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Chapter 1425

"Celeste, Gary isn't by your side, is he?" Grace asked as she only saw Celeste on the other side ofthe video call.

Celeste nodded to her phone, "He went to buy coffee."

"Great." Grace smiled, "Perfect time for us to talk about some secrets."

"Secrets?" Celeste was a little surprised.

"Yeah," Grace said, "Gary's secret."

Celeste's chest tightened, but she was also a little excited, "Aunt Grace, what secret is it?"

"Actually, I already briefly talked about it when Gary was here just now," Grace said, "It's just I didn'tsay it in detail."

"Mm." Celeste nodded.

"Gary can be quite difficult to deal with," Grace said, "You've probably heard about it. He still hasn'taddressed your Uncle Jones as his father even until now."

"Huh?! Why?" Although Celeste had heard about it a long time ago, it was still surprising to hearAunt Grace confirm it.

"Who knows." Grace said, "From what I can tell, it's because of his personality. He probably feelsthat his father had wronged me in the past, so he's unwilling to address his father as so. Honestly,his father is rather prideful and hid some facts, so he hasn't actually wronged me. But Gary wouldn'tdo it no matter what."

Celeste was taken aback. Although she didn't know Gary well, she still felt it was a possibility afterhearing Aunt Grace's words.

"He still wouldn't do it even until now." Grace sighed, "He's not an easy one, so you'll find it difficultbeing with him."

Celeste was taken aback again. Looking at Aunt Grace, she felt a touch of warmth in her heart. Shealways felt that Aunt Grace was compassionate toward her. She was as gentle as ever, and shewould put herself in her shoes.

Celeste was truly moved.

Grace continued, "You'll definitely constantly feel aggrieved dating him. But don't be afraid. He'sactually a paper tiger. If you're forceful, he will pester you. Anyhow, I think you can live without him,but he would probably be screwed if he leaves you."

Grace had hit the nail on the head.

Celeste felt that Aunt Grace was right about some things, such as pestering.

Gary was behaving like so. He had always said he would leave; however, he would change hismind again.

Seeing the complicated mood changes on Celeste's face, Grace knew something was wrong.

"Celeste, Gary has been deeply in love with you since four years ago. Although he is in America, hestill thinks about you a lot. You two have grown up, and he is willing to go to America. I'm telling you,he won't be able to stand not being with you, and he would fly to England often to see you. If youdon't believe me, we can make a bet. He will definitely regret not going to England with you in thefirst place or regret not persuading you to go to America." Grace said.

"Not necessarily, I think." Celeste shook her head, "He doesn't regret it now."

"That's because he still doesn't know it." Grace smiled. "You'll see. When he goes back to Boston, itwouldn't even be a week before he wants to see you again."

"Will he?" Celeste still found it hard to believe.

Grace nodded and guaranteed her. "He will. He'll definitely visit you again very soon. Once a manhas a taste of it, he'll want more."

Celeste's face flushed instantly.

She could tell what Aunt Grace meant.

She was referring to them living together.

Once a man had a taste of a woman, he would want more, and it would be hard for him to quit.

Except, she wasn't sure if she had the charm.

She was highly doubtful.

"Have more confidence in yourself, Celeste." Grace comforted her. "He likes you very much, sodon't doubt your charm, and don't doubt his feelings for you."

Celeste pursed her lips and nodded.

Grace continued, "Also, I've already warned the butler for being a busybody and to not blindly paircouples. The reason Gary didn't explain your relationship with him is that he thinks there's no needfor him to say anything to the butler. So don't misunderstand his thoughts."

Celeste was touched once more. Aunt Grace is too sensitive; she even thought about this.

Celeste nodded, "Aunt Grace, I understand. Don't worry; I'll try my best."

She truly wanted to give it her all.

"Good," Grace could tell Celeste was insecure, so she was particularly considerate to her, "It's rightto be pedantic when you two encounter an issue. Some things need to be sorted out with anargument, but some things also need to be magnanimous. You're still young; it'll all make sensewhen you're older."

"Aunt Grace, I know these are your heartfelt words and also what you've concluded from yourexperiences. I know I can easily split hairs sometimes. I'll think through what you've just said andtell myself not to make a fuss about small matters." Celeste promised.

"Good girl," Grace smiled. "There are some things you need to make a fuss with him. Like Janice."

Celeste's eyes widened instantly.

