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Chapter 1665

Cindy and Monica pleasured Sinclair together right in front of Michael.

The show made everyone watching feel shocked.

Then, Michael suddenly stood up and walked towards Monica.

He undid his belt and hit it right at Monica.

A loud slap sounded.

A red mark appeared on Monica's body. She immediately screamed, "Michael, what are youdoing?"

"Monica, isn't this what you want?" Michael raised his belt and whipped her again. Another red markappeared on Monica's back, and it was terrifying to look at.

"You are a kinky and shameless sl*t." Michael cursed as he hit Monica. "Since you love threesomes,maybe you're a masochist as well. Let me fulfil your desires and make you take pleasures in painthen."

Michael whipped Monica even harder.

Meanwhile, Monica struggled to escape it.

However, Cindy held her and stopped her from escaping, and said while she chuckled, "Monica,you're reacting so strongly. Sinclair, do you feel it, too?"

"Yes, you're reacting so strongly. I like it a lot." Sinclair laughed boisterously. "Keep hitting her,Michael."

"Michael, it hurts! Stop hitting me!" Monica shook her head as she turned to look at Michael. "I didlove you, Michael. You have to believe me. If not, why would I put most of my money in youraccounts?"

Michael grinned as he heard that, and whipped Monica again.

"You b*tch, you're getting good at fooling me, huh? If you loved me, then why cheat on me for solong? Do you think I'm an idiot?" He whipped Monica with all his strength.

Monica's skin which had been taken good care of split in pain, and blood came out from herwounds. It was a ghastly sight.

Monica was in so much pain that she nearly fainted.

However, Michael had no intention of stopping, and he continued to whip her.

Sinclair saw that something was amiss and immediately stopped him. "Stop it, Michael. That'senough. If you keep at it, you'll kill her."

Michael took a look at Monica, who was sitting on top of Sinclair, and his eyes were full of self-deprecation. He said, "Monica is dying, and yet she's still unwilling to leave you. You're amazing,Sinclair. Do you see this, Cindy? They can still keep their intimacy even as Monica's being whipped.How lovely."

Cindy could tell that there was something wrong with Michael that day. He seemed to have beenextremely provoked as he was rather emotional.

She smiled faintly and quickly comforted Michael. "Don't be too mad, Michael. It's been decades, sowe shouldn't be so worked up about it. Okay, how about this then?"

Cindy drew close to Michael's ear and whispered.

Michael paused, and an understanding glint flitted through his eyes. He glanced at Sinclair andsuddenly smiled. "That's a great idea, Cindy. I'm sure you have a lot of things you need to get offyour chest too."

"Of course." Cindy's smile was sly. "I have kept my hatred in check for much longer than you,Michael. Let's do it together."

"Very well then." Michael chuckled as he went to get the box.

Sinclair and Monica were both puzzled.

Michael said, "Sinclair, Monica, you two better not stop. Go all out, and I want to see how this b*tchwill react."

Cindy gave him a seductive look, and she looked incredibly charming.

Next, they brought out all their toys.

For a moment, Sinclair and Monica were shocked before their rationalities gradually faded andturned into pure joy.

Just as Sinclair's orgasm started building to its peak, he felt Michael enter him.

What the hell? He actually forced himself into him.

Sinclair came to his senses and shouted at Michael. "What are you doing, Michael? I'm not that kindof guy."

"You've f*cked me over for so many years, so why can't I f*ck you once? This is the only way I canget rid of my hatred for you." Michael was very excited, and he was glad that Cindy gave him theidea.

This way, he could humiliate Sinclair and vent his anger at the same time.

Monica was also astonished.

Cindy came forward and the three of them pinned Sinclair down.

The two women were probably holding a grudge over Sinclair's mistreatment over the years as well,but they could do nothing about it. So, they must had anger built up within them too.

Hence, Cindy and Monica worked together to keep Sinclair restrained and Michael had his way withhim.

The process was certainly cruel. Sinclair most probably had never been treated like that before inhis life, and his dignity was torn to shreds.

Monica and Cindy looked at him in glee and even laughed as he howled in pain. They continued tolook at him promiscuously.

Michael was fitter than Sinclair, so he was stronger too. Hence, Sinclair fainted from Michael's roughactions.

40 minutes later.

Michael said, "I think he needs some stitches at the hospital. If not, I'm sure he'll have rectalproblems in the future."

