're not only unfit to give birth to us, you are unfit to give birth to any child," Ernest said harshly too.He would never be polite to anyone who humiliated his parents.

Even less so when it came to Simon.

"Ernest, you seem to have forgotten that your disabled Uncle Simon is actually impotent to begin with. He can't have children at all." Gary stared atSimon in disdain. He was speaking indifferently. However, as he was tall and when he looked down on Simon, he looked even more imposing.

Simon frowned. "Hmph, how dare you both still talk about this? If I hadn't been sent to jail because of your scumbag father Heinz, I wouldn't have lostmy child. Even if Marry can't give birth, other women still can.”

"No, it's impossible for other women to have a baby with you." Gary coldly interrupted Simon. "As far as I know, apart from Marry, you have had anaffair with about 13 other women. According to what they said, you never even used protection. It is obvious that you can't have children."

Simon was stunned. His face stiffened, it was filled with disbelief.

He looked at the young men in front of him, finding it hard to believe.How was that possible?

How did they know about that?

That was his privacy, so how did other people know about it?

He did not even count how many women he had indulged himself with. How did he know? Besides, it was such a long time ago too. How did he findout about it?

The images of every woman he had tasted flashed across his mind. He did go back to look for those women after he was released from prison, butmost of them were married already. Those whe were not married ignored him too.

Was it 13?

He counted in silence, but he could not even finish counting.

“Stop counting.” Gary interruptedSimon's train of thoughts with adeep voice. ‘Ldon't hink you canremember Qow many women you Ihave had-8ex with. However, I've <checked it for you. There are only13womes, 14 including Marry. Let'ssee, Uncle Simon, 14 womenQuality aside, you fu filledtherequirement of quantity. ‘You didn'thave any kids even after doing itwith so many women. So, tell me, doyou think it is your problem ortheirs?” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"Nonsense!" Simon shouted in panic.

Gary laughed again. “Why are you feeling so guilty? A lot of people are impotent, but they are all normal. At least, they aren't perverted, and they willtry hard to treat it, but you, not only are you unable to give birth, you are even thinking of framing others. How detestable."

"Gary, you have no clue about this. This man has no bottomline. He is a perverted man. He is impotent, and he also doesn't have any childrenbecause he doesn't deserve to have them. His children will only learn from the likes of him. It's better to not have children that way," Ernest saidfaintly.

Gary nodded. "You are right. it is true that he shouldn't have any children. Children are supposed to be sacred and pure. If the child knew that he hada father like him, the child would definitely regret having gone through all the challenges in his mother’s womb and being born.”

“That's right.” Ernest nodded andlooked at Simon. "What's more,some perverted people had alreadyslept with se many women, so his ~kidney must not be functioning ~\p operlysanymore. I'm pretty sure his. WW

sperns are not in abundance~

SS . euranymore, and even if they are stillthere, they must be all in lowquality.” "That's right, I think so too."Gary nodded. "That is why our UncleSimon here is just an eunuch withhis p*nis intact." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Ernest's mouth twitched. No one could be better than Gary when it came to mocking people."Yes, a fake eunuch. He does look like that.”The brothers talked to each other tacitly.

Simon's face alternated between paleness and redness. He stared at them angrily. "You twa. You two are insulting me. What eunuch? I am a man. Iam no different from you.”

"Hey, Uncle Simon, don't feel so guilty." Gary smiled and said, "An eunuch could also be manly. At the very least, he was once a man. No onequestioned that you were once a man. We only think that you're just like a fake eunuch. You can't make a woman pregnant, so you better not holdany hopes of ever being a father."

Since he dared to insult Heinz and his mother, he would definitely want to retort.He even wanted to lash out at him until he completely lost the ability to defend himself.

Simon was furious as he was being attacked. He looked at the two outstanding boys in front of him angrily. "What are you doing here? Get out, callHeinz. I want to see Heinz. Why is he hiding? Does he dare not to see me? Does he think he is so great for having children?”

"Tsk tsk tsk." Gary sighed and said, "Uncle Simon, you're right. It's amazing for my dad to have children.”

"It's really amazing." Ernest also nodded and said in agreement, "My dad not only has sons, he also has a daughter. He really does have aprosperous family."

“Humph, isn't it just two pairs of twins? What's there to be proud of? Don't show off in front of me." Simon was very angry. He started to curse at them.

Gary smiled. A joyful smile flashed across his eyes. After that. he raised his eyebrows and said again, "No, you are wrong. It is not just two pairs oftwins, four children, but three pairs of twins, and six children."

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