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Chapter 1366

"By the way, Gary," Ernest added, "Liam has returned, and he's not doing well. Just now, newsabout him was just released. His influence has completely hit rock bottom, and his company isdeliberately abandoning him. He hasn't had a shoot for years, nor has he gone to a variety show.He has fallen from A-tier to D-tier."

"He was blacklisted," Gary calmly commented, "It'll be hard for him to make a comeback without thesupport of a benefactor."

"Gary, aren't you going to help him?" Ernest looked at Gary.

Gary didn't say anything. He just said, "He's still three years away from completing his contract. It'snot the right time to make a move now."

"So does that mean you'll help Liam?" Ernest seemed to have realized something.

Gary looked at his younger brother indifferently and said, "That would be based on how capable heis. You shouldn't get involved in this mess either." "But we are friends," Ernest sighed.

"If a person doesn't have the ability to stand up on their own, they'll fail again even if you're able tosupport him." Gary was solemn, "Currently, he's in an awkward position since he still doesn't havethe ability to support himself. If he had that ability, he can still rely on his work to make himselffamous again even if he's a D-list artist."

Reluctantly, Ernest had to admit that his brother's words made sense.

"Furthermore, that shouldn't be done by you or me," Gary looked at his younger brother seriouslyand continued, "Someone else will do it."

Ernest was stunned for a moment before realization dawned upon him, "Gary, do you mean Maria?"

"Maria came to study in London for the sake of Liam. She gave up on Oxford and Cambridge andchose London University instead. Why do you think she did that?" Gary looked at his youngerbrother and asked.

Ernest was really stunned by his question.

This was the first time he seriously thought about this.

Almost instantly, he agreed with his brother's statement.

Maria did it for Liam's sake.

For so many years, she had been hiding her feelings in the bottom of her heart. She still couldn'tforget Liam.

Ernest nodded and said, "It seems that Maria can't forget Liam. She chose London University justfor the sake of being in the same school as him. But Gary, do you think she will help Liam?"

"Let's just wait and see," Gary didn't want Ernest to take action too early, "We're not in a hurry. IfLiam has the ability and patience, he can overcome this. If he doesn't, then there's nothing we cando."

It was much better for Liam to help himself than to wait for others to help him. That was definitelymore dignified.

"Okay, I agree."

Meanwhile, in the room upstairs.

Maria was playing with her phone while chatting with Celeste.

Suddenly, she saw a tiny article in a small corner of the news.

There was a photo. It was the figure of a person she was familiar with.

In the photo, Liam had come out of the airport with his head down and a face filled with desolation.In the crowd, he was alone, and there was no one to pick him up. It was like no one had seen him.

He used to be a top artist and would be surrounded by a sea of people as soon as he got off theplane. He would be busy giving out signatures. Now, no one cared about him.

He looked very lonely, but the people behind him were very lively.

With just one glance, Maria's fingers tightened around her phone. Her knuckles were white, and hereyes were a little teary.

Her heart sank. It hurt.

Liam had gone home.

Could he bear the crappy situation once he got home?

She really wanted to go back now.

Maria sniffled and felt a little worried.

"What's wrong with you?" Celeste saw that Maria seemed to be acting a little bit strange, so shequickly asked with concern.

Maria looked up. Her eyes were covered with tears and her eyelashes were wet. She looked weakand sad.

Celeste was shocked and gasped, "Maria? What's wrong with you?"

Maria handed her phone over to Celeste.

Celeste looked down and saw the headline on the mobile phone.

The headlines wrote, "Former top superstar Liam Robinson returned - in desolation! Is his careerofficially over?" Seeing such news, Celeste was also stunned. She pursed her lips, scrolled downthe article, and saw the photo.

It was the same shirt that Liam wore when they met at the airport that day. It was a photo taken onthe day he returned home.

She couldn't believe her eyes.

Four years.

It only took four years for a person to be dragged down from the top.

It was way too fast.

All of this caught them off guard.

Celeste gave the phone to Maria. She was worried about Maria, but she didn't know how to comforther.

Celeste could only sigh, "The situation is horrible now, but don't worry too much. If he has the ability,he will definitely pull himself together."

Maria took a deep breath and grabbed her phone. She subconsciously clenched her phone tighter.

"He'll make it."

Although she was worried, Maria's words were firm and strong.

Celeste suddenly felt that Maria was really admirable. Her belief in Liam was the greatest supportfor him.

Even when everyone was unsure if Liam still had the ability to get back on his feet, she firmlybelieved that Liam would definitely be able to do so.

The trust alone was enough to show that Maria was different from everyone else.

"Maria," Celeste reached out and patted her on the shoulders, "If he doesn't know that you think thatabout him, it'll be his loss."

Maria pursed her lips. The color of her lips was a little pale, but her voice was still calm andstubborn.

"I don't feel upset. I did what I could. I can't control everything. But if I want him, I have to sacrificesomething that ordinary people can't give. That's why I have to work hard."

Celeste was stunned and didn't quite understand what Maria meant, "Wha-what do you want todo?"

Maria smiled and squeezed out a wry smile, "I'm going to learn everything about him. I will enter theentertainment circle and strive to be his agent in three years."

Celeste was shocked by Maria's words.novelbin

She was taken aback completely.

Maria smiled and comforted her, "I caught you off guard, didn't I? It's true though, I'm going tochoose a major related to Liam and work hard. Don't be afraid. I'm serious. I'm not going into thishalf-heartedly."

"I'm indeed a little scared," Celeste admitted, "Your courage isn't something that ordinary peoplehave."

"Keep this a secret for me," Maria requested.

"Of course," Celeste promised, "I won't tell your cousins either."

"Thank you," Maria wrapped her arms around Celeste and rested her face on her shoulder. Shethen looked at the mark on Celeste's neck and changed the topic, "Gary has gone too far. You havebruises everywhere. Does it hurt?"

Celeste's body stiffened instantly, "What are you looking at?" "The hickeys he planted, of course,"Maria grinned.

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