Cindy looked at the blood-stained wool carpet and sighed, "If word got out that he's in the hospitalto get stitches for his rectum once he arrived at London, it would most likely make the headlines."

Monica looked over at Sinclair and pursed her lips. Then, she glanced at Michael and Cindy. "Areyou happy now?"

Cindy replied, "I guess so. There's not much for me to be unhappy about anyway. What about you,Michael? Are you happy?"

Michael laughed and shook his head. "Not really. I actually wanted to screw Suanne, but she's notlike you two. It's better not to drag someone like her into these disasters."

At the mention of Suanne, Cindy's expression darkened. It was obvious that she was very jealous ofSuanne.

Monica's gaze turned cold too. She pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

Michael looked at the unconscious Sinclair on the floor, who had been tarnished by the three ofthem and smiled. "There's no need to go to the hospital. Some topical medication will do. You do it,Monica."

Monica was surprised. Sinclair was truly in a sorry state, but Michael couldn't care less as he againwent and took Cindy and had sex with her on the sofa. He was ruthless.

Monica felt very unpleasant.

She searched through the entire house for a first aid kit, but she only found alcohol disinfectant. Shebrought that and some gauze to treat Sinclair's wounds.

The pain Sinclair felt would only intensify once the alcohol came into contact with the wound.

Sinclair, who had initially passed out, suddenly woke up because of the excruciating pain from thealcohol disinfectant.

"Ugh..." He opened his eyes only to find Michael and Cindy going at it on the sofa. Meanwhile,Monica was busy treating his wounds while sitting on the carpet.

He grabbed Monica's wrist.

Monica's chest tightened when she looked up into Sinclair's eyes.

Sinclair growled, "How dare you help them to do this to me? Monica, do you have a death wish?"novelbin

"Don't get so worked up, you'll bleed again." Monica retracted her hand and continued to disinfecthis wounds. "This is to let you have a taste of what it feels like to be neglected by you. You've livedcomfortably over the years, and you have no idea how we felt after we were dumped by you. Well,you know now."

Malice flashed in Sinclair's eyes. He'd only ever fooled around with women those years, never aman.

His dignity was in shreds that time round.

Michael had taken advantage of him.

It was too embarrassing for Sinclair.

Michael seemed to be in high spirits after knocking Sinclair out, and he was passionately doing itwith Cindy. On the other hand, Sinclair was injured, and he didn't seem to be able to have sex anytime soon. Hence, he glared at Monica hatefully.

Monica's hands trembled a little as he stared at her.

Sinclair closed his eyes and lay on the ground, gasping for breath. "Do I need to go to the hospitalfor this?"

Monica said, "It's best to go. You've got to get it stitched."

Sinclair gritted his teeth. "Will I die if I don't go?"

"I suppose it'll take a long time to recover."

"D*mn it! I'm going to kill him!" Sinclair cursed.

Michael suddenly got up and walked over. He stood there and looked down at Sinclair. "Kill me? Ifyou're really that brave, then you wouldn't have allowed Cindy to do that to you. I can tell that you'rejust a coward, Sinclair."

Sinclair was astonished at Michael's mockery.

He was very embarrassed and angry, but he could not refute his words.

Michael grabbed Monica and tossed her onto the sofa right in front of him. He treated her like anobject.

Then, Cindy walked up to Sinclair, squatted down, and said slowly, "Sinclair, do you feel good?"

"Was this your idea?" Sinclair remembered that Cindy had whispered things to Michael earlier.

It was probably Cindy's idea that he ended up like that.

"Yeah, it was my idea." Cindy smiled gleefully. "How is it? It's nice being f*cked by a man, right?"

"Cindy, you vicious woman," Sinclair cursed in a rage.

Cindy laughed maniacally. "How the mighty have fallen, huh? I just remembered how much pain Iwas in when we did it the first time, but what did you do about it?"

Sinclair paused. He'd been with too many women over his lifetime, but he recalled what happenedwith Cindy that night.

He'd gone off to another woman's arms in the middle of the night after they did it.

That woman had passed away long ago then.

Cindy saw that Sinclair was in a daze, and seemingly trapped in a trance.

She continued, "We just got together, and you'd just spent the night with me. However, you wanted

to have Yannie as well the same night."

Sinclair stiffened.

"You never should have done that. Never! You shouldn't have messed with her. You killed Yannie,Sinclair." Cindy's gaze was piercing and vicious. "Have you ever dreamt of Yannie all these years?Does she haunt your dreams?"

"Shut up!" Sinclair yelled.

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