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Chapter 1703

Meanwhile, at the hospital.

Alex booked an appointment for Grace that was in a hospital different from Cindy's.

He deliberately avoided the hospital where Cindy was staying.

After doing a series of blood tests, they had to wait for the results. Grace was nervous and heremotions were in turmoil.

She was not sure if she was really pregnant.

Even though she had been pregnant before, she had no idea if she was really pregnant this timeround. Other than feeling sleepy and having a change of appetite recently, she did not experienceany other symptoms.

She honestly had no idea if she was pregnant or not.

Frankly, she did not want to have any more children.

'But what if I really am pregnant?' She thought to herself.

In truth, she was secretly hoping that she was pregnant. The idea of a cute baby calling out for herwith its chubby, soft cheeks sounded enticing to her.

She figured that any middle-aged person would be ecstatic if they were able to give birth to anotherchild.

As she contemplated over the idea, she heard someone call out, "The results are out. It seems likeshe's pregnant. She should get another ultrasound scan just to make sure."

"She's pregnant?" Heinz was pleasantly surprised. He hurriedly reached out for Grace's hand andexclaimed in excitement, "Honey, did you hear that? You might be pregnant!"

Grace was evidently surprised as well as she looked into Heinz's eyes, muttering, "Really?"

"It seems like it. Let's get you over to the ultrasound room," Heinz proceeded to do so.

After Grace's ultrasound results came out, the doctor was certain that she was expecting children.Everything felt like a dream.

"She's pregnant with twins."

"Twins?" Heinz echoed back.

"Yes, twins," The doctor nodded with a smile.

When Grace heard that she was having twins, her mind went blank. Soon after that, she felt joy fillher heart. She felt euphoric for a short moment.

As the news had been really unexpected and shocking, she felt herself grow a little dizzy.

Grace was truly surprised.

The uneasiness she felt from before had instantly dissipated.

She was suddenly extremely ecstatic.

She was still in a daze as Heinz helped her off the bed.

When Grace took another look at the two fetuses on the sonogram, a proud grin began to form onher face.

She was going to have two more kids.

She couldn't help herself from letting out a hearty laugh.

Grace was really happy.

When Grace and Heinz walked back to the car, broad grins were still plastered on their faces.

Alex congratulated Heinz, "President Jones, congratulations to you and your wife! I can't believeyou're having twins. Your wife's amazing! I can't believe she's going to be having twins again. Shemust be a record breaker."

"Of course! My wife is nothing but amazing," Heinz was also very proud, "It's really rare, isn't it?"

"It is indeed," Alex let out a soft sigh, "I think Madam Grace should go back early to get some


"I know," Heinz said before reminding, "Keep a close eye on Cindy."

"Understood. I haven't taken my eyes off her since I've been here," Alex knew that Cindy was acunning woman, so he was extra precautions.

Very quickly, Heinz drove Grace back home.

After returning home, Grace was treated like a princess. Heinz brought her food and drinks and dideverything she asked.

Before Heinz could call Gary on the phone to tell him the good news, Gary had beaten him to it.

"How was it? Is mom pregnant?" At the company, Gary heard from Alex that Grace had justcompleted her checkup.

After he heard the news, he immediately called Heinz to ask about Grace.

"Take a guess," Heinz wanted to keep Gary on his toes.

"From your smug tone, I'm pretty sure that she is pregnant, isn't she?" Gary knew Heinz well.

Heinz beamed, "You know me too well. Oh Gary, it's true! I'm going to father more children oncemore. Your mother is having twins again."

Gary was stunned to hear that. A little surprised, he echoed back, "Twins again?"

"Right? I was surprised too. Isn't it just wonderful?" Heinz chuckled heartily.

Gary agreed, "It is. I didn't know that mom still had that in her. She's spectacular! Will we becelebrating tonight?"

"No, your mom needs to rest. We won't be doing any celebrating in the meantime. We'll justcelebrate in our hearts," Heinz said.

