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Chapter 1553

Hearing his words, Grace frowned and asked in return, "What do you mean by that?"

Heinz fixed his deep gaze on his wife before he replied seriously, "I don't hold any prejudice againstthem. Objectively, I don't think they're compatible. In other words, they're not a good match."

Grace frowned once more and spoke impatiently, "From your words, I think you're indeed prejudicedagainst them. What do you mean by a good match? Are we a good match? Are Alice and Jensen agood match? How many of those who seem to be a good match are together till the end? What'swrong with you? Are you dissatisfied with Celeste?"

Heinz felt as if he had triggered Grace once he noticed her blurting out and defending them in onego.

He hurriedly appeased Grace. "Calm down, Grace. You're getting sensitive before I could even sayanything. Should I go on then?"

Grace paused and took a deep breath as she realised that she had indeed been too hasty and


Grace decided to listen to Heinz's judgment. Hence, she nodded and suppressed her anger, saying,"Alright, I'll listen to you. You can start breaking it down for me."

As she quieted down, Heinz analyzed, "Look, Celeste and Gary are only twenty years old, not eventwenty-one."

Grace paused. They were indeed tender in age.

"Life is a long journey, but what exactly did they go through? They weren't together for years, but allof a sudden, they could not get their hands off each other after one summer vacation. She then got

pregnant and lost the baby. Do you think they're together because of guilt, or more because oflove?" Heinz asked.

Grace frowned once more and cast a serious glance at Heinz. She turned around and pushed himaway to sit up straight.

"All you wanted to say is that men's love is not long-lasting, right? You mean Gary's passion forCeleste is temporary. As a result of her pregnancy and the baby, he feels guilty for her instead oflove. As time goes by, the feeling of guilt will weaken, and their relationship will eventually end up ina tragedy," Grace said.

"I didn't say that it'll definitely be a tragedy, but I'm indeed worried that might happen." Heinz didn'tconceal his worries.

"I understand your worries, but you shouldn't magnify it. Some things aren't as bad as you think."Grace expressed her thoughts. "I'm not as pessimistic as you. I have faith in them."

She continued, "If Gary's feelings for Celeste are more sympathetic than love, then that's their fate. Ithink his baby with Celeste will haunt Gary forever. That's a debt he'll need to repay. I don't believethat he will be at ease for the rest of his life."

"If he abandons Celeste in the end, I believe that he'll never be at ease, so never use our parent'sstandards to gauge the younger generation," she explained.

"I think with the past examples and lessons he's seen from the family, they'll be more cautious toavoid making the same mistakes. I'm optimistic about them, and they'll have their happily everafter."

Compared to Grace's optimism, Heinz could only nod. "Sure. Your words make sense, alright?"

Grace was pissed at Heinz for paying lip service to what she had just said. "You feel that Celesteisn't suitable for Gary, but I want to say that Gary is a jerk. I'm ashamed because I raised such achild. I'm still mad at him for doing such a thing. When I think about how Celeste lost the babybecause of him, I'm all flustered and raging. Men only care about enjoyment and don't know how toprotect women."

Heinz replied, "He realizes his mistake now. That's why he didn't talk back much when Ireprimanded him earlier."

Heinz spoke up for his son as he didn't want Grace to belittle Gary.

Grace huffed and retorted, "Forget it. He should be. Where is his human decency if he talks backafter doing something wrong?"

"Hey, don't yell at me." Heinz felt somewhat wronged as he looked at Grace with his gaze pitiful."I'm not the one who's opposing you."

Grace smiled helplessly at his expression. "Sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you just now. I'm justannoyed at the thought of that."

Heinz persuaded, "So I was telling you not to force things too much and let fate run its course.Being nice to Celeste is our responsibility, but don't force anything on Gary and Celeste. Theyshould decide on their own future. Whether it's a happy ending or tragedy, that's their fate. That's allI want to say."

Grace responded, "Of course I know to not interfere with their relationship. Too much interferencemay affect their happiness, and how far they'll go all depends on their fate. I'm mad at Garybecause he actually got Celeste pregnant. The most maddening fact about it is he didn't know aboutit."

Heinz pondered for a moment before he began to say, "That's natural. When two people love eachother, they will carry out intimate actions in the heat of the moment. Isn't that normal?"

"They forgot about protection, so isn't it normal to get pregnant? We also had Gary and Ernest in asimilar way," he said.

"If we didn't have kids, we wouldn't be together now, so I think everything in life is predestined."

"And you have the nerve to tell me that? You gratified your needs, but do you remember the pain Ihad to endure for giving birth to the children?" Grace retorted.

Heinz felt apologetic and asked in an ingratiating manner, "Honey, do you mean that you didn'tenjoy yourself back then? I think I performed well. You liked it every time."

Grace's face flushed upon hearing his words as she exclaimed in embarrassment, "We were talkingabout the children. Why did you talk about us? You're not young anymore, aren't you ashamed?"

"I don't feel ashamed at all. What does my age have to do with it? Human desires are nothing to beashamed of. What's more, it makes us humans happy generation after generation. Whether it's thepregnancy or losing the child, this is their destiny. Those are signs that they're in a lovingrelationship, so they made a lot of love. If they hadn't done it at all, how could they get pregnant inthe first place? Don't you agree?"

As he said that, Heinz leaned in closer and held Grace. "Honey, let's go to sleep."

In his arms, Grace immediately stretched her arm forward and pinched him. "Don't touch me."

Heinz took a deep breath and cried out in a low voice, "Honey, were you going to murder yourhusband? I'm now an orphan with no parents. Is that how you should treat me? Are you going tobully an orphan?"

Grace was annoyed and stopped talking, so she turned off the lights and ignored Heinz.

An orphan? She thought sarcastically.

Why was he, a grown-up, acting all coquettishly?novelbin

Heinz teased, "You turned off the lights, Honey. Do you want it?"

"Go away." Grace patted his naughty hands. "We'll talk tomorrow." "Honey," Heinz whined.

Grace replied in a deep voice, "I'll accompany Celeste to the doctor tomorrow. Heinz, I'm warningyou. I see Celeste as my future daughterin- law. No matter what, we should treat them well. Don'tforget what she had to go through. Don't put on a mean face in front of Celeste, even if you thinkthey're not compatible, do you understand?"

"As you wish, Mrs. Jones." In the dark, Heinz embraced Grace and sighed. "In fact, I really hopethat they will be together till the end, because if nothing changes, they're going to have a perfect life.But how many people actually have a perfect life?"

Grace sighed. She had witnessed too many separated couples who had ditched each other. Thatwas probably the regret of a lifetime.

"Hence, I'm going to hold your hands until I die." Heinz held his wife tightly. "I want to be with youforever."

Grace was a little moved and hugged him in return. "Do you still have feelings for me?"

"Of course." Heinz immediately said, "I can't get enough of your kisses every day. Don't you feel it?"

Grace was stunned before she cracked into a smile.

In the dark, the two were embracing each other.

They didn't talk much, but they both felt a sense of security.

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