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Chapter 1510

Celeste pondered for a moment before asking, "Professor Yohan, what you're trying to say is that Ishould look for an internship where I can get my hands on some data for my research, right?"

"You're a smart girl," Yohan smiled, "Celeste, your recent research topics have been extraordinary.The previous two were very interesting as well."

Yohan was very fond of her research topics. After flipping through her thesis carefully, he took out apen and jotted down several detailed notes for her. Some of the necessary materials for theresearch were also written down for her.

"Celeste, I know of an excellent company in London that's from your country of origin. You shouldapply for an internship. I'll write a letter of recommendation for you."

Celeste was startled at the sudden proposal then nodded excitedly.

"Well then, I'll write you a recommendation letter. You'll complete your internship that will last formore than three weeks. If you can continue to work for that company, I believe it will be verybeneficial for your future."

With that, Celeste received the recommendation letter from Yohan and went for an internship at acompany located in London.

It was only then that she found out the company was actually under the Jones Family.

She had never meddled in any of the Jones family's business, so she wasn't aware of the industrythey were involved in.

She had never been curious about it, so it was a shock to her when she found out that the companyYohan recommended was a branch of the Jones Estate located in London.

Alex was also surprised to see Celeste.

She shouted in astonishment, "Uncle Logan, Is that you?"

"So you're the student Professor Yohan recommended? You're just in time. I didn't expect it to beyou," Alex couldn't help chuckling, "We can now keep the goodies within the family. Well, It's betterfor you to work for us compared to some other unknown company."

Celeste was pleasantly surprised.

Alex continued, "After you graduate, you will also work for the Jones Estate. It's great that you haveyour internship at our company right now. I will teach and guide the both of you by myself."

Alex mentioned "the both of you", but Celeste hadn't noticed that.

She was still immersed in shock. She hadn't expected such a coincidence to happen.

Although she had broken up with Gary, she had always been grateful towards the Jones Family. Itwas only with the help of Heinz and Grace that she was able to live such a peaceful life.

Even if she and Gary were no longer together, she would still work her a*s off for the Jones Estateof the Jones family.

Just like that, Celeste started her internship in the company. The company was in London, so shemoved back home after she was done with work.

What she didn't expect was that after staying in London for a few days, she came across Gary oneday after work.

He showed up in the house with a large suitcase in hand. When he noticed her, he was stunned.

When he saw Celeste shifting her gaze to look at him, he curled his lips into a smile that was warmand kind.

Celeste was distracted by his smile. It caught her off guard.

She came back to her senses and smiled, "Why are you here?"

Gary fixed his deep gaze on her. He was afraid that his stare would be too intense, so he withdrewit and composed himself, saying, "I'm here for my research. I'll be in London for a month. Don'tworry. I'll be home before Christmas."

"Oh," She thought. What a coincidence.

She was conducting her research as well.

Celeste sized him up, "What has your research topic got to do with England?"

Gary fixed his deep gaze on Celeste, his stare was like an endless black hole with a whirlpool,swirling continuously.

He continued, "It's not because of you. Don't worry.

I came to England under my professor's orders."

”1 "

I see.

A smile appeared on Celeste's face. It was fine as long as it wasn't because of her. She added,"Your professor is one of a kind. You even have to go abroad for your research."

"Yeah, my professor is British," Gary smiled faintly, "He admires his country's culture and hopes thatI would experience it too."

"Is that right?" Celeste cracked a smile, but she couldn't deny the strange feeling in her chest.

"I'd never been keen to listen to other people's advice, so I plan to change this habit of mine," Garysaid as he pushed his luggage forward while placing his backpack on top of it.

Celeste's heart tightened.

She lifted her gaze to take another look at Gary, noticing his seemingly depressed and lonely smile.

He said he intended to change that habit of his.

Upon hearing that, she felt sad.

At that moment, the butler, Pedro, walked towards them with a smile on his face before he said,"Miss Celeste, you've only been here for a few days, and now, Master Gary is here as well. Thehouse feels lively. I'm glad that the four of you are here.

I'll give Master Ernest and Miss Maria a call to remind them to come home. You guys shouldcelebrate."

Pedro's words eased the odd atmosphere in the room.

Celeste smiled at Pedro and nodded in agreement, still feeling somewhat awkward anduncomfortable. After all, a couple would feel uneasy once they ran into each other after they hadbroken up.

Pedro went to make a call.

Celeste wasn't in a hurry to go upstairs.

She noticed that Gary was still the same. He seemed shriveled up with blood vessels in his eyes.He didn't look like he had slept well.

With that, he seemed exhausted. Since he had lost so much weight, his jaw and cheekbones werewell-defined.

Pedro returned to inform them, "They will be back after class for dinner tonight."

"Alright." Gary nodded with a smile.

Celeste nodded as well.

Pedro glanced at Gary's luggage and asked, "Master Gary, should I move your luggage into MissCeleste's room so I don't have to prepare your room? The two of you are dating anyway, it's a giventhat you'll want to share a room in the future."

Upon hearing this, Celeste immediately felt nervous.

Pedro was one of a kind as he would always pair others up as he pleased. However, that situationcaused both of them to feel embarrassed.

Before she could speak up, Gary chimed in quietly, "I'll stay in my own room."

"Oh? You're not staying together? You're in a relationship after all," Pedro seemed slightlydisappointed.

Gary cleared his throat before saying, "Pedro, I broke up with Celeste. We're not in a relationshipright now, so we won't be staying in the same room."

"Oh?" Pedro was bemused.

Upon hearing, Gary say that, Celeste heaved a sigh of relief. She then told Pedro, "Yes, we'vealready broken up and are no longer a couple. We'll be staying in separate rooms. That's all. Thankyou."

"Why did you have to break up? You two were such a good match." Pedro couldn't help casting asecond glance at the both of them as he said that, "Oh youngsters, shouldn't be so arrogant. Justapologize to each other, and you'll get back together."

Celeste was embarrassed.

Gary remained silent as his gaze fell on Celeste's face.

Celeste insisted, "You should help Gary clean up his room."

Pedro appeared quite dejected as he sighed, "It seems like it was your idea to break up with him.Master Gary seems quite easygoing. Miss Celeste, don't be stubborn. Master Gary is handsomeand talented. You two are a perfect match."

Celeste pursed her lips and said nothing.

Gary interrupted, saying," Pedro, why don't you go ahead and make my bed for me?"


Pedro noticed that the two of them were placed in a pretty difficult situation, so he headed upstairs.

He was a little worried. Why didn't anyone inform him of this? Why did the two of them break up?

He glanced at them and wondered if he should inform Grace and Heinz about the matter so thatthey could handle the two kids.

He muttered as he walked, "Why did they break up at such a young age? Can't they just cherishtheir relationship? I'm too old to cherish a relationship even if I wanted to. I'm not up forrelationships anymore at my age. Youngsters, they don't know how to appreciate what they have."

He shook his head and went up the stairs with regret.

Meanwhile, Celeste felt uneasy.

Gary remained silent as he stared at her.

Celeste had no choice but to change the topic, "What would you like to drink?"

Upon seeing her change the subject, Gary replied calmly," I'll have a cup of coffee, thank you."

His tone was polite and distant.novelbin

As he spoke, he walked to the sofa and took a seat without taking another look at her.

With that, a strong weight lifted off Celeste's shoulders.

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