Gary couldn't help but laugh, "Alright, if that's what you want. Can I tell Celeste about this?"

"Sure, do whatever you want. It's the truth after all, so there's no use hiding it from anyone," Heinzanswered.

"I can't believe you still have the cheek to say that. Do you remember that Celeste's your daughter-in-law? What would she think if she found out that her in-laws are having more children?" Gary tookthe opportunity to take a jab at Heinz.

Heinz smiled and replied, "What do you mean? This just proves that your mother and I are in goodhealth. Why are you embarrassed about it?"

"It seems that there's no point arguing with you over this. Alright, I concede. I'm going to call otherpeople to inform them of the good news now," Gary grumbled.

"Alright, tell anyone you want. I want everyone to be envious of me," Heinz was in a great mood.

"I can't deal with you anymore," Gary quickly hung up.

Gary shook his head and laughed. He was over 20 years old and yet, he was suddenly about toacquire a pair of siblings. He was impressed with his parents.

When Celeste came back, she saw Gary snickering to himself. She hurriedly asked him, "Why areyou laughing like that? Is there any good news to share?"

Gary nodded, "It's good news for the Jones family, that's for sure."

"Well, tell me about it," Celeste was also looking forward to hearing it.

"Mom is pregnant," Gary looked at Celeste as he articulated his words slowly.

Celeste widened her eyes in surprise and gasped, "Really? Your mother's pregnant again?"

Gary nodded, "She is, and she's going to be having twins too."

"Wow, that's awesome! She's going to be having twins again?" Celeste exclaimed in shock.

"Amazing, right?" Gary grinned, "But don't you think it's going to be weird? You're going to have apair of squabbling babies as your brother and sister-in-laws."

"Not really," Celeste shook her head and explained, "I think it'll be great. The more people there arein the family, the merrier, right?"

Celeste had a rather lonely childhood. She figured that Gary wouldn't be able to understand howshe felt back then.

As an only child, she had always been envious of people who had siblings.

Aunt Smith was such a kind-hearted person. As such, it made sense that she had been blessedwith twins.

Celeste was really happy for Aunt Smith.novelbin

When Gary noticed Celeste's gentle and beautiful smile, he sighed, "You're an amazing woman. Tobe honest, I feel a bit weird about the entire situation, but I can't change anything. As long as they'rehappy, I can only learn to accept it."

"Why are you upset though? They're going to be about 21 years younger than you. Once they growup to be our age, we're going to be as old as Aunt Smith."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Gary asked.

"Well, I just think it's going to be fun."

"In that case, don't you think our kids would feel awkward when they address them as their unclesor aunties?" Gary retorted.

Celeste was stunned by that question. She remained silent for a long while.

She thought for a long moment and muttered, "That shouldn't be a problem. I don't think ourchildren will grow up to become so narrowminded. What's so wrong with having an uncle or an auntthat's about the same age as them anyways?"

"Oh fine, I'm going to call Ernest to share the news with him." Gary took out his phone and calledErnest.

Celeste nodded.

Soon, the call was picked up.

Ernest answered the phone and asked, "Gary, what's the matter?"

"I have some good news to share," Gary replied.

"Really? From your tone, it doesn't sound like it. Are you sure it's good news?" Ernest smiled.

"To be honest, I feel impartial. It's good news for mom and Heinz, but it makes me feel a littleuncomfortable," Gary sighed frankly.

"Let's hear it then. What is it?" Ernest asked.

"Mom is pregnant with twins," Gary dropped the bomb.

Ernest remained silent for a long while.

Gary let out a small chuckle, "It looks like I'm not

the only one who had a fright from the news. It's shocking, isn't it?"

Only then did Ernest find his voice to reply, "It really is. I didn't expect that."

"It's been confirmed. Heinz brought Mom for an examination at the hospital. Congratulations,Ernest, you're going to have two new siblings," Gary mocked.

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