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Chapter 1681

Monica was shocked. She looked at Gary in surprise.

She felt hopeless just a while ago, but she felt as if she had found a new hope again then. Shelooked at the young man in front of her, and she felt slightly shocked.

"Will you really let me go?" Monica was confused. "Why?"

"As long as you obediently cooperate with us and send Cindy to jail, I will let you go," Gary saidcalmly, "Since you only took away half of Michael's money from his account, I don't think that youare completely helpless. What do you think about my reasoning?"

Monica was surprised once again. "How... how did you know about this as well?"

It happened just a little while ago, but he actually knew about it too.

Monica felt a chill running down her spine.

She looked at Gary in fear. As if he was someone who came straight from hell. How did he knowabout everything?

She looked at Gary suspiciously.

Gary also looked at her with a faint smile, as if he was responding to her doubts.

"Miss Wilbur, you have been living quite a fulfilling life these few days, haven't you?" Gary smiledand looked at Liam. "Right, Liam?"

Liam cleared his throat and said, "It's truly fulfilling. Michael suffered so much even his back was putinto full use. Of course it had been fulfilling."

"You guys." Monica was stunned, and she had goosebumps all over. How did they know about eventhat?

"Monica, you, Sinclair, Michael and Cindy's relationship were so messed up that it can be filmed intoa TV show. I really did not expect you four to have such a complicated relationship. I respected youso much, and I never expected you and Miss White to be such vulgar and shameless women inprivate." Liam looked at Monica with disdain in her eyes. "Those scenes really left me speechless."

Monica's face turned red and pale at the same time from embarrassment and anger.

She had no idea how they knew about those things. She only knew that her fear was getting greaterin her guts.

"It seems that you two really know a lot." After thinking it through, Monica said softly, "You havecontrol over my life. If I don't cooperate with you, I believe that you two won't let me go."

"Indeed, we won't." Gary nodded. "Give me all the information you have. I will go check it out andsee what I need. I only need information that will affect Cindy and not you."

Monica did not hesitate. She turned on her laptop and passed it to Gary. "Here, take a good look."

Gary took it over and sent the information he needed to his email while Monica watched from theside.

As she waited, she was getting impatient and glanced at Liam. "Liam, why are you in London now?"

"To clear my mind," Liam replied in a perfunctory way.

"You are in a relationship with Zachary's daughter, aren't you?" Monica said while she twitched herlips. "Mr. Lowe is truly powerful. Now that your contract is terminated, you will be freer and betterthan you have ever been."

"I have to thank you, Miss White and Mr. Stone for that. If you three hadn't deliberately suppressedme, my contract might not be terminated yet," Liam said as he smiled faintly, "Indeed, there couldbe lots of twists and turns in life." "Yes, there are always turning points in life. I learned this todaytoo." Monica smiled bitterly. "But my turning point is so ugly."

"Don't worry, Miss Wilbur. Cindy will have a worse one than you. I can assure you that Sinclair andCindy will not live a much better life than you, so long as you cooperate with us. I can even promiseyou that you can live a peaceful life for the rest of your life."

Monica did not hold on to any hope, she only smirked. "I hope so, when can I go back?"

"I will let you know." Gary closed the laptop and returned it to Monica. "Now, come with me, I willtake you to a safe place."

"Where are we going?" Monica had a bad feeling.

"Monica, don't worry. You will be very safe, we won't do anything to you," Liam said, "I must takeyou to a place that is more suitable for you. Since we need your help, we will naturally ensure yoursafety."

"Apart from you, who else would want to harm me?" Monica retorted.

"Sinclair, Cindy and Michael." Gary looked down at Monica. "Sinclair sent people to look for you.They are probably looking for you right now. As for why he is looking for you, you should knowabout it."

Monica was shocked. Was Sinclair looking for her?

She did not take anything from him. Why was he looking for her?

Monica pursed her lips as she wondered to herself.

"Michael told Cindy that you took all of his money, but Cindy said that she will still take care ofMichael. However, that's only if Michael listens to her," Gary just told Monica the truth.

Monica pursed her lips even tighter.

Michael must have said that to test Cindy.

Cindy was very likely to have mentioned that she will take care of Michael too. To her, Michael wasjust a playmate. She needed a man like that right then. If he had no money, it would be even betterfor her.

From the looks of it, Gary controlled the entire situation.

"I did not expect you to know so much, and you know everything so clearly, as if you were there andwitnessed everything yourself. I am really shocked." Monica laughed bitterly. "Can you tell me whyyou know so everything so clearly?"

"You will find out soon enough," Gary continued, "However, before that, I think it would be better ifyou didn't know."

Monica did not continue to ask.

She got in the car with them.

On the way back, Gary made a phone call. "Take care of Monica for the next few days and ensureher safety. Take care of her food, clothing, housing, and transportation too."

"Yes, Mr. Jones," the other party replied at once. "Now that Sinclair has sent people to look forMonica's whereabouts, I believe that they will soon go to the places she has once stayed at."

"That's fine. Let them know that I have taken Monica away," Gary ordered in a deep voice.


Halfway through, Gary handed Monica over to a black car. There were four men inside and all ofthem had tall and huge figures.

She was somewhat worried and immediately turned to look at Gary subconsciously. "Can you guysreally ensure my safety?"

"Of course, you are very useful to us," Gary continued, "They will protect you and provide you aplace to live. I will contact you again," Gary told Monica, "Don't worry, go ahead."

Monica didn't have a choice, so she just got into the car.

On the way back, Liam spoke to Gary, "I see that you have changed your mind. You were going tolet her go after you got the evidence. However, you still asked her to stay in the end."

"That's right, I changed my mind halfway through." Gary nodded. "I did think that I only needed theinformation from her previously. However, I am just worried that the information she has is notenough to prove Cindy's wrongdoings. I still need a witness, and that way, we can achieve ourpurpose more easily."

At once, Liam understood what Gary meant.

"It is good that you thought about it that way."

"Today, Sinclair and Cindy went to the company to look for Celeste."

"What? Did they manage to see Celeste?" Liam was shocked. "Is Sinclair going to acknowledgeCeleste as his daughter?"novelbin

"Correct, that is what Sinclair plans to do. He wants to acknowledge Celeste, but we saw it comingand did not let him meet her. However, Sinclair will not give up. So, before he meets Celeste, weneed to take Cindy away to dissolve Sinclair's intentions." As Gary spoke, his gaze sharpened.

He would not give Sinclair a chance to get his way.

"Time is short, we need to take action sooner,"

Liam said.

Gary replied, "That's right."

When they got home, Celeste and Maria heaved a sigh of relief.

"How did it go?"

"We have her, and the information we need." Gary and Liam both hugged their girlfriends andwalked towards the sofa together.

When Ernest saw them coming back, he said, "Cindy called Celeste tonight, but she did not answerit. She then sent a message and spoke a lot of bad things and bad words to Celeste. I think it wouldbe a good idea to change Celeste's phone number."

"Yes, it's about time we changed her phone number." Gary nodded.

"There is another news," Ernest continued, "Tomorrow afternoon, mom and dad are coming toEngland."

"Are they coming?" Gary was very surprised. "What for?"

Ernest shrugged. "This, perhaps."

Gary was also startled. Perhaps they were worried and wanted to come to England to help themout.

He frowned. "When did they tell you that?" "When you two went out just now, they called me andsaid that they are arriving tomorrow afternoon."

"They are really worried." Gary sighed helplessly. "It looks like they don't trust us."

"Don't think that way. Uncle Jones and Aunt Smith are doing this for our own good." Celesteimmediately whispered to Gary.

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