"If you don't fuss over it and wait for him to explain it to you. How long will the misunderstandinglast? But you make it clear, and he still doesn't know how to correct the situation after he knowsabout it, then he's just too dumb. So, you see, he asked for my help now that he knows. Just now,he texted me to video call you." Grace told Celeste what Gary did. "Do you know how rare it is forGary to do so?"

How could Celeste not know?

She knew Gary was a prideful boy a long time ago.

He usually wouldn't admit his mistakes and apologize.

"I have a hunch." Celeste nodded sincerely, "He has indeed changed a lot." "He's someone whothinks he's better than everyone else; there is no way he would lower his head and ask for help. So,

you see, he is serious about you." Grace said.

"Mm," Celeste said.

"Alright, cheer up," Grace said.

"What are you two talking about? Are you talking bad about me?" Gary had gotten to where Celestewas and wrapped her in his arms again. His face appeared on the screen once more. It wasobvious he looked happier than before.

"Why are you feeling so guilty?" Grace smiled when she saw her son. "No one was talking badabout you. They're all truths."

"Really?" Gary raised his eyebrows. It was obvious he didn't believe his mother's words.

"Alright. You guys go ahead now. I'll leave you two be." Grace hung up.

Gary lowered his head and looked at Celeste. He asked, "What did you and Mommy talk about?"

"Nothing," Celeste shook her head.

However, the next second, Gary lifted Celeste's chin, forcing her to face him.

Celeste frowned slightly and saw that Gary was staring at her seriously. He really wanted to knowabout their conversation.

"What did you two talk about? Tell me," Gary said.

"Looks like you really feel guilty," Celeste thought of Aunt Grace's words.

"Why are you all saying I'm feeling guilty? How am I guilty?" Gary furrowed his brows slightly.

"Why must you know about it?" Celeste pulled his hand down and lowered her eyes to hide thecunningness in them. "Why do I have to tell you?"

Gary was naturally unhappy that she pulled her hand down. "Are you really not going to tell me?"He lifted her chin again.

Just then, his eyes widened. He saw a smile in her eyes that hadn't yet faded.

"You're smiling?" He was slightly surprised.

Because for a long time, Celeste hadn't smiled. But now, she was smiling.

"What did Mommy say that made you so happy?" He looked at Celeste suspiciously, but he wasvery glad.

"Nothing, really." Celeste looked away. "Let's go find Flynt and Janice."

"No need." Gary said, "I've sent them away."

"They've left?" Celeste was astonished.

"Yeah. I've already sent them away." Gary said,

"Flynt and Janice go have their fun while we go have our own."

"Why?" Celeste was confused.

Gary smiled and said, "It wasn't safe before when Janice was alone, but Flynt is here now. Sincethey're both single, there's no need for them to be the third wheel. So it's best for all of us that theygo have their fun."

Celeste was instantly speechless.

Feeling helpless, she pulled his hand down again.

However, Gary immediately placed his hands on her waist. He didn't care whether they were out inpublic.

Celeste's body trembled. She felt as if her blood was boiling.

She could only glare at him and said, "let go of me."

"How many days more?" Gary suddenly asked.novelbin

Celeste was stumped. But almost instantly, she knew he was referring to her period.

"I don't know." She answered with annoyance.

"Celeste." Gary said as he hugged her tightly.

Celeste's nose touched his firm chest. She could smell his body odor; she felt slightly dizzy.

At the same time, the corner of Gary's lips curled into a charming smile.

"We'll have fun on our own. Don't let others follow." He said.

Celeste leaned in his arms and felt a little annoyed. This man couldn't care less about others whenhe was domineering. Wouldn't it be awkward if he let Flynt and Janice travel together?

"Flynt and Janice will feel awkward," Celeste mumbled.

"That's their business," Gary said. "I can't stand the awkwardness when the four of us are together."

Celeste was speechless.

"I can't stand you and Flynt being together even more," Gary said.

"Aren't you always with Janice too?" Celeste said. She felt that she was being too fussy again, soshe said, "Now you know how I feel, don't you?"

"That’s why we needed to fix things right away," Gary said with a deep voice.

Celeste didn't expect him to say that. After a moment of silence, she raised her head, and just sohappened he lowered his head too.

A gentle kiss fell on her forehead, full of tenderness and appreciation.

Celeste's heart trembled as she felt a little nervous.

Then she heard him say, "I think my mistake is that I didn't give you enough sense of security. Westill haven't built up absolute trust yet. Also, you lack in confidence too much while I'moverconfident."

His words were like tongue twisters, but Celeste fully understood them.

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