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Chapter 1824

There was no light in the dark underground room. A man was locked inside the room. There was nothing inside, and the walls were wrapped with softleather. It was very soft, and the purpose of it was to prevent anyone from committing suicide.

It was a hugely secretive place.Not many people were able to successfully commit suicide while being locked in the place.

The light in the room was particularly dim, but one could see the state of the room through a special light. Aman was locked in there, and he lookedvery flustered.

He only had one ear, while his other ear was missingThe man had a crew cut. He was very thin and tall, but he had a slight hunchback. He seemed a little old.

His reached out his hands and was trying to reach out to something in there, but he could not feel anything. Soon, he began to panic. He shoutedfrom the inside, “Let me out, let me out.”

In front of the screen outside the room, Gary looked at the scene inside and frowned. He asked Heinz, who was beside him, "Is that Simon? Whydoes he look so different? He seems to have aged."

"That is Simon." Heinz nodded.“Aren't you going to turn on the lights for him?” Gary could not really see what was going on inside, so he asked.Heinz and Ernest were both looking at the scene inside too, but Ernest was very quiet

Heinz nodded and spoke, "No rush, let him stay in the darkness for a little while longer. He'll get more and more fearful, then we'll turn on the lightsafter that. Now is not the time yet, we need to let him feel fear."

As he heard what Heinz said, Gary had to give it to him. He did not expect him to have thought far ahead. It seemed that he learned it from his uncle.However, the execution of such a theory was done perfectly. He had completely mastered the essence of a human's fear.When a person was in the dark and could not see anything, they would definitely panic.

When there weren't any sounds or brightness in the darkness, the fear would naturally reach its highest point. By that time, the effect that their ownfear would bring about would definitely be the most terrifying thing to experience.

By that time, their fear would make them reflect on themselves, and they might actually give in.

It seemed that Heinz really did have something up his sleeve.

Gary waited patiently too as he kept looking at Simon, who was inside.

Simon seemed really terrified.

Extreme fear was written all over his face, as if he had been tortured badly by this method before.

"Let me out, all of you. Let me out. Don't lock me in here, I don't want to be locked up. I am sorry, I really am. Please, let me out."

He was shouting loudly, as if he was really admitting to his mistakes. He was shouting loudly the entire time.

He was so scared that even his voice was trembling

After about half an hour, Simon was still shouting loudly in the room, but no one turned on the lights for him, and no one even paid him any attentionnovelbin

There was no sound or lights. He could not see anything. He could not stand anymore being in such extreme fear. He sat down on the ground andheld his head, he stayed motionless but he started to whisper, "I was wrong. Please. Forgive me.

Don't do this to me. I was really wrong.”

After a long, long time, Heinz felt that it was enough, then he ordered in a low voice, "Okay, turn on the lights.”The bright lights finally illuminated the entire room.

Simon stiffened. He looked up, and only then did he clearly see what kind of room he was in.

He was dumbfounded. After staring for a long time. his expression suddenly turned ferocious. He started to curse hysterically.

"Heinz, you really are a lunatic. Youbuild such a d*mned room. Let meout. I know ‘that you are the one who

we :brought mné here. You despise mesfor making up the news about ~Graceéstight? However, do you knowhowT survived these years?it wasalbbecause of you. Can't Fnave myrevenge?’ Content belongs ite)NovelDrama.Org

Simon continued to scream hysterically inside the room.

Gary frowned, and he could see Simon's face clearly.

In Gary's memories, Simon did not look so revolting. At the very least, he used to be a very good looking man.

However, his looks were greatly inconsistent with his actual age then.

He looked about 20 years older than his actual age. His face had aged with vicissitudes, and it had completely lost the glow that it used to have.At that moment, there was only devastation on his face. His scarred face and missing ear made him look really ferocious.

He looked terribly ugly.

When Gary saw Simon like that, he inexplicably felt a little emotional. He looked towards Heinz.

Heinz's expression was indifferent as a hint of cruelty flashed across his eyes.

He had let Simon off too easily all those times. Back then, the reason why he allowed Simon to go to prison was entirely because it was he whom hadbrought it upon himself.

He had tried to hurt Grace over and over again, and he never knew when to stop.

That was why he ended up in his current state. He had been in jail for so many years, and he only had himself to blame.

Heinz did not feel guilty at all. AS ISimon was released from prisonc”then aftér learning his lessons for somany-years, he lay dormant for afew.years before he started t® wanttodake action once more. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

Heinz felt that he was too corrupted, too stubborn and just too crazy.

He would not sympathize with Simon. Besides, he wanted to really teach him a lesson.

He would never let him go easily.Simon was still cursing. “You all made me go to jail. Do you know how I survived in there?"

"I was barely treated like a human in there. I have suffered all too much in there these years, and it was all because of you and Grace. You guys aretoo cruel. How dare you treat me like that."

"Back then, you-guys made a dogbite me, andtt even bit off my ear. Ihad to suffer the disdain and cosarcasmitof others even when I wasin the prison. I became the objéct ofridicule by everyone. You guys: arereally evil. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org 4You guys even made it impossible for Marry and I to continue to live. Now, our entirely family has been ruined by you two, even my parents. I hateyou both... I hate you both so much.

Heinz, come out! Why are you hiding in the dark? Are you afraid to confront me?

My guess is that you are hiding in a corner and secretly observing me. You are truly a sinister and shameless man. I have already seen through yourdirty tricks long ago."

Heinz's lips slightly twitched and he ordered in a deep voice, “Open the door." "Don't go, let me.” Gary stopped his father.

Heinz frowned. "I am not a coward. Kid, you have to understand that your dad is a real man.”

"Okay, I got it." Gary didn't refute Heinz and just said, "I just think that it would be a bigger blow to him if I were the one who went.”Heinz's eyes flashed and he glanced at his son. He seemed to have thought of something, and he could vaguely guess Gary's intention.So, Heinz nodded. "Well then, both you and Ernest can go in. I'll jain you two later."

“Okay.” Gary smiled and looked at Ernest.

Naturally, Ernest understood what Gary meant by that too.

He followed Gary and entered the room together.

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