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Chapter 1766

Ernest frowned and said coldly, "I know what I'm supposed to do. Don't be a busybody."

Pedro remained silent for a short while. Finally, he decided to keep quiet and left quickly.

If he couldn't persuade Ernest, he decided to do his best to take good care of Leah before she left.

With that, Pedro went to the villa next door.

Soon enough, he arrived outside the guest room on the second floor and knocked on the door.

He couldn't hear any sound coming from inside the room.

Pedro frowned and knocked on the door again. This time, he called out, "Miss Winston, are youalright?"

However, his question went unanswered.

Pedro continued anxiously, "Miss Winston, I'm worried about your safety. I'll open your door now,alright? If you can hear me, just answer me and let me know that you're fine. I'll leave you aloneafter that."

Still, silence greeted him.

Pedro had no choice but to open the door.

When the door opened, he found that there was no one in the room. The bed looked untouched,and Leah's luggage and backpack were all gone.

Leah herself was also nowhere to be seen.

On the bed, a note was addressed to Pedro. It read, "Mr. Butler, I have to leave now. Thank you foryour kindness, but I don't think I can bear to stay here any longer."

He gripped the paper in his hand and hurriedly shouted at the people downstairs, "Where is she?Where's Miss Winston?"

The people who were stationed at the door were also stunned. They didn't know how Leah haddisappeared from sight just like that.

Pedro immediately sent someone out to find Leah. After that, he looked through the security footageand discovered that Leah had crawled out of the window. After grabbing her luggage, she took thelong route and left.

She dragged her luggage out of the window with great difficulty. She looked determined to leave.

When Pedro saw that she had walked out of the villa and disappeared, he became anxious.

Back in the living room, he ordered everyone available to look for Leah and even gave Alex a call.

"Mr. Logan, please come over and help us. Miss Winston is missing. I really hope nothing badhappens to her. She came all the way here by herself! If something bad happens to her, how will weexplain it to her parents?"

"Who is Miss Winston?" Alex asked in confusion.

"Master Ernest's girlfriend. They had a fight and eventually Miss Winston decided that she wantedto leave," This was the first time Pedro had seen such a strong-willed girl. He sighed, "She evenclimbed out of the window. What a tough cookie."

"I'll be there in a minute," Alex did not understand what was going on, but it sounded like somethinghad gone really wrong. As such, he hurriedly made his way over.

When Ernest heard the news, he was dumbfounded.

Pedro passed Leah's note to him and frowned, "Master Ernest, you need to drop that prideful act ofyours. She won't come running back to you. She has to maintain her own pride as well."

As soon as Ernest saw the note, he froze.

He held the paper in his hand and stood stiffly with pursed lips. He did not move for a long while.

Everyone was busy trying to track Leah's whereabouts. Even Liam and Maria noticed thecommotion and went downstairs to see what was going on.

They saw that Ernest was standing still in the middle of the living room while everyone around himwas bustling about. Everything seemed out of place.

Ernest's face had turned ashen.

"What happened?" Maria asked Pedro.

"I'm not too sure myself," Pedro glared at Ernest and continued, "All I know is that Master Ernesthad a quarrel with Miss Winston. After that, Miss Winston wanted to leave tonight, but I thought thatit wouldn't be a good idea since it's the dead of night at the moment, so I got her to stay in the guestroom over at the villa next door. She somehow managed to climb out of the window with herluggage. I've never met such a determined girl like her before. She's really tough, isn't she? I haveto say, I admire her courage."

"Alright, stop singing praises about her. Do you think it'll help? What if something happens to her?"Maria asked seriously.novelbin

Pedro sighed, "Well, I already got a few people to go look for her."

He was pretty upset that things had come to this despite having played no part in this.

Suddenly, Ernest seemed to have snapped back to his senses and ran out of the door.

Pedro muttered angrily, "Oh, so he's finally going to do something about this. Gosh, all of thiscould've been prevented if he had just gone to look for her earlier! I did everything I could to advisehim, but he wouldn't listen to me! What a stubborn mule."

Liam turned to look at Maria.

Maria did not spare Liam another look. She hurriedly gave Leah a call.

Fortunately, Leah picked up the call.

Leah's soft voice greeted her, "Hello, Maria."

"Leah, where are you?" Maria asked anxiously, "I'm really worried about you. Even Pedro andErnest are worried as well. Ernest even ran out to look for you."

"I'm fine. I'm going to board the plane in five minutes," Leah replied, "I'm going to switch my phoneoff after this. You don't have to worry, I'm just going to fly back home and I'll call you once I'velanded. I'll let the others know as well once I've reached Northern City safely."

