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Chapter 1595

She pulled Ernest into the bedroom, ignoring Rowane. Leah had already predicted that Rowane'svisit must have something to do with Hogan.

"She's still knocking on the door." Ernest frowned as he listened to the continuous knocking. "I feellike your sister is as stubborn as Hogan. They are so persistent in knocking. I doubt she'll stop untilthe door opens."

"It doesn't matter. I'm pretty persistent on not opening the door too." Leah chuckled.

But just as she finished laughing, her phone rang.

She immediately hung up and silenced her phone. Then she looked at Ernest and smiled helplessly."She's calling me."

"You're not going to answer?"

"No." Leah shook her head and said firmly, "She's the one who wants to see me, not the other wayaround. I don't have anything to say to her. Honestly, my sister and I are just civil to each other onthe surface. We both know deep down that we hate each other."

Leah never bothered to hide anything from Ernest, nor did she feel the need to. Anyway, eventuallyeveryone would meet and get to know each other.

Her family was just like that. She didn't want to fake anything and lie to her own boyfriend.

He looked at her and nodded. "I can understand. After all, you two are from different mothers.Considering the fact that her mother ruined your mother's marriage with your father, it's prettynormal to not like her."

"I don't like her because of her character. She's just really insincere, you know that I mean?"

Ernest nodded.

She continued, "Especially in front of Hogan, my sister will suddenly turn into an angel. She puts onthis innocent, good girl image, as if she's actually that weak and soft. She just does that to attractmen."

"Hogan falls for it every time. As soon as Rowane starts tearing up, everything becomes my fault."

"I suddenly become the bad guy. In everyone's eyes, I am the bully, and the unreasonable one."

When I was young, I couldn't really see through her fake acts. So I was deceived by her manytimes. But like the story about the boy who cried wolf, I eventually grew wiser to her lies." "However,she started to grow better and better at manipulation. Hence, I avoided her as much as possible.Especially after we went to college, I no longer wanted to have anything to do with her."

"She hardly looks for me. The reason she's here today is definitely because Hogan told her aboutyou."

"If she finds out I have a boyfriend, she'll definitely want to know what he looks like, or whether ornot he's rich. When she sees how handsome you are, I am 100% sure she'll try to seduce you."

Ernest was slightly stunned. He couldn't really understand what Rowane's thought process was."Why would she want to come see me?"

"Why?" She glanced at him and said, "If you are good-looking, she'll probably want to f*ck you."

Hearing her answer, Ernest's jaw almost hit the floor.

"Sorry for being so crude, but I'm telling the truth," Leah emphasized with a red face. "I'll be morecareful to sound less rude from now on."

Ernest was amused. "I don't really care about that. Although I do want to say, I'm not that easilyswayed."

"Of course not. Otherwise, I never would have fallen for you," replied Leah.

Ernest nodded.

She then continued, "Gradually, you'll realize that I'm right. She just wants to take away everythingthat's mine. Especially when it's someone as important as a boyfriend. I'm sure her greed is strong.If you don't believe me, we can wait and see.

Ernest was at a loss. He really hoped Rowane wouldn't come onto him.

After ten minutes of door knocking and phone ringing, all the sounds finally stopped.

Leah and Ernest came out of the room. She whispered, "She should have left now, right?"

"I don't know. It isn't really like her to leave. She's extremely stubborn. If she wants to see you, shewill do everything in her power to see you." Leah had a deep understanding of her sister, and sheknew that possibility of Rowane having left was very low.

But Ernest wasn't convinced. He went to the door and peeked out. No one was around. He turnedaround and said, "She's gone."

"I hope so." Leah wasn't at all pleased by the news.

The two of them continued about their day at home. Ernest made them lunch, and then theyplanned to head to the hospital to get an IV drip.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they headed down,

Rowane blocked their way.

With a big backpack on her shoulders, Rowane saw Leah and Ernest walking over. She shouted outto them sweetly, "Leah!"

"Sigh, just as I expected," Leah thought to herself.

She smiled helplessly at Ernest and used her gaze to say to him, "See, I told you she wouldn'tleave."

Ernest vaguely understood what position Leah was in. He looked sympathetically at her and noddedhis head, indicating that he understood.

After that, he shot a cold glance at Rowane. But then he saw that the girl who was walking over wasslightly shorter than Leah. She looked so soft and sweet.

