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Chapter 1803

Leah found Ernest's words a little threatening. He was forcing her.

Fixing her deep gaze on him, Leah sighed helplessly. Only then did she say, "Of course I want to marry you. Why would you even think that I don'twant to marry you? Isn't the final goal of me doing all these things and communicating with you to marry you at last, and live a life with you?"

In Leah's mind, that was her real purpose. How could he doubt it?

Hearing that, Ernest finally softened his expression a little, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly curled“If you want to marry me, what's the difference between meeting my parents earlier and later?”

Leah was startled. His question had brought her back to the paradoxical situation.

It seemed that he still really wanted her to meet his parents.

"Besides, haven't you met my uncle? He likes you very much, and he told my aunt after he went back last time. Now, my whole family wants to meetyou. Also, you've already accepted to my uncle's invitation. Don't tell me that you want to visit my aunt and uncle first before visiting my parents? Thatwill be absurd and the priorities will be set wrong, right?"

Hearing what Ernest said, Leah was perplexed.

She blinked with a flash of worry in her eyes. Looking at Ernest, she said with great concern, "Yes, I seem to have accepted it, but I did it out ofcourtesy. In fact, I really haven't thought about having dinner with your relatives so scon, especially with your aunt and uncle. Even though I'm awarethat they are the people who dote on you the most, but it seems a bit too hail-fellow-well-met for me.”

While speaking, she smiled awkwardly as she had been filled with embarrassment and apprehensionShe felt so conflicted at the moment.

Gazing at Leah, an idea came into Ernest's mind. He then said, "You accepted it of your own accord. By the time my uncle invites you officially afterhe has made the preparation, if you turn him down, think about the impression you will make in our family. Will they consider you an unreliable girl?”

Ernest was confident that she would be unnerved after hearing what he said. Sure enough, she was panic-stricken in an instant when she heard hiswords.

Sitting on the sofa restlessly. she stared blankly at Ernest. Afterward, she shouted helplessly, “Yes, it seems so. Why didn't I think of it?”Ernest looked at her with a smile and said nothing.

Leah became even more dejected

She screamed as she was annoyed, "I did... I did promise your uncle. What should I do then?”

Ernest still didn't speak. Judging by his expression, it was as if he wanted to say that the choice was hers, and anyway, she was the one who madethe promise with her own free will. He felt that it would be unwise to force her hastily, and that he'd better adopt a strategy to make her meet hisparents earlier.

As a matter of fact, after chewing over his future sanely, he was determined to take her to be his wife.

If she was unwilling to meet his parents after a long time, it would turn out to be a real problem.

Therefore, he viewed their opinions as two different logics. He did agree with her words that they should be more rationalNotwithstanding his agreement. he was doing everything for her.

He just wanted to convey the indication that he was ready to take her to be his wife by bringing her home to meet his parents.Moreover, he wanted to let her know that his parents had felt the same.

Leah probably couldn't apprehend it then. Ernest hoped that she could understand it in the future.

Ernest looked at her without saying anything.

After listening to his words, Leah got fidgety. She immediately shook Ernest's arm coquettishly and said, "Then what should I do? They will definitelythink that I don't respect them. I don't want to give such an impression to the elders."

"Then come home with me in a few days." Ernest's gaze was deep when he took her small hands and pulled her up.The two of them stood face to face, looking at each other.Leah hesitated and pursed her lips.

Ernest held her in his arms and said softly. "Leah, trust me. I know that you have a lot of uncertainties, and you are afraid that we may not have ahappy ending, and that I may not be mature enough to provide you a blissful future.”

Leah puckered her lips and stared blankly into his eyes

She felt that Ernest seemed to know her well

He understood what she thought even though she had not said them aloud.Only then did she nod.

Ernest cracked a smile and said, "You're just thinking too much."

"Yes, I'm a bundle of nerves." Leah also smiled sheepishly, feeling that her cowardice had indeed gotten the better of her. How could she not beconfident at such moment? She pondered on that.

She began to despise herself.