"Leah, what happened between you and Ernest?" Maria asked, feeling that something was off.

"We broke up," Leah remarked casually.

Maria was stunned.

"You've broken up?"

"Yes, we have," Leah let out a little chuckle at that, "Don't worry about me. I thought it through anddecided that it's the best decision I could make."

"Leah, didn't we agree that we would forgive and forget everything that happened in the past?"

"I know. It's just that I realized that he doesn't love me," Leah chuckled, "Since that's the case, whyshould I still cling to him? Isn't it better for me to let go? He even agreed that he wouldn't comelooking for me in the future."

"Leah, maybe there's some kind of misunderstanding."

"You're right," Leah laughed wryly, "It's a pretty big misunderstanding. I actually thought that heloved me. Even a little would be fine, but I suppose I was mistaken. He didn't love me at all."

Maria paused a little and asked, "Are you really at the airport?"

"Yes, I'm waiting to board the plane right now. I'll send you my flight number. You don't have to comefind me or anything. I'm safe, I promise. I'm going to board the plane right away," Leah said, readyto hang up.

"You should really talk to Ernest one last time," Maria tried to persuade Leah.

"No, that won't be necessary. You can help me tell him that I've left," Leah insisted.

"Alright," Maria was incredibly upset at how things had turned out.

Eventually, Leah hung up.

A while later, she sent Maria a photo of her plane ticket.

Leah was indeed due to fly back to Northern City very soon.

Maria realized that Leah had made the final decision to break things off with Ernest.

After Liam saw the photo of Leah's plane ticket on Maria's phone, he ran outside to catch up toErnest.

Ernest had just gotten into a car, but Liam managed to stop him just in time.

"Get out of my way," Ernest growled.

"The plane is going to take off any minute now," Liam shouted.

With just one sentence, Ernest leaned back into his seat, looking depressed.

Liam walked to the other side of the car and got into the passenger seat.

"Ernest, Maria managed to call Leah just now. She answered the call and I saw that she had sent aphoto of her plane ticket to Maria. What on earth happened between you two?"

Ernest stiffened in his seat. He pursed his lips and sighed, "I have no idea either."

Soon after, Alex came by with news that devastated Ernest.

"Leah has taken a plane back to Northern City. I asked someone to double check her flight numberat the airport. She has officially left the country."

Nobody said another word after that.

Ernest remained silent for a long while before heading back upstairs wordlessly.

He did not go back downstairs after that.

The next morning, Liam was preparing to fly back to Northern City.

He went to knock on Ernest's door to say goodbye to him. When Ernest answered the door, hiseyes were bloodshot, and he did not even bother to greet Liam.

"I'll help you check how Leah's doing once I get back."

"There's no need forthat," Ernest said calmly.

"If you're still going to be so stubborn about it, then there's no need for Liam to help you withanything!" Maria shouted from behind.

She shot a cold glare at Ernest from behind Liam. Although Ernest looked very pitiful, Maria did notsympathize with him.

She continued coldly, "Leah called me just now. She arrived at Northern City safe and sound. Youdon't have to worry needlessly about her anymore."

Ernest pursed his lips at the mention of that.

At that moment, his cell phone lit up with a message.

"I have reached Northern City safely. Don't worry and take care. Sincerely, Leah."

When Ernest saw the message, he felt his vision start to blur.

He could feel all sorts of emotions stirring in him at that moment.

Maria glared at him and turned to leave.

Likewise, Liam also muttered, "I should go, too. Take care, Ernest."

Then, he returned to his room and saw Maria sitting by herself on the bed with her arms wrappedaround her legs. Tears were streaming down her face.

Liam's face sank and he hurried over. "Maria, don't cry."

Maria shook her head.

"Liam, you should know how a woman feels when she's doing everything she can to pursue anotherman. If that man doesn't appreciate her, a sensitive woman would be able to realize it right away.Now that we're still in our honeymoon phase, all is well. But as time goes on, you might find that I'mbad-tempered and annoying. But that would only be because you don't love me enough to acceptmy flaws."

"If you love me, you will learn to accept my flaws and not use them as excuses to break up with me.But if you don't love me, then so be it. You don't have to force yourself to be with me."

"If you think that I can't fill the emptiness in your heart, you're free to leave me. I'll let you go. Youdon't have to force yourself."

Liam was shocked to hear that. He grabbed Maria and comforted her, "How many times do I haveto tell you that my feelings for you are real for you to believe me?"

Maria looked at him in a daze. When she saw the nervousness behind his eyes, she grinned, "Ibelieve you."

Her tear-stained face made Liam's heart quiver.

Liam's heart tightened in his chest. He held her in his arms and muttered, "Silly girl, don't overthinkthings."

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