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Chapter 1802

After hanging up the phone, Ernest came out of the room to find that Leah was sitting on the sofa outside. Seeing him coming out, Leah asked himanxiously, "Did you make the call?"

Ernest nodded and answered, "Yes, my mother told me to take you home for dinner in a few days.”"Ah!" Leah was discomposed as soon as she heard that, and there was a patent nervousness in her look.

Looking at Ermest, she asked nervously, “Are you going to take me to your home for dinner? What should I wear? What gifts should I prepare? Is itappropriate for me to go home with you so soon? I think it's too soon. Isn't it too fast? Do you find it appropriate?"

Seeing how Leah bombarded him with so many questions without stopping, Ernest didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Going home with me for dinner is not an exactly dangerous activity. Why are you getting so jumpy?" He walked over, bent down and rested bothhands on the sofa's handles. Then, he leaned over and moved closer to Leah. It was plainly visible to him that she was high-strung and was inapanic.

It seemed that the news really put her on pins and needles.

He didn't quite understand a woman's mindset. He wondered why she was so apprehensive about meeting his parents.

After a cogitation by putting himself in her shoes, he thought it might be a similarity between girls.

They would get agitated easily because they were easily shy.

He found Leah's expression at that moment, which had been filled with anxiety and dismay. very adorable.

His expression softened when he noticed it. Following that, he looked at her, grinned and said, "It's all right. Don't be nervous. I'll take care of you."Pouting, Leah stared at him with her eyes widened, without saying a word

Ernest extended his hand and tapped the exquisite looking tip of her nose with his slender finger before saying dotingly, "It seems that I can't rejectmy parents. You still have to go back with me to meet them."

"I'm aware of it." Leah pouted again. "I've known that I need to meet your parents since I met your uncle-in-law today. However, don’t you think thatmeeting your parents now is a little too hasty? We've just reconciled, and there are still too many misunderstandings and differences of opinionbetween us. I just feel that this is too impetuous. You have to let me think about it. After all, it's the most important part of my life, and I don’t want toact impulsively. I hope you can understand.”novelbin

Hearing that, Ernest frowned. He thought Leah was just too bashful to meet his parents, but he didn't expect her to say that.

Ernest had a hunch that she didn't just hesitated because she was bashful. It seemed to him that she didn't want to meet his parents at that stage.Having discovered that. Ernest furrowed his brows and felt that she had taken too many considerations into account.

He didn't like those considerations that she was having

He took a deep breath and told her, "So, do you mean that you still need to consider your relationship with me carefully, and that you won'tnecessarily marry me because you have other choices? Or, let me put in this way, you are uncertain if you want to marry me in the future."

Leah pursed her lips. recalling what she had experienced in Landon. She could not help but to feel worried.Nonetheless, she wanted to marry Ernest because she liked him.

She replied, "Ernest, don't get me wrong. I think it's necessary to make it clear to you. I've never thought about not marrying you. I just think that ifthere is a misunderstanding between us one day, or if I've done something wrong that dissatisfies you, you might be angry with me.”

Ernest answered, "However, I think these are all your excuses.”

Leah shook her head. "See? Just like what's happening right now, whenever what I say don't go with your expectations, you'll unconsciously frown,and there will be an unapproachable aura about you. It's very cold, and such caldness really intimidates me."

Hearing that, Ernest knitted his brows unconsciously again. Subsequently, his jaw dropped, as if he was incredulous.

"Look how you're frowning now. Isn't it scary?” As Leah spoke, she took a picture of him with her phone, and then showed it to him.

Ernest took a look and couldn't help but to be dumbfounded.

It was because his image in the photo was indeed very frightening. He wondered since when did such sharpness creep into his expression.He instantly relaxed his brows, trying to ease the aloofness on his face

"It's much better now." Leah smiled at his change as she actually felt more comfortable. She said gravely to him. "Actually, my determination mainlydepends on your attitude towards me."

Ernest looked at her. "Perhaps you've misunderstood me. I know it without a shadow of a doubt that the woman I want to spend my life with is you."

