True Fated Marriage (Grace and Heinz)

Chapter 1365 The Four Children Of The Jones Family, Gary Smith 140
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Chapter 1365 The Four Children Of The Jones Family, Gary Smith 140

Meanwhile, in the living room downstairs.

It was rare for the two brothers to sit together. No one spoke, and the atmosphere was quiet.

Gary didn't seem to have the slightest intention of speaking.

After Celeste and Maria left, Ernest did not continue to meditate. Instead, he picked up his cup andtook a sip of his tea.

None of the brothers broke the silence.

When the butler came in, he realized that the atmosphere in the living room was a little tense. Hewas surprised and asked, "Are the tea and snacks not to your liking?"

"No," Ernest immediately shook his head and denied, "Mr. Butler, you can go ahead if you're busy."

The butler was a little worried and looked at Gary, "Master Gary, if you have any orders, please feelfree to speak."

"I'm fine," Gary's tone was extremely calm, "You may excuse yourself. It'll be best if we can havedinner in half an hour."

"Understood," The butler nodded immediately, "There's no problem with doing that."

Then, Gary stopped talking.

The butler left.

The atmosphere once again descended into silence.

Finally, Ernest broke the silence with a slight smile, "Gary, do you want some tea? This is black tea.It tastes good."

Gary raised his eyes to look at Ernest before smirking. He picked up the cup on the table andasked, "Ernest, years of not seeing you and you've picked up the habit of drinking tea? Have youbeen living like an old man?"

Ernest was not angry. He just chuckled and nodded with enthusiasm, "Drinking tea is good for ourhealth since there's many antioxidants in it. No matter what, our health is our main priority, isn't it?"

Gary took a sip of tea and glanced at his younger brother. The look in his eyes was deep andprofound.

"Our first priority is the body. From a certain point of view, that is undeniable." "From what I'veheard, sometimes that doesn't seem to be the case. I wonder what's your priority, Gary?"

Gary took another sip of tea and placed the cup on the table. He leaned back and crossed his legs,looking lazy and uninterested.

"Happiness," He commented, "If I'm happy, my body will naturally be healthy. If I'm not, my body willsecrete a lot of toxins."

Ernest licked his lips and laughed, "Of course, it's good that you've been happy. Don't be tooemotional. It will affect your mood as much as it will affect your health. Your face was glum whenyou came here the day before, so you have to be careful. This change of mood will easily affectyour happiness and health."

Finally, that had been brought up.

Gary didn't seem angry. He just smiled, "I wasn't unhappy that day. It's just that there are somethings that you don't understand since you're still young."

"Gary, we're twins," Ernest wanted to remind Gary that there was only a difference of few minutesbetween when they were born.

"Yes, we were born together," Gary calmly continued, "It's just that there are some matters that stilldiffer. As a man and a boy, we have different views."

A man and a boy?

In an instant, Ernest frowned.

He understood what Gary meant.

Gary was saying that he already had intimate relations with Celeste. There was a differencebetween them now.

He was a man now.

At the thought of the marks on Celeste's neck, Ernest felt a little depressed.

Of course, he knew and understood that Celeste would not have any relationship with him.However, he couldn't help but be upset when it crossed his mind.

Gary glanced at the silent Ernest and a faint glint flashed across his eyes. He then smiled faintlyand casually said, "In the future, I will frequently travel between here and the United States."

"Gary, have you thought it through?" Ernest raised his eyebrows and asked, "Have you changedyour plans?"novelbin

"Not really," Gary shrugged," Celeste has grown up and she knows what she wants. This is what I'mmost happy about."

If one listened carefully, one could hear the pride in his tone.

He was announcing ownership over Celeste.

Essentially, she belonged to him.

Ernest didn't answer.

Gary tilted his eyes to look at him. Ernest's expression was calm, as if he hadn't been affected in theslightest.

At the same time, Ernest's phone vibrated.

He lowered his eyes slightly and picked up his phone. After glancing at it, he typed a few words andsent a message over.

Then, Ernest frowned slightly. The light in the room illuminated his face and his tall nose. It cast ashadow on his lips, making his expression look grim and downcast.

Watching as Ernest was acting like this, Gary's eyes seemed to flash with emotion. After a longwhile, he grinned and asked, "Ernest, are you in love?"

Upon hearing Gary's words, Ernest immediately laughed and said in a perfunctory manner, "Gary,I'm busy. I'm not as idle as you to be in a longdistance relationship."

When Gary heard this, he knew that his younger brother had understood the relationship betweenhim and Celeste. This was good. From now on, Ernest would keep his distance.

He smiled and said again, "It's not that you're not idle. You just haven't found the right person yet."

Ernest looked at his brother. Without avoiding his gaze, he looked into Gary's eyes and teased him,"That's right, there's no suitable candidate for me yet. Besides, I'm not like you. I'm not lonely, so Idon't need to fall in love so early."

"You mean I'm lonely?"

"Very lonely," Ernest said bluntly, "You're such a hypocrite. You could bring Celeste to America, butyou're so pretentious that you refused to do so. Look at you now. You're going to have to run aroundbetween two countries."

Ernest was straightforward since they had already decided to be blunt.

With that, he let out a sigh of relief. His eyes were clear as if he had been freed of his burden.

Gary looked at his younger brother and chuckled, "It's romantic to go back and forth, isn't it?"

"That's right. It is good as long as you are willing to do so," Ernest shrugged. He lifted his teacupand gestured to Gary, "Gary, let me toast to you."

"Thank you," Gary also picked up his cup of tea. The two of them then downed their tea together.

"We are brothers," Ernest looked at him seriously and continued, "There's no need to actcourteously with me."

"Of course I wouldn't," Gary smiled with a profound look in his eyes.

In fact, there was no need to say anything plainly, but he understood that everything was over. Itwas over now.

Ernest had already understood four years ago that his older brother was much better than him.

If the three of them were really together, Celeste would probably not be with Gary so quickly. It wasbecause of the distance between the two of them that emotions sprung forth.

Therefore, they were more suitable for each other.

Ernest's reluctance and dissatisfaction were tucked away into the corner of his heart, and theywould never see the light of day again.

In the future, keeping his distance was Ernest's responsibility.

The two of them sat for a while before Gary said, "By the way, Celeste said that there's a necklacefor you to return to Liam."

Ernest was stunned for a moment before nodding. He glanced at his brother and saw that Gary'sexpression was calm. He couldn't see any special emotion emulating him.

"Yes," Ernest agreed, "She gave it to me just now. She asked me to give it back to Liam."

"Okay, courier it back to him," Gary's gaze was sharp as he grunted, "I'll meet with him when I getback."

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