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Chapter 1781

Rowane cried even more bitterly.

Hogan wasn’t saying anything despite Rowane crying and complaining about him.

He stood there like a statue.

At first, Leah thought that he wasn’t saying anything out of his guilt.

But she instead the coldness in Hogan’s eyes through the weak light.

He wasn’t guilty at all. He just didn’t take it to heart. He was watching Rowane’s crying as if watching a play, totally unmoved.

In the past, he would still be nervous about Rowane, but now that Rowane was acting like this, he was not moved at all.

This was probably because he didn’t love her.

He abandoned her as soon as he got her.

He used to do everything to get on her good side when he was still pursuing her.

Now that they were together, he no longer found it interesting, and he even lost his patience and sympathy for her.

Leah was upset about this too.

Noticing that Hogan wasn’t saying anything, Rowane was still crying in Leah’s arms.

She was crying as if the whole world had collapsed.

Leah’s heart ached to see how pitiful Rowane was.

This was perhaps because they were related by blood.

She wouldn’t take pleasure in Rowane’s misfortune. Instead, she felt sorry for her.

Leah felt Rowane’s pain.

“Rowane, stop crying. It won’t help with anything.” Leah said. She wanted to see Rowane bounce back from this to settle whatever was between her and Hogan.

Rowane continued to sob.

Leah grabbed hold of her and asked, “Rowane, tell me. What’s your next plan?”

Rowane remained silent.

Leah said, “Rowane, see for yourself. He’s saying nothing at all despite you looking like this. He will never take responsibility for this. Even if he chose you right now, you will still lead a miserable life together because he doesn’t love you at all.” “Hogan, why aren’t you saying anything?” Rowane finally shouted out.

“I have nothing to say to you.” Hogan retorted as if he was waiting for Rowane to speak first.

Rowane bit her teeth and asked, “How can you do this to me? You promised you will stop looking for my sister, and yet you went back on your words again and again. Are you even a man?”

Perhaps the last sentence was a little too much, Hogan burst into a roar, “Don’t you know if I’m a man or not?”

Rowane was startled. Huge tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared blankly at Hogan. His face was slightly distorted in the darkness.

Seeing Hogan’s reaction, Leah was mad too. She sneered, “Even if you’re biologically a man, you still aren’t manly enough. You shouldn’t have come to me on the second day of her ending the pregnancy for you. You are nothing but a greedy scumbag who thinks that you can get your way with us. You are shameless.”

“So what if I’m shameless? You aren’t that noble either.” Hogan retorted.

“Rowane, if you’re asking for my advice, then just break up with him already. Otherwise, I won’t pity you if you come crying to me again.” Leah said.

Hearing Leah’s words, Rowane was still looking at Hogan in a daze, as if she wanted to get an

answer from Hogan.

However, Hogan wasn’t responding at all. He was just glaring at Rowane. He wasn’t bothered at all.

He didn’t even react upon hearing what Leah said. It was as if he couldn’t wait for Rowane to cut ties with him.

Rowane trembled in anger upon noticing this. Her anger burst out as she roared to Hogan, “I’m reporting you to the police. I will sue you for sexual assault!”

Upon hearing this, Hogan smiled faintly and said, “You already terminated your pregnancy, do you think the police will believe your claims? Also, what will you get for suing me? I’m sure the whole campus will be talking about this by then. You will only be humiliating yourself.”

“I’m a man after all. It doesn’t affect me as much as it affects you. I’d advise you to not act recklessly so that you wouldn’t be ruining your own life.”

Rowane gasped.

She was threatened.

He was probably certain that she wouldn’t dare to make a police report.

She suddenly laughed at this.

She was laughing amidst her tears.

“Rowane, can you see it now? This is the true colors of the man you loved for these many years. Isn’t he heartless? Isn’t he scary?”

Leah was frustrated as she saw Rowane laughing and crying at the same time.

Her laughter was so sorrowful.

She looked so pitiful and Leah couldn’t bear to see her dwelling in her misfortune.

After several attempts at holding back her emotions, Leah said again, “Rowane, just break up with him and stay away from him. You will find someone better.”

“That isn’t true.” Rowane shook her head. She then wiped her tears away. She straightened her back as if she’s suddenly determined, as she said, “Help me call the police. I’m suing him for sexual assault.” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Leah and Hogan were both startled to hear that.

Fear suddenly flashed across Hogan’s eyes. He stared in panic at Rowane as he said in a low voice, “Rowane, you’d better think twice about this. It wouldn’t do you any good to report me to the police. Everyone will know that you’ve slept with me.” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“It doesn’t matter. Everyone will also get to know that you, Hogan Wells, sexually assaulted me, and not only did you get me pregnant, you also made me stop the pregnancy for you…This will follow you for the rest of your life,” Rowane said word by word, “I’m suing you for sure, and we are now officially done.” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Rowane then turned around and looked at Leah.

Rowane then bowed deeply to Leah, which startled Leah a little.

Leah did not expect her to apologize, let alone bow down to her. It really seemed to Leah that Rowane had finally come back to her senses. If she could really stay away from Hogan, this might be the best for Rowane.

“Leah, I was wrong, please forgive me,” Rowane repeated.

“It’s fine,” Leah shook her head, “Rowane, have you really decided to put him behind bars, despite knowing your risks?”

“I have already thought things through. Even if this would ruin my reputation for good, I believe it wouldn’t be any better for him either.” Rowane then cast another glance at Hogan. She was determined.

Hogan had never seen Rowane look this determined. He even frowned in disbelief.

Rowane was still looking at him as she said, “I will put you behind the bars so that you remember to never cross me.”

Hogan warned with anger, “Rowane, do you really have to do this? Are you happy to see me suffer?”

“Yes,” Rowane admitted, “I want to see you suffer. I want to see your life ruined like mine. I want all the women out there to stop believing in your crap.”

Rowane then grabbed Leah’s arm and walked towards the gate.novelbin

Hogan was terrified. He immediately reached out to pull Rowane by her arm, trying to stop them from walking away. He wasn’t sure if they were working together to sue him.

If that was the case, as an undergraduate, he would not only face disciplinary punishment, he would also be expelled.

No. He couldn’t let this happen to him.

However, Rowane flung away from him. She grabbed something from her pocket and reached it out to Hogan.

The next second, Hogan let out a miserable scream. He bounced away from her.

Leah was also shocked as she looked at Rowane in surprise.

She was holding something that resembled a flashlight, which Leah assumed to be a taser.

The size was almost the size of a flashlight.

It was small in size yet strong enough to keep perverts away.

Leah never expected to see Rowane treating Hogan like this.

The shock sent Hogan to the ground. He still seemed to be trembling, not sure due to the shock or his fear.

Rowane seized the opportunity to grab Leah. “Let’s go.”

They ran all the way to one of the school buildings. They were still panting as they stood there. Rowane was still weak and she panted for a long while before standing up straight again.

Leah was also a little breathless. “I’m heading back later. Why don’t you stay with me tonight?

You look too weak to be on your own.”

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