"I can see that." Ernest lightly patted her on the back. His action was affectionate, and his eyes were filled with tenderness. "Perhaps I didn't do wellenough to give you a sense of security. I'm sorry, Leah."

He lowered his head to gaze at her. The two of them were close together. Ernest's eyes were fixed on her face whereas his breath was gentlybrushing on her cheeks. His voice was low, magnetic and full of patience.

He seemed to have returned to his former gentlemanly and refined self.

"You don't have to apologize.” Leah shook her head. "I'm even worse."

Leah felt embarrassed. Perhaps everything was caused by her lack of courage.Hearing what she said, Ernest became even gentler.

He lifted her chin and looked into the depths of her eyes.

Just like that, he stared deeply at her, causing her face to flush unconsciously.

'I've failed to offer a sense of security to you. It's all my fault that you've wound up so unhappy.” Only then did Ernest feel that he seemed to be tookeyed up.

Leah shook her head. "No, Ernest, you're doing fine. Don't say that."

"Actually, I'm beside myself withworry too. I keep fretting overdifferent issués that perhaps it hasresulted in may continual frown,which ther contributed to the frightsI've always given you unknowingly. Iwill werk hard to improve it. IAopethat Such communication can takeplace often in the future, so that wecan let each other know what wehave been feeling in our hearts. Onlythen can we solve the problems,"Ernest told her in a serious tone.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Leah nodded and replied softly, "I also think that we should communicate frequently te know what's going on each other's mind."

The tone of Ernest's voice becamesofter. His eves landed on her, and. ™

he said, "IKyou don't want to meet->my pareftts at all, then I'll put it offAlthough I really want to introduceyoutd them, I'll still respect you. Wecarrdo it after you're ready;*Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org <>

Leah's heart missed a beat when she heard that. Feeling that she had gone a little overboard, she lowered her eyelids and answered softly, "Give mesome more time. I will try my best to be brave and meet your parents before Christmas. Is that okay?"

Hearing her words, the corners of Ernest's lips lifted again. He said with a pleasant smile, "Of course, they will be very pleased. They are quiteaffable, and they won't care about your background, understand?"

After a pause, she nodded.

In sooth, it most likely was what troubled her more toa.

After all, the Jones family was not an ordinary family. Leah felt that it was still her concern subconsciously.novelbin

"I understand.” Leah nodded solemnly. "Thank you, Ernest.”

He knew how she felt. To her, that was enough.

Only when he knew how she felt could he soothe some of her nerves.

"Silly girl, I'll give you some strength with this." As Ernest spoke, he beamed at her and lowered his head to plant a kiss on her lips.

Leah's face was very warm. She buried it in his chest as she was too bashful to look at him again.

"Are you shy?” He asked mischievously, grinning.

Being vexed, Leah said gloomily in his embrace, "In fact, I'm afraid that I'm not good enough and won't be liked by your parents.”

Ernest raised his eyebrows and always felt that Leah was not so lacking of confidence. He smiled and said, "Aren't you quite a self-assured girl?"

"That's what you see on the surface. Beneath it. I'm quite incompetent when it comes to certain aspects." Meeting his parents was an example ofthose aspects.

"Well, you are pretty active when it

comes to theselationship between aman and aweoman. The same goesto our inti’nacy in bed." Hugging her,Ernest laughed impishly. He <>

continued to tease her deliberdtelby saying, "Even behaving a$-a

‘quéen’ in bed won't be a challengefor you, how can meeting?myparents be? Is it really so horrible?"

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Hey, pipe down." Leah instantly shouted shamefacedly, "Stop saying that.”She couldn't care less back then. Furthermore, they were in love with each other. Hence, of course she was courageous in bed.She loved him so much that she naturally had to go for broke.

Thus, it seemed that she could do the same then when it came to meeting his parents. There was nothing to be afraid of if it was for the sake ofErnest.

After a moment of silence, she said, "All right, I'll go all out. Choose whichever day you prefer. As long as you feel that it's all right to go to your house,I'll do it.”

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