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Chapter 1767

Meanwhile, in Northern City,Leah had returned to Northern City. After she arrived at her apartment, she got out of the car with her luggage and noticed that the main entrance was surrounded by construction workers.Surprised, she raised one of her eyebrows. "Excuse me, sir, why are you guys suddenly renovating the entrance?""Oh, it's a fresh commission and a lot of money to upgrade the door's security system. It's for the sake of this girl's safety. Apparently, she is the sweetheart of a wealthy man and an old friend of his."That was the builder's answer to Leah's question.Leah looked at him when he smiled. "Are you guys installing a security system equipped with video footage?""That's right. However, there's no need to worry. You'll be able to walk in through a monitor too in a much safer. If you don't know who it is ringing the doorbell, you don't have to let them in." The builder explained triumphantly."Ah, thank you." Leah nodded at the builder as a polite greeting, then brought her luggage into the building.She thought of that answer as the reason why her living girlfriend was finally at ease somewhere.It hadn't been renovated three years ago. Just as the building existed, it was a little affordable then. The rooms were small and not very luxurious, and Leah had not seen this man's face, and Leah thought she was among those people.Even though she was also spending money somewhat beyond her income, she was afraid that she would suddenly receive an upgrade to be able to rent a more spacious apartment somewhere else.Leah thought it was a lot more comforting as the building experienced.Even though Leah was living this rough three years before living with Morgan.She had already submitted her issues.Many students felt they weren't ready for a solution, but for some reason, Leah must attend to her worries before handing down the result.With the added security and decreased rent, it would be easier for her to fend off Morgan's advances.For the moment, Leah let out a small sigh as she climbed the opened the door to her apartment and went in. Then, she took a shower, changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed.It was late, and she was extremely sleepy. A good sleep was in her favor.In no time at all, Leah closed her eyes and fell into bed belongings.Early the next morning.Suddenly, the vibration of her cellphone rung her.Leah felt a brief vibration that caused her to jump a little. She did not know who had called her. She picked up her phone, glanced at it, and refused the call from Ernest.Several short seconds passed, and Leah fell back to sleep.She didn't want to purposely ignore the man. After some hesitation, she decided to answer her phone.Even if she did, she had to get on with her life and call the man calling her name.When Leah heard his voice, her heart suddenly tightened and she felt as if she had opened her in her chest.It was unfamiliar to her. Leah knew the reason. She had created a big heavy barrier between herself and him.Though it was strange compared to other memories and experiences, there was an invisible tension between the two of them.It felt like something they would probably never go away.Ernest, the only one who had been with her for the longest time.After their icy break-up, the tension between them had finally dissipated.Even though they did not know if they would ever see again in the future.He had always been on the cutting edge.Leah steeled herself in order to deal with distractions.Leah thought about everything under those circumstances after the breakup.It took her three years.After a long time, her eyes glistened and her heart, again, it was calm overall.Leah felt a brush of emotions well up in her heart when she heard Ernest's voice. She literally tensed up.When she heard his hard voice again.Even though she was pained deep inside.They used to be together. All their lives probably.It was not enjoyable at all.When Ernest heard Leah's calm, nonchalant tone, he tightened his grip on his phone.He found that he couldn't get any words out of his mouth.His throat had dried up completely.There was sadness in his eyes.She was in a small, two-bedroom building back in Northern City. If you were worried about my safety, I’m perfectly fine. You don't need to worry. I will keep myself safe here. I won't bother you in the future anymore.""Leah, is that what you think?""Isn't it time to end this one?" she finally spoke.He was staring at his phone’s screen. Eventually, she asked, "What else do you want me to say?"Ernest pursed his upper and lower lips, and stubbornly muttered his lips to the phone,Leah couldn't make up her mind soon. In a solemn and contemplating tone, "If there's anything, the phone is going to hang up now rather busy."She thought she should no longer rely on Ernest.Leah acted accordingly.She gave her phone a cold stare and let it on the table in front of her. She looked down at her phone, eyes filled with complex emotions."Enrest, what do you want to guys?"She was not supposed to share, as she was trying to finish them to make up all, she couldn't help but laugh. These were one of the times she watched Abraham may face began to face "Hey, Leah, do you want to go out again?" His voice was precisely directed at Leah.Hearing that, she would have to suppress this grief." Was he trying to ridicule her or simply to tamper on her pride?Feeling absolutely helpless, Leah whispered.Ernest said, "Let's reconsider, Leah. If that means that we'll never be together anymore? You're alright with that?""Is that true?"She had no close answers to mention him, and yet, a question about his feelings for Chloe made her instantly turned him against her.Who was the person who used weigh less close to her, he had acted cold just like her mind can help that she hung up.Leah probably already knew as she had never wanted to meet and love him regardless of what his feelings towards her were.Leah smiled bitterly, she had to post Ernest to not get in touch.He didn't want to fall in love with him.He was in charge of her mind.Leah had always the most hard to break up with Ernest. If they stayed together, she would only end up feeling sad.After a long pause, Leah piped up without waiting for Ernest's reply, "Ernest, if you meet a girl you like in the future, just treat her with all you have. Don't be passive. They don't know what it is a personality trait you have. Otherwise, they’ll think that you just don't like them enough to put in any effort."

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"You have to rewrite the ending." Victoria insisted.Leah merely replied, "I don't want to. If you think it that, then you can find someone else to rewrite the whole thing, or get them to pick up where I left."Victoria was surprised by Leah's attitude. She asked Leah what was wrong.Leah replied with a smile, "Nothing happened, I just went through a rough past. I'm still getting over it."Victoria could feel how sad and lonely Leah was with those words, so she stepped asking.

Leah thought that the possibility of that happening was very low.She honestly did not want to continue writing anymore.She just wanted to complete her studies and get certified as a lawyer as fast as possible.

"Okay, it's do as you wish." Victoria replied.Meanwhile, Mark was deeply upset when she finished reading the ending of the book that Leah had been working on.She knew that Leah's writing must have been influenced by Leah’s recent breakup.She must've lost Ernest too and thus was unable to bounce back from it.In the living room, Markie decided to go to Leah as Just as Leah picked up her phone, Ernest happened to walk down the stairs.He heard Markie's talk, "Leah, what's with the terrible ending of your book?”

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