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Chapter 1782

Rowane was startled to hear Leah inviting her over. She stared blankly at Leah.

She seemed to be embarrassed.

After a long silence, she said, "Leah, I'm going to the police station later. I bought the taser online, and I'll gift it to you now. Just use it against him if he ever finds you again. It's strong enough."

She passed the taser to Leah.novelbin

Leah was startled. "I can buy it myself."

"I've bought two," Rowane said, "This is for you."

Leah was startled again. She didn't expect that.

She didn't put on airs either and reached out to take it. "Thank you."

Rowane shook her head and smiled. "Ever since he assaulted me, I was traumatized and I prepared this in advance. I knew he wasn't going to behave himself when I saw him leaving earlier today."

"He was so relieved after my abortion at the hospital yesterday. He wasn't upset at all." "I couldn't believe that he wasn't at least sad to end our baby's life." "Only then did I realize that he wanted to get rid of me."

"I don't mind the fact that he doesn't love me. But then, why did he force himself on me when he doesn't love me at all?"

"Although I was the one who wanted to get his attention, I had never imagined being assaulted by him, let alone getting myself pregnant."

Rowane laughed in a self-deprecating manner. It made her face even paler.

Leah could only offer her comfort, "It's okay. We all make mistakes in our lives. Don't belittle yourself over this. Just take care of yourself and bounce back from this. You will still get to find someone better."

Of course, Rowane would still have a lot to improve on before she could find someone better. Leah kept this in her heart.

Rowane let out a wry smile. "I don't deserve anyone better. I am a bad person and I deserve to be punished."

Leah thought for a while without saying anything.

"Leah, why don't you bring me to the police station near campus? I wish to put an end between me and Hogan." Rowane said.

Leah was confused. She thought that Rowane was just bluffing about this in front of Hogan.

She didn't expect Rowane to say this even when Hogan was no longer around them.

This really surprised Leah. She stared deeply at Rowane and said, "You really have to think carefully about this. Once you report this to the police, you and Hogan will both face disciplinary punishment and that will only make you the gossip topic across campus. How are you supposed to fall in love again?"

"I don't plan on falling in love again. I love Hogan, a lot, although he isn't worth it at all. I have always been in love with him. He's my everything."

​"I'm used to taking things away from you. Maybe this was also why I fell for Hogan in the first place. I used to think that it would be the end of the world to lose him. Now that I've seen his true colors, now that I've noticed that he doesn't even feel sorry for me, then maybe I should start hating him instead. As long as he would remember me."

Leah gasped. "Rowane, you are not thinking straight about this. This isn't love. It isn't worth it to ruin yourself over someone who doesn't love you back."

"It's worth it to me. Leah, just accompany me to the police station, will you?" Rowane took her hand. "I am too weak to walk there on my own. Can you bring me to the station and then to my place for the evidence?"

Seeing that Rowane had made up her mind, Leah nodded and said, "Sure, if you're really doing this, I'll go with you."

"But then, shouldn't you at least tell your mom about this?"

Rowane shook her head. "There's no need for that. She wouldn't be interested to know about my stuff. Let's just do it my way."

Thus, Leah helped Rowane to the police station.

They requested to make a report once they reached the station.

The police officer looked at them with surprise. "What report are you making?"

Leah glanced back at Rowane.

She knew that this was Rowane's matter. Leah didn't want Rowane to regret this in the future, hence she waited for Rowane to speak up.

Rowane sat on the chair and said lightly, "I was sexually assaulted about a month ago. I got pregnant and I terminated my pregnancy yesterday. I wish to make a police report on this."

"Why are you only reporting this now? Especially after terminating your pregnancy," The police officer frowned. "Why didn't you report this earlier? It'd be much easier for us to gather evidence too." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Leah noticed that she could no longer stay away from this, hence she spoke up. "She was threatened by her assaulter but she kept the evidence too. It's a sheet with his semen and bodily fluid. This evidence is solid enough. Moreover, carrying out an investigation is the police's duty. I hope this can be put on record." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The police officer was startled. "Did you really keep the evidence?"

Rowane nodded. "I also kept the fetus with me. It can prove that I was pregnant with his child. These are solid evidence we're talking about."

"If it really happened against your will, then this matter would become a criminal case, and the other party will have to go to jail because of this." the police officer said.

Rowane pursed her lips and said, "I know. I have thought about this already."

Thus, the case was established.

The police would have to carry out the investigation as long as a case was established.

After making the police report, Leah helped Rowane back to her place to get the evidence.

They returned to the station and presented the evidence to the police. The police officers were taken aback.

Much later, on their way back, Leah felt complexed. She didn't expect things to become like this.

She used to look down upon Rowane. However, after this incident, she started to respect Rowane's courage.

If this was to happen to Leah, she might not even have the courage to make a police report. After all, she knew what she would be facing if this was made public. She didn't dare imagine if she would be able to face it alone. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Perhaps, people could still change.

Rowane has changed, and so did her father after meeting her stepmother.

Ernest has changed, and so did she.

Upon returning to her apartment, Hogan was no longer there.

Leah returned to her place. She took out her phone and saw the voice note Maria sent her.

It was an apology. Maria was sorry about letting Ernest talk to her. Maria claimed that she didn't do it on purpose.

How did she not do it on purpose? Leah thought to herself. She had a feeling that Maria was trying to get her and Ernest back together.

She put her phone away and was about to go shower when she received another notification. It was another apology from Maria.

Maria also asked if she could call Leah again. She said that she was in her own room and she made sure she would never let Ernest interrupt them again.

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