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Chapter 1420

Seeing her indifferent attitude, he didn't speak. He just walked in and stood by her bed.

Celeste didn't like the feeling of being looked at condescendingly. She only said, "You can sitwherever you like."

Gary then sat by her bed.

Celeste lowered her eyes, not wanting to even look at him.

"Janice said she didn't want to leave today." Gary finally spoke.

"I know. Miss Simpson said she had discussed it with you," Celeste replied. The atmosphere couldn’t get any more awkward.

"Since we're not leaving and you have nothing else to do, why not join us later?" He suggested.

"You guys go ahead." She shook her head."Go have fun."

Gary's gaze turned cold as he stared at her eyes. "You can take it as being our photographer.Janice and I should take some photos while we're out, don't we? We can't come all this way and nottake any photos."

Celeste was taken aback; she looked up at him.

His gaze was mysterious, unreadable, yet it carried a sense of matter-of-fact.

"Since you want to be my sister, can't you take a few photos for me?" Gary said.

Celeste's heart ached upon hearing his words and seeing the way he looked at her. She leanedagainst the bed and said nothing. Gary spoke again, "We've never taken any photos together, havewe?"

"Yeah, we've never taken any," Celeste replied with a sad smile.

However, he had taken tons of photos with Janice. Whenever Celeste thought about it, her heartgrew cold and stuffy.

"You can find a tour guide," Celeste said, "There are a lot of them here. I won't be joining; I'm seeingsomeone later."

"Is it Flynt?" Gary asked.

Celeste's brows furrowed.

"You said you would treat him to a meal today over the phone." Gary continued, "Since you'll bemeeting him later, why don't you ask him to join us? Maybe Janice and I can help you two takephotos." "No," she said. "What are you afraid of?" Gary said while staring into her eyes. His gazegrew much colder. He seemed doubtful of her.

T m not afraid at all." Celeste shook her head instantly. She could barely breathe under his gaze."Since you're not afraid, then join us," Gary said, "I can also take the opportunity to see if Flynt is agood man. Who knows, he might be my brother-in-law in the future."

Celeste was so upset she was suffocating.

She felt humiliated and upset. How could he say it like that?

At that moment, Celeste couldn't feel anything.

She looked at Gary emotionlessly and said, "You can leave now if you're done."

Gary knew that his words would anger Celeste, but to his surprise, she didn't refute him at all.

"Does she really want to be with Flynt?" Gary pondered.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Join us. The more, the merrier."

Seeing that he still hadn't left, Celeste frowned and said, "I said, I won't go."

Hearing her rejection, Gary sneered. He stared at Celeste with a coldness he never had before.

Celeste was dumbfounded under his gaze; she backed up and pressed against the bed.

Gary walked to her front, sat by her side, and said into her face, "Didn't you say that you want totreat me as your older brother? In that case, do as I say. Show me if you have the ability to fake thepeace between us. Can you get along with a man who used to be so intimate with you effortlessly infront of another man you like?

Celeste's heart tightened at his words. It was an indescribable feeling.

He was torturing her.

"You... What on earth are you trying to do?" She asked.

"Nothing." He said, "I just want to see if my beloved sister has the ability to be cold toward me infront of anyone."

"You've gone too far," Celeste said with her eyes turning red. Gary did it on purpose; he was simplytorturing her.

Celeste felt that he was too cruel. Was he trying to destroy her?

"Too far?" Gary laughed sarcastically. "Celeste White, just who has gone too far?"

Wasn't it him?

How could he pretend to be innocent?

"You're the one who is being vexatious repeatedly," A sense of austere surged within Gary; hestared at Celeste deadly. "I just want to see how capable you are."

"Fine." Celeste was angered. "Just wait and see."

He narrowed his eyes; a glimmer flashed across it. The corner of his lips curved up slightly as hesaid, "Call him then. We'll leave after breakfast."

"Okay." Celeste didn't want to talk to him anymore. "You can leave now."

It was only then Gary stood up and looked at her condescendingly as he said, "Looks like I've upsetyou by not leaving Edinburgh last night."

"Indeed," Celeste said disingenuously. She didn't want to fight with him as she was even moreupset.

He stared at Celeste deeply before he left.

Celeste felt weak when she got out of bed.

After his torment, in addition to her lack of sleep and weakness, she felt even more upset.

She was in a horrible mood at the moment, but there was nothing she could do.

She called Flynt and asked, "Flynt, where are you now?"

"I'm at the lobby of your hotel," Flynt replied.

Celeste didn't know what to say for a moment. "I've just arrived, Celeste," Flynt said with a smile, "Icame here to settle some matters. Have you woken up?"

"I'll come down right away, Flynt," Celeste replied. She quickly washed up and got dressed. Thenshe grabbed her laptop and bag and headed out.

She didn't want to see Gary, nor did she want to fight with him.

She didn't have the confidence to quarrel with Gary. She felt that she would only hurt herself morethat way.

So, she decided to spend the day with Flynt, not wanting Gary to find her.

She walked out carrying her backpack. The moment she opened the door, she saw Gary standingby the door, looking at her. There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"What? Are you planning on running away?" He saw that she was carrying her backpack; a hint ofmockery flashed across his eyes.

Celeste widened her eyes in shock as her body trembled.

Gary Smith was too heinous.

"Celeste, you look quite startled." He said with a smile. "Looks like I've guessed what you'rethinking."

He really drove Celeste crazy.

She couldn't stand it anymore. Like a hurt creature, her eyes were bloodshot. "What on earth doyou want?"

"Nothing," He wasn't angry anymore. Instead, he felt a lot more pleasant, seeing her eyes turn red."Let's head down together."

Tears streamed down Celeste's cheeks. She felt truly worn out.

She didn't want Gary to see her tears, so she lowered her head.

But he still saw it. Gary saw the tear stain on the floor in front of Celeste. It was small and wet. Hesaw it all.novelbin

Gary remained motionless.

Celeste took a deep breath and quickly fixed her emotion.

She went back into her room and put down her laptop. She came out carrying a small bag and hadregained her composure.

When they went downstairs, they ran into Janice on the second floor.

"Good morning, Celeste." Janice had fully recovered. She looked nothing like when she wasshocked miserably the day before.

She looked like she had just been reborn. She even had a brilliant smile on her face.

Celeste tugged on her lips and tried not to seem bothered. She said with a smile, "Good morning,Miss Simpson."

"Just call me Janice," Janice said as she held Celeste's arm, showing an affectionate attitude.

Celeste, on the other hand, was a little stiff. She sighed a little as she knew she could never be likeJanice when it came to getting close with strangers.

While Janice was a born socializer.

This was Miss Simpson's charm, wasn't it?

Celeste smiled and said nothing more.

She saw Flynt immediately when she arrived at the hotel lobby.

"Celeste," Flynt quickly walked over and said while smiling. He was taken aback a little when hesaw Gary and Janice by her side.

"Flynt," Celeste greeted. She then introduced them to each other, "This is my brother, Gary Smith,and her girlfriend, Janice Simpson. This is my senior from Oxford University, Flynt Quartley."

"Hi," Flynt greeted first.

Gary nodded lightly. He had a faint smile on his face, but his gaze was cold.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Quartley. Thank you for taking care of my sister, but it seems that she wasmistaken. Janice is not my girlfriend." Gary denied.

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