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Chapter 1509

As promised, Celeste went home that weekend. When she appeared in front of everyone, they weretaken aback.

Celeste got a haircut, and her hair was very short at the moment.

She looked bold and spirited, the complete opposite of her previous self. She got a pixie cut.

Celeste's change in appearance was really surprising.

Maria circled around her and said in surprise, "Why did you cut your hair? You look like a boywithout your beautiful black locks. People might just mistake you for Ernest's nephew. What's goingon?"

Ernest thought that it was peculiar, Celeste seems to be in a good shape. The only problem wasthat she was much thinner. He smiled and asked, "What happened? Are you turning over a newleaf?"

Celeste smiled and admitted generously, "That's right. I'm turning over a new leaf. I broke up withGary."

Upon hearing this, both Maria and Ernest were transfixed on her.

Celeste, on the contrary, looked much more relaxed. "I came back to drop you this bomb. Don't askwhy, and don't try to set me up with him anymore. I'm happy with how things are right now. It's tootiring to be with him, and I assume he feels the same. Both of us are tired, we're just not meant tobe. So now we're apart. Look, I'm doing well right now, and that's all that matters.

Celeste's words caught them off guard.

Maria and Ernest didn't know what to say. They looked at each other and both fell silent.

The three of them gathered together and had a good chat. Anything Gary-related was forbiddenever since.

When it was almost time for bed, Maria couldn't help but ask, "What happened between the two ofyou? Why did you break up with Gary?"

Her face turned very serious, Celeste stared at Maria. "Maria, please don't pry any further. I don'twant to talk about this, I'm satisfied with my current situation. Why, it's better for me to have asimple and stress-free life."

Although she didn't know what had happened, Maria knew that this was very a difficult discussion totalk about upon seeing how reluctant Celeste was.

Maria realized that Celeste had made up her mind this time, and she was happy with how thingswere at the moment.

Celeste answered several calls that night, all of which were about her research and thesis. It wasobvious that she was living a very fulfilling and busy life.

Maria was a little worried. Since Celeste refused to talk about what had happened, she had nochoice but to call Gary herself.

But he didn't answer the phone.

Maria took a selfie of their small gathering and sent it to Gary. She had expected him to replyimmediately, but it was only until Celeste left the next morning that Gary finally call her.

"You finally called back. Gary, what are you up to?" Maria asked, cutting to the chase. "Celeste saidthat you two broke up. Ernest and I were just heard about it last night. What happened between youtwo? Did you bully her again?"

It was rare for Gary to not refute her like he usually would.

"Yes, we broke up," he admitted. "Maria, no more questions, please. I've done her wrong. Sheproposed to break up and I respected her decision. So, don't bring this up again, and don't send mephotos of her anymore." "What?" Maria was stunned. "You agreed to break up?"

"Yup." Gary sounded indifferent, but Maria was very dejected.

"You refuse to look at Celeste's photos. What are you trying to do, Gary? And don't give me all thatstuff about you not having any feelings for Celeste. Are you going to give up on her just like that?"

"Maria, stop it. I told you-we've broken up. Thank you for your concern. It's not that I'm giving up butCeleste has suffered too much. Both of us have already come to that conclusion. You don't have tosend me photos of her anymore. Goodbye."

With that, Gary hung up the phone.

He looked at the photo Maria sent him over the phone. The girl in the photo had her hair cut short,and she was smiling. She looked beautiful. She had changed.

Because her hair was short, her entire face was exposed. She still looked thin, but she was glowingnonetheless.

Celeste was smiling with a very bright and relaxed expression. Her whole face was emanating agenuinely youthful spirit.

Gary stood in front of the mirror and looked at his reflection. From every angle, he looked drainedand listless.

For the first time in a while, he finally admitted that Celeste looked bubbly after she left him. Celestewas the one who had truly suffered in this relationship, and he was the cause of her suffering.

He had taken for granted the fact he truly loved Celeste in complete totality, but it turned out to onlybe his sense of self-righteousness.

It wasn't love, but possessiveness.

Now that he looked back at their relationship, he really was ridiculous. How had he gone so deep inhis delusions?

Sure enough, Celeste leaving him was the best thing for her. Since that was the case, it was a giventhat he should let go of her.

But why did his heart ache so much?

The pain was unbearable.

He stared at the picture: Celeste was in the frame, with Maria next to her. He reached out his thumbto cover Maria's face, only revealing Celeste's.

He fixed his eyes on it, then he cropped Maria out of the picture, leaving Celeste's face untouched.

Looking at these photos, he felt much more at ease.

Just by looking at her, he felt a tug in his heartstrings, as if a feather had brushed past his heart. Hemissed her very much.

For more than a month, he hadn't heard from her, and he hadn't dared to reach out either. Hefeared that he couldn't help but fall back into controlling her again.

She used to smile at him, but as time passed, her smile dwindled away and vanished from sight.

She had been exhausted from the relationship, and that was the reason why she had wanted tobreak it off.

Gary stared at her sparkling eyes. When he looked at her, his eyes turned red. She was so dazzlingthat it made one's eyes turn slightly red.

His mind raced with his pining for her, he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the phone.

He refused to admit it at first, that Celeste would have lived a good life without him, but he neededto face the reality.

Did she not care about him anymore?

The act of mentioning this to Ernest and Maria when such a sensitive topic like a breakup spokevolumes of her indifference for him, no?

The November air was cold, the hottest it ever got was fifteen degrees.

With a backpack, Celeste headed towards the school building, a stack of documents in her arms.

The wind was a little strong today, it sent a chill down her spine.

She was wearing a large coat, yet she still felt cold. She wrapped her hands in her coat, and buriedher neck further into herself.

Even though it was frigid, she smiled like a mischievous kid, running into the building, catching herbreath.

When she pushed the door open, she saw two graduate students discussing the drafts with aprofessor.

Celeste walked in, found a seat, and sat down. Then she continued flipping through her thesiscarefully. Later she would ask for suggestions from the professor and explain her thesis andresearch subjects.

Professor Yohan was in his fifties. He was a gentleman who conducted himself with humor and astreak of wittiness.

But today, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

He was very dissatisfied with the results of two students previously on their research topic.

Celeste was a little worried. She didn't know what the professor would say after reading her thesisbut felt quite confident in her thesis anyway.

She had hammered away at her research topic, had gotten a hold of her senior's notes, and poredover several research materials.novelbin

Yohan's request was exceptionally strict this time around though, and he wasn't here to entertain athesis that wasn't well thought out.

Soon, it was Celeste's turn.

Celeste showed her thesis to him, which he looked at and was taken aback. After flipping through itfor a while, the professor finally revealed a smile.

He took a deep look at Celeste. His smile made her somewhat confused.

She wasn't sure what the professor intended with that smile, but he finally said to her, "Your thesis isheading towards a good direction, and it's worth conducting further research into it. But I'm worriedthat you won't have any real theories to support you in the future. This is why I think you need towork in a company, or perhaps to do an internship to obtain some real statistical data instead ofreferring to research journals. I hope you can use the data you collect to support your thesis."

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