At first glance, she really did seem like a cute, innocent girl.

Rowane walked over and stood in front of the couple. The first thing she did was take a look atErnest. Then, she shyly lowered her head, not daring to look him in the eye. The impression shegave off was just like a frail little girl who was shy about meeting a stranger for the first time.

Seeing her younger sister like this, Leah coughed lightly. Flatly, she asked, "What are you doinghere?"

"I came to see you, of course." Rowane put on a concerned expression. "I heard from Hogan todaythat you got a boyfriend. He seemed so dejected that you abandoned him."novelbin

Hearing this, Leah could not help but sneer, "I abandoned Hogan? Rowane, it seems like you'rehere to put me in a tough spot. Are you trying to make my boyfriend think that Hogan and I hadsomething going on so that he will break up with me?"

Leah already predicted that Rowane was up to no good. Hence, she was in no mood to be polite toher either. Her words were direct, causing Rowane to immediately drop the subject.

Her big eyes flashed and then turned red in an instant. She put on a pitiful expression as shequickly shook her head and said, "Of course not, you've misunderstood me. Excuse me handsome,I didn't mean it that way at all. I'm really just here to see Leah."

"I have a name. Be more polite when you talk," Ernest said in a deep voice. "You can call me Mr.Jones."

"Oh? Aren't you my sister's boyfriend?" Rowane's eyes widened in surprise.

He responded coldly, "Yes, I am her boyfriend, but that has nothing to do with you."

In front of Leah, he was even more protective of her. He would never let this little girl in front of himtake advantage of Leah.

Hearing this, Leah was very satisfied. She nodded her head and said to Rowane, "Did you hearthat? He's my boyfriend, but that has nothing to do with you. Stop trying to get close to him. Hedoesn't want to have anything to do with you."

At this point, Rowane's tears were close to falling. She looked very sad. Seeing this, Leah feltdisgusted. If it wasn't for how well she knew her, Leah might have fallen for it.

But she had seen enough of the same pity act.

Leah would never be fooled by her again.

At the same time, Ernest was starting to understand how powerful Rowane really was.

"Leah, how could you talk to me like that? Especially in front of Mr. Jones. What have I donewrong?" Rowane's tears were still trembling slightly in her eyes.

Leah sighed at how little self-awareness Rowane possessed. Although, her stepmother had beenexactly the same. That was how she managed to win her father's love!

This sort of fragility was not something Leah or her mother could learn, nor did they want to.

"Ernest, let's go." Leah didn't want to waste any more time on Rowane. She pulled on his arm andturned to leave.

Rowane watched as they walked past her. The man was very tall and attractive. His young face waswell structured and he definitely stood out amongst the crowd.

It was clear that he was no ordinary man. He had an air of royalty about him, and a single glancewas enough to make her heart flutter.

The longer Rowane stared at their backs, the worse she felt.

Her hand unconsciously clenched into a fist at her side. She couldn't accept it. Why did Leah alwaysget all the attention from men? Why couldn't Rowane do the same?

Her boyfriend was such a stunner, much better than Hogan.

When they got to their car, Ernest opened the front passenger seat to let Leah in first. Then, heconsiderately helped her buckle in her seatbelt.

Rowane was still staring fixedly at them. When she saw the luxurious looking car, she thought,"That must be expensive, not everyone can afford to drive that."

She was even more surprised at the fact that her sister had managed to find such a wealthy man.

Not only that, he wasn't some old or ugly man.

In fact, he looked like he could be a model. He was so young, yet he had such a gentle andreserved demeanour.

It was so infuriating to see his eyes completely focused on Leah.

Rowane felt very reluctant.

Why did Leah have such good luck? Why?

Meanwhile, Ernest got in the car too. He raised his head to look at Rowane who was staring at themfrom a distance away. Then, he drove away.

The car drove off, leaving behind a trail of dust. Rowane felt utterly defeated, and her eyes began toexude a hateful gaze.

In the car, Leah turned her head to look at Ernest. "Now, do you know how powerful my sister is?"

He nodded seriously. "She really is something. I was quite taken aback."

"Take it slow. In the future, she will continue to harass you tirelessly. Just wait and see," Leahreminded.

"I'm not afraid of that. Anyway, I'll be off to England soon. But, what about you?"

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