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Chapter 1405

Early the next morning.

It was still relatively early when Celeste woke up. Judging by the color of the sky, dawn just broke.

She stared at the ceiling in a daze. She recalled staying up late last night and not being able tosleep. In the end, she was forcefully put to bed by Gary.

He hugged her and threatened her that if she didn't sleep, he would keep hugging her.

She thought that she would have insomnia, but after being held by him for a while, she fell asleepuntil dawn.

Celeste was a little annoyed. She didn't know when Gary fell asleep, but she assumed that Garymust have hugged her for the whole night.

At that moment, when she turned her head, she realized that Gary was not by her side. He wasn't inthe room either.

She got up and washed up. Feeling under the weather, she took some medicine and changed intoan outfit from her suitcase.

She checked the time on her phone and calculated the time difference. Then, she chose to make acall to Maria while Gary wasn't around.

The call was quickly connected.

Maria's voice was heard, but no joy could be heard from the tone of her voice. It was even a littlehoarse as she greeted, "Hey Celeste."

"Are you okay?" Celeste was shocked. Usually, Maria was always energetic. However, she soundeda little spiritless now. Celeste couldn't help but worry.

"I'm fine. What about you? Are you and Gary doing well?" Maria asked.

Intuition told Celeste that Maria seemed to be hiding something from her.

Celeste didn't want to vent to Maria for fear that it would affect her and said, "We're doing well, butwhy do you sound so weak?"

Maria was stunned. After a few seconds, she asked, "You can tell that I'm unhappy?"

"How long have we known each other?" Celeste smiled, "I wouldn't be your friend if I couldn't tellyour emotions from your voice, would I?"

"You don't seem to be very happy, either. We are friends, best friends, as a matter of fact," Mariasighed.

Celeste was stunned. The two of them chuckled at each other through the phone, "Yes, you can tellif I'm not happy too."

"I'll go first then," Maria said, "I met Liam."

"You saw each other so soon?" Celeste was a little surprised. She recalled what Maria had saidabout Liam's attitude. Due to the matter involving her aunt four years ago where he had chosen totake her aunt's side, Maria was furious towards Liam. This affected the way she had treated himafter that.

Over the past four years, Maria went to London University to study because Liam was there.

Although she didn't admit it, Celeste was no longer as naive as she was at 16. She understoodmatters revolving around relationships and how girls reacted to them.

For a girl, it was not easy to forget a person.

She knew that Maria's feelings for Liam had never changed, but the feelings were hidden deep inher heart.

"Maria, if you like him, just face him bravely. Don't hold yourself back and don't blame him forsupporting my aunt four years ago. Those things have long passed. If you are worried that I willblame you for being loyal to him, I'll feel guilty. I hope you will be happy."

Maria's eyes were red- rimmed when she heard

Celeste's words.

She was touched.

Perhaps she was depressed because her parents were not at home and her relatives were not byher side. Hence, she was feeling moody and emotional.

She opened up and admitted, "Yes, I do like him. My feelings for him have never changed. I'vealways liked him. In fact, I feel upset when I don't see him. However, I feel even more upset when Imeet him."

Celeste, of course, understood what that feeling was.

She was experiencing the same feeling.

When she couldn't see Gary, she was so worried. However, they could still video call each other,which was still a source of comfort for her.

However, now that they were physically together, her heart was still filled with sadness and jealousybecause he cared about other women. His actions were a disappointment to her.

That was especially true for the day before when he said that he was with Janice. When she heardabout it, her heart shattered to pieces.

Similarly, she felt uncomfortable when Gary wasn't by her side in the morning.

Alas, there were some things that needed her to be rational.

"I understand." Celeste struggled to tell Maria and empathized with her, "Just like Gary and I."

"No, it's different," Maria immediately explained, "Celeste, Gary likes you, but Liam doesn't like meat all."

Celeste paused for a moment before saying, "Maria, Gary may seem to like me, but life is long. Hemight not have realized that he likes someone else more."

For example, Janice Simpson.

"What? Did he fall in love with another woman?" All of a sudden, Maria realized that Celeste wasimplying something in her words.

Celeste quickly denied, "No, it's just a hypothesis."

"You gave me a fright. If Gary were to fall in love with another girl, I wouldn't be able to believe inlove anymore. If the stubborn Gary was ever distracted, nothing in this world is worth believing in,"Maria replied.

"Don't be so pessimistic," Celeste comforted her immediately.

She didn't want Maria to have such thoughts, so she could only say some white lies to not burdenMaria, who was already disappointed.

"He's a decent person. Liam isn't bad either. He's a person who knows how to be grateful. He stoodup for my aunt before because my aunt had raised him. He didn't want to suspect my aunt'scharacter. Since I'm a stranger to him, it's totally understandable," Celeste went on to say.

"No, you're not a stranger," Maria immediately argued, but she stopped in her tracks. She didn'tdare to go on. She didn't dare to tell Celeste that the girl in Liam's heart was none other thanCeleste herself.

"Yeah, I'm just a friend, not a good one either," Celeste chuckled, "Everyone has their own opinions.It's normal for Liam to have such actions. At that time, I just didn't want to have any contact withpeople my aunt knew, so I was indifferent towards Liam."

"Now that I think about it, I realized I was too selfish. Maria, I'm sorry. I didn't take your status intoconsideration at that time and I didn't help you."

"No, don't apologize!" Maria felt guilty as she didn't expect Celeste to apologize to her. She quicklyclarified, "Celeste, it was a smart move of yours to not be friends with Liam."

Celeste felt that Maria was being considerate. She laughed, "So if you like Liam, go for it. A bravegirl may be a different experience for boys."

"What do you mean?" Maria frowned. For a moment, she did not understand the meaning ofCeleste's words.novelbin

Celeste thought of Janice, who was brave.

The dazzling and brave Janice had attracted Gary's attention.

Gary liked Janice very much. In other words, he felt differently about her.

"Brave girls easily attract men. It's the same in the animal kingdom. Dazzling females will alwaysattract the attention of the males, and those obscure females probably won't be seen by others.Even if the males are aware of them, they will feel bored after some time."

"Celeste, do you mean that you're going to support me in pursuing Liam?" Maria was surprised.

"Of course I'll support you. If you like him, then go and try your best to make him fall in love withyou. Even if the result turns out to be fruitless, at least you won't regret it if you've worked hard,"Celeste advised seriously.

"Moreover, there's no guarantee that there'll be a bad ending for the two of you. Who knows?Maybe you'll live happily ever after."

"Celeste, have you changed?" Maria laughed in surprise, "I feel that you are fearless now. You havebecome so courageous."

Celeste's heart tightened a little because she had lost everything.

Right now, she had nothing at all. She had given her virginity to Gary already.

Hence, she had nothing to be afraid of.

"Thank you, I will be brave as well. In any case, you must give it a try," Celeste said.

"But I...," Maria was still hesitant, "I don't know how to. He looks really depressed now."

Celeste thought for a while and helped Maria to analyze her situation, "Maria, Liam is a person whovalues relationships. When he is at the lowest point of his career, someone that helps him wouldprobably become his biggest benefactor."

"Are you saying that I should try to save his career?" Maria instantly understood what Celestemeant.

In fact, she had the same thought, too.

It was also the same reason for her trip home.

"With your family's ability, I think you can help him. Only your father and Uncle Jones can thwart myaunt's company from silencing Liam," Celeste replied.

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