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Chapter 1812

Sure enough, Rowane's voice could be heard from the room. She sounded a little emotional and distant, and her voice was deep. "You're a fine oneto talk! Your son winded up in the police station because you've failed to educate him. I'm not gong to take the blame for you.”

Hogan's mother stared at Rowane in incredulity. "You... How dare you growl at me?”

"Initially, I didn't want to speak with you this way. Mrs. Wells. I had been treating you with respect over the years as I thought we might become afamily in the future. You used to like me very much too. If my memory serves me correctly, such scorn you're pouring onto me, you used to heap it onmy sister." Rowane looked coldly at Hogan's mother. "You're very interesting. You used to deride my sister together with me, but now, you're turningagainst me with the same harsh words. It turns out that both my sister and I are thorns in your side.”

“Humph, don't mention Leah. She is also a hussy. You sisters are so wicked for seducing my son together. Now, you've sent my son to the policestation, and you even want him behind bars. How dare you!" Keira's tone was filled with arrogance and unreasonableness.

Rowane couldn't help raising her voice and sneered as she spoke with a sharp tone, “It has nothing to do with my sister. I am responsible for my owndoings. I just want to send your son to prison, and it must be more than just a few years. I want him to spend his life in prison.”

"What?" Keira screamed instantly when she heard that. "You are so vicious. Rowane. how dare you! Why are you treating my son like this? How didmy son mistreat you? Why do you want to ruin his life?"

"How did your son mistreat me?" Rowane sneered. “Your son mistreated me in too many ways. He forced me to sleep with him, and he made mepregnant. He was the one who had promised to be loyal to me, yet he still set his mind on my sister. A man like him can't even be called a man. Yourson is precious to you, and you think that he’s flawless, but my sister and I are the children to someone else too. As a parent. do you not feel guiltywhen you say things like that?"

“Look who's talking! You and your sister clearly seduced my son together in the first place.”

Before Keira finished her words, Rowane interrupted her by saying sardonically, "You are wrong. It's still all right if you say that I seduced your son,but as for my sister, no, she didn't. It was your son who kept wavering and couldn't tell his own heart. He even wanted to sleep with both of us andruin us. Humph, now I've seen clearly that you Wells family indeed have a heritable problem with being unreasonable.”

"I don't believe it. My son is so excellent. Obviously, it was you both who seduced my son."

"Bah." Rowane retorted, "You are so funny. My sister's boyfriend is much better and more handsome than your son. Would she be giving up such adecent boyfriend to seduce your son? Aren't you just being unreasonable here like your son, or do you really think she's as stupid as you?"

Keira was taken aback and gazed at Rowane in astonishment and disbelief, as if the person that Rowane was talking about wasn’t someone that sheknew.

After that. she frowned and rejoined coldly, "I don't believe it. Aren't you saying all these jut to prove that my son has let you down?"

"Didn't he? Not only did he cause my miscarriage, but he also hurt me violently. Can't you see that?" Rowane did not allow Keira to save face at all.There was a growing repugnance in her toward Keira.

Being stunned again, Keira sneered, "Should I trust you just because you said that he forced you to sleep with him? Just now, you also said that yoursister didn't seduce him, but you did. Since you were seducing him, isn't it normal for a man and a woman to sleep together? Also, since both of youhad done it willingly, it wasn't forced. You were impregnated willingly. Aren't you ashamed to say that he forced you to sleep with him?

Also, what have you done a long time ago? You said you were pregnant and had stopped the pregnancy. Who would believe you since you havestopped the pregnancy?

Don't play the fool with me and think that I don't know your tricks. I'm well aware that you're as despicable as your mother. If your mother hadn'tseduced Leah's father back in the day, she wouldn't have led such a good life."

"Yes, my mother didn't treat my sister and her mother well, therefore she was punished. Currently, I feel that all of us deserve the karma for our sins. Idon't feel wronged or aggrieved because I deserve it, but what about Hogan? It’s about time for his retribution to come too." Rowane shot daggers atKeira, and there was not a single trace of politeness in her words

Keira sneered. "Humph, are you going rough on me?" "No, I'm going to tell you Wells family through legal means that you have to pay for whatevermisdeeds you've committed. Don't even think about getting off or getting lucky. It's useless,” Rowane said, "I know that you Wells family have someconnections, or else you wouldn't have been released so easily last time. However, this time, you can no longer escape from justice.”

“Humph, that's arrogant of you to say so." Keira sneered, "You are really overconfident to challenge us at such a young age.”

"Yes, this time, I'm challenging you." Rowane didn’t treat her with courtesy. "Go. If you need anything, you can contact the police or the university.Don't come to me. If you harass me again, I will call the police."

"Do you think that I don't dare to slap you?" Hogan's mother was provoked, and there was a note of shamefaced fury in her voice.

"Well, that will be good. If you do so, I will sue you for wounding with intent,” Rowane riposted in a calm and icy tone with her uncaring and fearlessattitude.


What followed was two loud slaps that could be heard from the outside.novelbin

Leah and Ernest couldn't hold back anymore. They pushed the door open in a hurry and went in.

Inside, Rowane's face was slapped to the side, and Keira was about to raise her hand to slap Rowane again."What are you doing?” Leah grabbed her hand and pulled her aside.

Keira got furious once she saw Leah

She lifted her hand with the intention to smack Leah

With keen eyesight and fast reacton,Ernest extended his hand to holdKeiras wristsHe looked down at her,while saying coldly, "Mrs. Wells, iplease-behave yourself. Not everyold woman can afford to face. themusic over her bold moves.6r, doyeu want to end up behiné:bars justlike your son?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Both Ernest's tone and demeanor were very cold. Being flabbergasted by his words, she looked up at the young man in front of her.He had a strapping figure with a strong sense of deterrence and oppression, which intimidated people at first glance.

Keira was dumbfounded.

Ernest was enraged at the nonsensical words of the middle-aged woman earlier.

Rowane, on the other hand, had changed a lot.

As the saying went, a fall into the pit,a gain in.your wit. If Rowane could?realize her mistakes and turn over anew ‘leaf, it would be great. ‘Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org >

Ernest just wanted to confirm if Rowane was using Leah.

From the looks of it, Rowane had changed a lot. Ernest and Leah were gratified to hear what she had spoken to Keira earlier.

If others saw her efforts of penitence, they would certainly be willing to lend a helping hand.

On the contrary, if she showed no repentance at all and still pointed fingers at others, no one would be inclined to help her.

As they saw Rowane being bullied then, both Ernest and Leah would not sit by idly.

Ernest gripped Keira's wrist tightly and exerted some force.

"Ouch." Keira grimaced in pain and glared at Ernest, saying, "Who are you? Let go of me."

In fact, she made a guess in her heart. Being such a handsome bay, who came with Leah, could he be Leah's boyfriend, as mentioned by Rowane?Keira flew into a rage when she realized that he was Leah's boyfriend. She struggled angrily while snarling, "Let me go.”

Ernest suddenly loosened his grip. His strength was so strong that Keira almost fell to the ground

She staggered while trying her best to balance herself, and her hair was disheveled due to it

"Who... who are you? Do you know whe I am? How dare you do this to me?” Keira remained her arrogance, wanting to intimidate Ernest.

Although Ernest had always been always polite, he couldn't help becoming sharp-tongued before this opinionated old woman.

"You conceited old woman! Wheredid you came from? Don't tell methat you've fled from a mental >hospital. You yourself don't evenknow who you are, so why stiouldwe-know?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org “

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