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Chapter 1421

Celeste was stunned and looked at Gary in surprise.

Janice was also a little startled. She hurriedly shook her head and said, "Yes, I'm not Gary'sgirlfriend. We're just good friends."

Celeste was really shocked by what Gary said.

She twitched her lips awkwardly and didn't know what to say.

Flynt took a glance at them and turned to Celeste. "Mr. Smith, Miss Simpson, is this your first time inEdinburgh?"

"Yes, it's our first time." Janice nodded. "It's a pleasure to know you, Mr. Quartley. If you have timetoday, maybe you could show us around. We would really appreciate it."

"Sure, I was planning to hang out with Celeste today. But since everyone is here, let's go outtogether," Flynt replied.

"Why don't we invite Ava to join us? She did help a lot last night." Janice suggested.

"She has plans today," Celeste said. "She didn't come here for a vacation. She is doing someresearch with my other classmates." Celeste replied.

"Why don't you call and ask her," Janice said.

Helplessly, Celeste still made the call. It was as she said; Ava was busy.

"Then it will be just the four of us," Janice said.

So the four of them had breakfast and left for the road trip.

When they left the hotel, Celeste thought Gary would drive, but he didn't. Instead, he said to Flynt,"Can we all ride in your car, Mr. Quartley? I didn't rest well today; I don't think it's safe for me todrive."

"Sure," Flynt nodded immediately. "Let's go. My car is just right here."

Upon reaching his car, Flynt opened the front passenger seat door and said to Celeste, "Celeste,come."

Before Celeste even moved, Gary walked over to the front passenger seat and sat down whilesmiling at Flynt.

Seeing Gary's actions, Celeste was baffled.

Flynt was also a little confused. He really didn't understand what was up with Celeste's brother.

Flynt subconsciously looked at Celeste. She could only smile apologetically at him.

Flynt let it go. He smiled; it was as warm as ever.

"Whatever," Janice said to Celeste and Flynt. "Ignore him. He has a sister complex. He probablydoesn't like his sister sitting with another man."

Flynt was stunned and took a serious glance at Celeste. He found that Celeste's expression washighly unusual.

Janice quickly pulled Celeste into the backseat and smiled at Flynt.

Flynt nodded lightly, got into the driver's seat, and started the engine.

Celeste truly felt a sense of awkwardness in the air.

Luckily Janice was there. She soon patted Gary's shoulder saying, "You don't need to pull such agrim face. You don't look like you're going on a trip; more like you're heading to a grave."

Gary furrowed his brows, "It's none of your business."

"You're going to make it hard for Celeste's friend to deal with your attitude," Janice whispered toGary from his back.

Gary didn't care if his attitude bothered Flynt. "Mr. Quartley wouldn't mind." He even looked at Flyntwhile saying it.

Flynt was taken aback. He quickly shook his head and said, "Of course I don't mind."

Gary then didn't say anything more.

Celeste didn't say anything either.

As long as Janice was there, the atmosphere would naturally not be awkward. She even managedto continue her conversation with Flynt from the backseat, "Mr. Quartley, it seems that you havealready started working, am I right?"

"Yes. I've graduated for two years now." Flynt said.

"No wonder. You look like you're a few years older than us." Janice added.

"Yes, I've graduated from postgraduate study and worked for two years. I'm indeed a few yearsolder than Celeste." Flynt said.

"How old are you, Celeste?" Janice asked.

"20," Celeste replied.

"You're the same age as Gary?" Janice exclaimed.

"Mm," Celeste nodded. Janice continued asking, "You've skipped grades as well?"

"Yes," Celeste replied.

"You two are so brilliant." Janice looked at Gary, then at Celeste. "I can't believe I'm actually twoyears older than the two of you. What a shame."

Celeste was gobsmacked. She didn't know Janice was two years older than Gary; she couldn't tell.

Celeste didn't say anything. She just sat there quietly.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

She glanced at it and realized it was Aunt Grace. She was surprised yet a little guilty. When sheraised her head and looked at Gary, he happened to be looking at her as well.

"It's Aunt Grace," Celeste told Gary.

After a short pause, Gary said, "Pick it up then."

"Okay," Celeste answered the call, "Aunt Grace."

"How are you doing, Celeste?" Grace's voice was as gentle as ever, "What are you up to?"

"I'm in Edinburgh now." Celeste didn't hide anything from Grace, "Gary and his friend are here too.We're heading on a road trip."

"His friend?" There was a hint of surprise in Grace's voice, "Is it Janice?"novelbin

"Yes, Aunt Grace," Celeste replied.

"Celeste, pass the phone to Gary," Grace said.

"Oh, okay, Aunt Grace," Celeste replied.

She handed the phone over to Gary and said, "Aunt Grace wants to talk to you."

Gary frowned a little, took the phone, and placed it by his ear, "Mommy?" "Gary Smith, the butlertold me a rumor that you have a girlfriend. What on earth is going on?" Grace asked.

"Since it's a rumor, then it naturally isn't true," Gary said as his brows furrowed slightly. "Mommy, areyou calling just to ask about this?"

"I called to see if everything is fine with Celeste. Also, I want to remind you not to be a sc*mbag."Grace said righteously, "I clearly remember you used to despise your father very much for being adivorcee. Why does it look like' surpassing him now?"

Gary's face turned cold instantly. He replied, "Mommy, I'm in the car now. I'll call you back later. Butdon't worry, what you said will never happen to me."

"Good," Grace said. "One more thing."

"What is it?" Gary asked.

"If Celeste is pregnant, you two can have the baby first before you marry. I'm free these days; I canhelp you two take care of the baby. Your dad really likes children too, so you don't have to feel anypressure. Keep the baby if she's pregnant." Grace said.

Gary was rendered speechless. He twitched his lips and said, "Mommy, I don't have any opinionson this request, but you have to ask Celeste."

"Ask her?" Grace instantly knew something was wrong. "Have you upset Celeste? You want me toask her?"

Gary didn't say much as there were other people in the car.

Grace obviously knew what her son was thinking. She smiled and said, "Okay, let me talk to Celestethen."

"Alright," Gary handed the phone back to Celeste.

Celeste took it over and said softly as she placed it by her ear, "Aunt Grace."

"Celeste, I know about your relationship with Gary," Grace said directly.

Celeste was shocked and asked nervously, "Aunt Grace, h-how did you know?"

Had Ernest or Maria told her?

"Your Uncle Jones heard about it from Alex. He said Gary bought a house in Oxford. I had a hunchhe bought it for you. And you two are staying together, aren't you?" Grace replied.

"Aunt Grace..." Celeste felt guilty. She didn't think Grace would know about it so soon. What wasshe going to do?

"Don't worry; I'm more than happy to have you as my daughter-in-law." Grace comforted her. "I justwant to tell you, if you are pregnant, just give birth to the baby. Your Uncle Jones and I are free, andwe can help you take care of the child."

Celeste's face turned red immediately.

"No, Aunt Grace, it's not what you think." She embarrassedly wanted to explain herself. But therewere other people in the car, so she couldn't do it at that moment.

"No matter what, just give birth if you're pregnant. If you're not, enjoy your time with Gary. I've beenwhere you're at. You're my daughter, and Gary's my son. I know he can be hard to deal with, and it'llbe tough for you to be with him."

"It's not that bad, actually," Celeste whispered.

"That's it then. Try and spend more time together. He's in England now, and you should go toBoston later. You two can spend your holidays together next time, or better still persuade him to goto your university. It'll be much easier for you two to date." Grace said.

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