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Chapter 1605

Ernest really felt the happiness of being a man. It was a feeling of pure ecstasy that oozed deep intoevery fiber of his being, making him want to stay there forever. He wanted to continue stayingintoxicated in such a blissful state and never wake up.

He thought that it felt extremely wonderful.

Every jolt of feeling was raw and intimate, filling him with an infinite amount of love for her.

The deeper he ventured, the more he did not want to leave. The more he did not want to leave, thedeeper he went. That overwhelming feeling made him lose all control of his emotions and hisrational self.

He never knew it could feel so good.

Every moment of their time entangled with each other, every second spent together, etched itselfdeep into his memory.novelbin

Of course, as they went on, Leah's injuries naturally worsened.

However, she was not bothered about it at all.

Ernest was filled with regret and sadness. He hugged Leah and helped her tend to them, but theycontinued after that.

During the past two days, Leah's wounds did not get a chance to heal. But still, she was as happyas a lark.

In the end, after spending three busy days with Ernest, her period arrived.

Its arrival signaled the end of their bedroom activities.

Their body and health were of utmost importance after all.

Luckily, Leah had completely recovered from her cold by then.

It has been said that frequent exercise could produce lots of dopamine to improve one's mood andimmune system.

And the two of them had produced an abundant amount of dopamine over the past few days.

After taking care of Leah for another two days, Ernest finally received a call from his professor,urging him to return and continue his studies.

Since it was also high time that he did so, Ernest had no choice but to go back to England.

When he saw Leah's little face, he could not bear to tell her that he was leaving.

However, the intelligent Leah was quick to notice that he was acting strangely and asked, "You'releaving, aren't you?"

Ernest nodded. "My professor just called me and asked me to leave immediately. I have to do mythesis defense too, so I have to go."

He really could not bear to tell her that, nor was he ready to part with her.

Leah was stunned for a moment, but she quickly smiled and did not show much disappointment.Instead, she responded rather generously, "Then hurry up and book a flight. You should book oneand leave by tonight. I'll send you off."

"I was going to book for tonight, but you don't have to send me off. It's not safe for you to be outalone at night," Ernest lowered his head and kissed Leah, very reluctant to leave.

Leah paused, thinking for a while. After deciding that she should not let him worry, she agreedobediently. "All right then. I won't send you off at the airport. You're right; safety comes first."

"Good girl," Ernest said. He was glad that Leah was indeed someone sensible.

They hugged, and Ernest continued to kiss her for quite a while. He was really hesitant to leave.

In the end, he still had to part with her. "Leah, I have to go pack my things now. I'll book a ticket andthen head straight to the airport from home."

Although Leah was a little sad that she could not see him off at the airport, she did not express it.When she heard that he was going to leave just like that, her lips quivered. She could not help buthug his waist, burying her face in his chest.

She said in a muffled voice, "Okay, you can go. Don't worry about me. I'll take good care of Grace.You need to take good care of yourself too."

Ernest nodded silently as he embraced Leah. He could not bear to let her go, as if it was their lasttime meeting.

They clung to each other, wanting to cherish every second they had together.

Leah raised her head. It was time to say goodbye. "All right, hurry up and go home. You've beenstaying here for so many days that your parents are probably worried. Go back and say goodbye tothem."

Ernest shook his head at once, grinning. "Don't worry. Mom is happy that I'm taking care of a girl.Didn't you notice? She hasn't even called me once?"

His expression made Leah laugh. "Your mother is really something else."

"She is. She really wants us to be in a relationship. My brother and Celeste have already returned toEngland, but Mom isn't in a hurry to chase me back there." "Your mom and dad are really open-minded," Leah said with a sigh, a little envious that he had such great parents.

"Indeed. Especially Mom. She keeps telling me that she can't wait to have grandchildren." Ernestsmiled as he packed up his things.

After giving Leah a long, fierce kiss at the door, Earnest left reluctantly.

After he was gone, Leah was the only one left at her home. She felt that her small apartmentsuddenly felt exceptionally empty.

The past few days that they had spent together had been particularly beautiful and unforgettable.Now that he had left, the chilly weather made Leah feel rather cold.

