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Chapter 1568

Gary immediately stopped talking. After a moment, he continued, "Got it."

"What do you get?" Grace did not show Gary any mercy. "There were so many opportunities for youto treat her right. I don't think you've ever taken Celeste shopping, have you?"

In fact, Grace had heard from Alex that all the shopping was done by someone else, or orderedfrom the fashion companies themselves. They had never ever gone shopping.

If they didn't go shopping or on dates, they usually stayed home on the bed. What was thedifference between Gary and Heinz then?

Grace recalled her earlier days with Heinz, and they were spent like this as well.

She shook her head and sighed again.

"You guys should go out and have some food. Find a nice restaurant and think of it as a date. Yourbrother is also with a girl, and he might be dating her already so don't rush back to England. Take afew more days off, it wouldn't hurt." Grace reminded Celeste and Gary when she got out of the car.

Gary was surprised. "Ernest is with a girl?" "Yeah, he was with her last night and he rushed out inthe middle of the night to see her. Must be one hell of a girl. You know, I only want the best for all ofyou." Grace was excited as she spoke.

After a bit more pieces of motherly advice, Grace entered the Jones Estate.

Gary glanced at Celeste, who was seated behind him.

She insisted on sitting with her mother in the back, and Gary was relegated to becoming the driver.

She was still sitting in the back seat even after Grace got out of the car.

Then, Gary turned around and glanced at her. He said, "Come up here."

Celeste looked at him and hesitated for a moment before she got into the front passenger seat.

Gary did not drive away immediately. Instead, he held her hand and caressed her face. His eyeswere gentle as he spoke, "What did the doctor say to you?"

"Why are you still asking?" Celeste stared at his handsome face and was surprised at how curioushe was.

"I want to know because I care about you." Gary's eyes were clear and bright, and Celestesuccumbed to them.

"The doctor said I lack estrogen, so she was wondering if I experienced any sexual desire."

Gary paused for a moment before asking, "Then what did you say? Do you really not feel a thing?Then, were all the times we had sex just you forcing yourself to go along with what I want?"

Gary was quite sensitive about this issue. If Celeste didn't feel any desire, then he would have justbeen enjoying it alone.

However, that didn't seem right. Sometimes Celeste enjoyed it greatly as well, and she must havefelt something.

Even so, he still felt anxious about whether Celeste felt any desire towards him.

Celeste glanced at Gary and she blushed spectacularly. Her lips quivered as if she were about tosay something, but she still felt rather awkward in the end.novelbin

Meanwhile, Gary was still staring at her. Celeste was so beautiful, and it stirred up a lot of feelingsin his chest. He frowned and asked, "Why did you stop? What did you say to the doctor?"

"I told the doctor the truth," Celeste said.

"Yeah? And what did you tell her?" Gary was most concerned about this, and his gaze was fixed onCeleste's face.

Celeste was a little embarrassed and she said sheepishly, "Why are you asking so much? I'm goingto die of embarrassment."

"I have to, because I want to know if you have any desire towards me!" Gary exclaimed, "Don't beembarrassed. We are lovers. There's nothing to be shy about with me."

Celeste recalled what the doctor said. It needed a lot of courage to take the lead.

If she wasn't proactive, how could she face Aunt Smith and the others?

She plucked up her courage and whispered, "Of course I want you, but I feel exhausted wheneveryou want to do it and I don't. It's like this half the times we do it, you know?"

Even though Celeste was speaking the truth, this was still quite a blow to Gary. He stared dumbly atCeleste, and his expression became increasingly depressed.

He felt upset as he looked at Celeste sadly.

Celeste also felt that her words might have affected Gary greatly, so she said, "Don't think so much.Perhaps my stamina isn't as good as yours, so I get tired easily. It's not like I don't want you, youknow?"

"You don't have to comfort me." Gary sighed, but there was an unspeakable sense of frustration in

his tone.

Celeste sighed and said, "Well, don't be so depressed. I'll tell you everything."

Gary's eyes lit up and he looked at Celeste with a pitiful expression. "There's more?"

"The doctor asked me to be more proactive and enjoy myself during sex."

Celeste was about to die of embarrassment after she said that, and she refused to look at Gary.

She was mortified.

Gary was stunned and he ended up blushing as well. Then, he suddenly became excited.

He moved closer to Celeste and his voice lowered a few octaves seductively. "Is that how we treatit?"

Celeste became even more speechless, and she whispered, "Stop it! I already told you everything,so stop asking. I'm going to die of shame."

"Fine, I'll stop asking. I know you're embarrassed." Gary's tone was very doting. "Let's go shoppingtoday. It can relieve stress. Mom was right to ask us to go shopping for clothes."

He drove Celeste to the shopping mall and bought her a lot of clothes.

Although he was still worried, Gary became more confident after he figured out how to fix it.

They had dinner in the restaurant on the top floor of the mall.

This was a date, and they even went to one of those photo booths and took some photos. Both ofthem looked very sweet.

He also brought Celeste to the claw machine and they spent a long time on it.

Meanwhile, at Leah's apartment.

Time always passed so fast, and it was already noon. Ernest was busy preparing lunch for Leah.

When he woke up, he realized that Leah was no longer as weak as before. She was smiling, andshe didn't have tear tracks on her face.

It seemed like nothing had happened at all.

Ernest observed her, but there didn't seem to be anything amiss.

Now, he understood that Leah was very good at pretending that everything was okay.

Was every woman a natural actor?

"What would you like to eat? I'll make it for you." Ernest asked before he entered the kitchen.

Leah looked at Ernest worriedly and said, "I'll be fine with porridge. However, you had porridge aswell, and I'm afraid that you'll get hungry. To be honest, you can make something else for yourself.Your cooking skills are amazing, so don't be shy."

Ernest smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can take care of myself."

They got along swimmingly in a very domestic way. She didn't bring up what happened, so he didn'task either.

Leah felt that even if Ernest did not like her, she could be content with being friends.

Later in the day, Ernest drove Leah to the hospital to get her drip. He even accompanied her to thebathroom.

He was thoughtful, warm, and considerate.

Leah felt that having a boyfriend as caring as him would be an amazing thing. Unfortunately, wewere just friends.

She suddenly had an urge to make Ernest her boyfriend, but how would she go about it?

Well, it wasn't like she could tackle him right away. She was still sick.

He didn't say a word even when they hugged another. Ah, there was no chance at all.

Leah was showered with admiring gazes all afternoon from nurses and patients alike. The tall andhandsome Ernest was with her, and it drew looks from the girls present.

Leah was about to die of jealousy.

Then, a girl walked over and she nearly bumped into a chair as she was staring at Ernest.

Leah was dumbfounded.

She looked at Ernest and found him smiling.

Leah became frustrated. Was Ernest always so gentle and good to everyone?

He was an unintentional flirt too!

Hence, Leah wanted to make Ernest her own and mark him as her property.

This was what Leah was thinking about the whole time she was hooked up to the drip. Desire wasstirred up in her chest, and it screamed at her.

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