Leah was touched. "If you are reallysure it is me, fwill be with youwithout hest 3itation, but I always feelthat theresare still many problems .~betweenus hat needs to be solved.Now that they still remain iunresolved, it will be overhasty forreto meet your parents which isdisadvantageous to the ©development of our relationship.What do you think?" Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

For the first time, Emest felt that she was sensible.He also had to admit that her rational consideration could have stemmed from her academic background in law.

Indeed, there were too many problems between them at the moment, and they hadn't reached a harmonious relationship that had been constantlyimproving yet.

From time to time, there would still be a lot of negative emotions surfacing between them.Ernest deeply felt that it might be caused by the uncertainties of a long-distance relationship.

If he and Leah could be together every day, they wouldn't be in such a hurry just because they could only meet for a brief moment, and they wouldalways have the time and space to deal with those problems, then things might be easily solved.

At least, they wouldn't be as restless as they were then.“Leah, I think our problems boil down to the longdistance relationship that we're having. That's why there are so many uncertainties!”

"Ernest. I don't think it's because of our longdistance relationship. Even if it does contribute to our problems, it's just a small part of it. I think the mostimportant factor is our personalities.

I'm probably not as optimistic, elegant and easygoing as you think, whereas you're not as gallant, modest and gentle as I think.

In fact, we didn't show our true side to each other unreservedly, thus when we notice that side of each other. we were both caught off guard, becauseit's so different from what our impressions told us."

A pucker appeared between Ernest's eyebrows as he stared at Leah carefully.

Leah smiled and continued saying, “For instance, every time I talk about something you disagree with, you will frown. When I see it, my heart can'thelp but twitch and my heart will be racing.

Somehow, I'll inexplicably feel like I've said something wrong, and I'll observe your expression carefully to determine if I'm really wrong. Also,whenever you don't frown, I will heave a sigh of relief unknowingly.

I don't want this to be the way we get along. With one party especially disconcerted whereas the other one exceptionally displeased, as it will lead tonumerous misunderstandings between us.”

"Will you really feel unsettled whenever I frown?" Ernest asked uncertainly.Leah nodded. “Yes, everytime you frown, I couldn't help but to feel nervous."

Ernest then nodded his head in seriousness. "Okay, I'll try to make some improvements in this aspect. How about this, I'll open my heart to you first. Ikept frowning just now because I felt like you were hiding secrets from me.”

Leah blinked her eyes and listened carefully.

"Let's begin with the phone. Youdon't want tortell me your secrets,but I think that you are mine, and I'vethe right&to know them. Althoughshouldbe more chivalrous and->respect your freedom and privacy, Istittwant to know what's geing oniny6ur mind. This is my selfishness.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

So, if I don't know about them, I'll be unhappy and I'll frown unintentionally. I've to admit that I don't look good after I see myself frowning in the photo.”Leah's mind went blank momentarily. She didn't expect Ernest to take the initiative to tell her so honestly how he had been feeling deep down.

It made her a bit surprised, touched and gratified at the same time.

At the very least, such a constructive communication was what she hoped for.

It was a good start.

Communication meant that there would be hope.

"On top of that, when I asked you to go hame with me to meet my parents just now, you were so worried. I feel that your worry is completelyunnecessary, and I also think that the reason you refuse to meet my parents is because you don't want to marry me.

Perhaps you didn't have such a disinclination, or maybe you're planning for other options in your life. Leah, anyhow, I hope that you can go all out andpay no heed to everything else when we're dating."

Leah nodded and looked at Ernestwith a suddenvealization. "So, wasthat what yau-were worried about?It's not thatt don't want to meet yourparents. {just feel that it's too earlyto let our parents get involved inourrelatisnship. There might be, foreproblems after that, and when thesepréblems intertwine together withour previous problems, things mightget more complicated. Do youunderstand what I mean?" Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Ernest stared at her with full attention, blinking his eyes intermittently. After a long while, he asked, "Then let me ask you one simple question, do youwant to marry me?”

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