Suddenly, she came back to her senses and hurried to the balcony. She stood by the window andpeered out.

After a while, she saw Ernest's tall figure downstairs in the yard.

When Ernest reached the garden, he turned back and looked up, spotting Leah.

She opened the window and waved at him, a bright smile on her face. There was no need for her tosay anything.

The two of them looked at each other from afar, sharing a bittersweet moment.

Ernest felt his heart melting as he gazed at the angelic- looking woman upstairs. After staring fondlyat each other for a long time, he finally waved and gestured for her to go back into her apartment.

Leah called out softly, "Goodbye."

"I'll be back during winter break," Ernest promised. Then, he turned around and left.

Leah watched him drive away in his car. After a long while, she finally closed the window.

She knew that she should pull herself together. She needed to get ready to write. She had almostfinished using all the drafts she prepared earlier, and she had to write more. Besides, she hadclasses to attend as well.

It was impossible for her to neglect her studies just because of a relationship. She had not forgottenthat she was a student.

When Ernest returned to the Jones family's house, he saw his mother alone downstairs.

Surprised at Ernest's sudden return, Grace teased, "Hey, Ernest, it seems that you had a good time.Did something good happen, my son? Mind sharing it with me?"

When he saw his mother acting all excited, Ernest hardly knew how to respond. He finally said,"Thanks to you, I'm officially dating the woman I like."

"Oh, that's wonderful! Congratulations! When will you bring her over?"

"Let's talk about that during my winter break. I'm going back to England tonight as they wanted meback as soon as possible. I'll be leaving for the airport shortly."

"You're leaving so soon?" Grace frowned. "What's so urgent about your studies? Besides, you andyour brother are both straight- A students, so delaying your return slightly won't be a big deal. Themost important thing to do now is to show that you're committed to your relationship. If you leave sosuddenly, she might want to break up with you. What will you do then?"

"Mom, you worry too much." Ernest shook his head and said, "She's not that kind of girl."

"Don't be too confident. A long- distance relationship is very fragile, which is why I'm so worriedabout you. Why don't you finish your master's degree here instead? Then you can stay here and bewith your girlfriend."

Looking at his mother helplessly, Ernest said, "Mom, all parents hope that their kids will grow up tobe successful and want their kids to pay more attention to their studies. It's great that you don't havesuch expectations for me, and I'm honored to have a mother like you, but you don't have to worrytoo much. Some things just can't be rushed."

"Ernest, other people want their children to be successful to live a good life. Your father already hasa great career. There's no way to exhaust his fortune even if you tried to for the rest of your life.That's why I don't want you to put too much pressure on yourself. Getting a girlfriend and a stablejob is enough. Besides, with you and your brother's abilities, I really don't think it'll be a problem foryou, even if you don't have a master's degree. What I'm worried about is whether you'll find a goodgirlfriend. Having a good girlfriend is something that will bring you happiness for the rest of yourlife."

Ernest was amused at his mother's words, but he suppressed a laugh. Although what she said lefthim speechless, it proved just how open-minded she really was.

"Mom, in order to be worthy of the girl I like, I need to be a better man. As for my postgraduatestudies, I should be able to apply to be an exchange student for a year. However, Leah and I arehave been very rational so far, so you should trust the two of us. She's a good girl; she believes inme and understands me." "Wow, she sounds amazing. How about getting married first and lettingher stay at our place? I'll take care of her!"

Ernest could tell that his mother was really anxious for him and his brother to get married, but thatwas something that should not be rushed.

He looked at his mother and stepped forward to hug her, saying assuringly, "Mom, we shouldn't getahead of ourselves on some things. You'll only end up scaring her if you do that."

"But I think you're a very self- disciplined child. Since you've chosen her as your girlfriend, it is alifetime decision. Why does it matter then if it's a little early? Besides, I'm worried that otherhandsome men might prey on her if you're not here. At least if she stays with us, I can help you."

"But, I won't even be at home. Do you think that Leah will want to live rent-free at our place? She'llfeel restricted. Although you wouldn't do anything to make her feel uncomfortable, she might stillfeel like she has to act cautiously. So let's give her some freedom."

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