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Chapter 1775

One would compromise not for any other reason, but because of the deep love they had for theother party.

It was the same for Maria. She thought lowly of herself when it came to love.

Ernest's eyes narrowed as if he had been touched by her words.

He heard Maria continue saying, "I know everything is behind us now. I still feel the pain when Ithink about it."

"It's behind us now." Ernest found her mindset unique.

"It's indeed in our past now. I don't think anyone could move on this quickly. I just happened to beable to tell right from wrong," Maria said.

"Leah is not as wise as you." Ernest smiled bitterly.

"You're wrong. It's not like Leah can't tell, she's just affected by your attitude. She was misled,"Maria reminded him, "It all comes back to you, Ernest. She only left you because she thought youstill had feelings for Celeste. She thought Celeste was more important to you. Your attitude is whatmatters here!"

"My attitude?" Ernest frowned. "What's wrong with my attitude?"

"Your attitude makes Leah think that you still love Celeste." Maria pointed out sharply.

In an instant, Ernest was shocked. "Since when did I love Celeste?"

He used to have a crush on Celeste, but it was too far to claim that he loved her.

"Look, you don't even know where the problem lies." Maria spread out her hands. "How can youexpect Leah to be with you?"

"What about Liam then?" Ernest suddenly grew curious to know what exactly went wrong betweenhim and Leah.

Maria smiled bitterly. "He apologized to me, and also told me about his feelings for Celeste."

"But Ernest, if my guess is right, you haven't been honest with Leah regarding whatever that isbetween you and Celeste, have you? That's exactly why Leah left. She didn't feel like you loved heras much."

"Besides, it was Leah who confessed her feelings for you in the first place, wasn't it? I believe shewas also the one who wanted to get intimate with you first, am I right?"

Maria looked at Ernest, her gaze mixed with doubts and contempt.

Ernest's brows furrowed. He took another deep breath and said, "Is this what you women talk abouttogether?"

Maria nodded. "Of course, we talk about everything."

"Just like how you have talked about your crush on Celeste with Liam. We talk about our ownsecrets too."

This was beyond Ernest's expectations.

Why would Leah mistake him for still having a crush on Celeste?

He was still holding onto his laptop. His gaze was distant for a while before saying, "I thought thatLeah didn't trust me, and that made me angry. It didn't occur to me that our misunderstandings

stemmed from us not trusting each other."

Maria shrugged and said, "Ernest, you have to spend more time together to build the trust.However, you and Leah were not only geographically separated, but also not making enough timefor each other. Leah already came all the way here to visit you. That showed how much she lovesyou, yet your attitude killed everything she had for you."

Ernest couldn't come up with anything.

Maria stared at him for a while and said, "Did you change your mind? Are you coming back withme? You might get to meet Leah and talk things out."

"Do you think I still have a chance?" asked Ernest.

His tone was a little desolate.

He was not confident in himself.

"The opportunity is in your hands," Maria clenched her fist and waved it in front of Ernest, "Just goand apologize to her. I believe you can make this work again. Leah loves you too much to notforgive you."

Ernest looked at his laptop again and hesitated.

"What is your answer then? Are you coming back or not?" Maria was getting anxious. "If you stillrefuse to come back with me, you will never get to fix this."

Ernest raised his gaze and nodded. "I will come back with you."

"That's what I'm talking about." Maria smiled.

At least Leah and Ernest still had a chance to get together again.

Maria was excited.

For the next few days, Maria was busy packing her luggage as well as preparing her thesis for thesemester. She would be having her break after this.

Ernest was still busy with his stuff. He would even stay up late at night and barely went to bed.

One day, Maria finally couldn't help but ask him, "What are you busy with? I see you spending allyour time typing on your laptop. Aren't you worried that this will affect your sight?"

Ernest was still typing. Without raising his gaze, he replied, "I'm writing something and it will bedone soon."

"What are you writing then?" Maria got even more curious. "Is it a thesis? I noticed that you haven'tbeen going to the laboratory. Are you working on a thesis paper?"

"No, it's something else." Ernest clearly didn't want to talk much about it.

Maria noticed it too. She frowned slightly and said, "Fine by me if you don't want to talk about it.Anyway, did you get in touch with Leah?"

"No," Ernest shook his head and looked up at Maria. "Have you contacted her?"

"Ernest, do you even like Leah? How can you not get in touch with her?" Maria asked.novelbin

"Of course I like her." He just wasn't used to taking the first step.

"In that case, why don't you contact Leah?"

Maria felt that she was more anxious about this than he was. She was worried about fixing theirrelationship, yet they didn't seem to be bothered at all.

Leah wasn't answering her calls either. Even after Maria sent her a video call request, Leah onlyreplied with a text message saying she was busy.

Busy, busy, busy.

Both of them were always busy. Maria felt like she was way too free compared to these two.

Ernest was also helpless about the situation. He wanted to call Leah, but then she had alreadyblocked his number.

He was too far away from her, and there was no way he could reach her. He was worried that shewould hang up the call before he could explain himself. That would only make things worse. Thus,he couldn't bring himself to call her.

Looking at how calm Ernest was, Maria was even more anxious.

"Forget it. Don't call if you don't want to. I'll help you call her. I just can't stop myself from helping theboth of you!"

Maria took out her phone. She wanted to try her luck and see if Leah would answer her call!

After a while, the call was connected, and Leah's crisp voice could be heard. "Hi Maria, how haveyou been?"

Maria did not say anything. She observed Leah's background in the video call. Leah seemed to beoutside. It was night time over there and there were some buildings in her background.

Maria couldn't help but frown and ask, "Why are you not at home when it's so late already?"

"I had a gathering just now and I'm still outside. What's the matter? Why are you sending me videocall requests? Could it be that you're worried about me? Anyway, do I look prettier now?" Leah

asked while pointing at her own face.

Judging from her tone, Leah seemed to be in a great mood. She was teasing Maria as usual andshe sounded cheerful. Maria even started suspecting if Leah had already moved on from this.

Wouldn't it be too soon for her to be over Ernest?

Maria shook her head and said to her, "Leah, you're too thin. Tell me, how much weight have youlost recently?"

It was true that Leah got much prettier, but then her face got slimmer too.

Maria was a little worried after realizing that Leah had lost much weight.

She looked up at Ernest's direction, only to find Ernest looking tense. He was still holding his laptop,yet his expression stiffened.

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