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Chapter 1291

After answering Ernest's call, Gary's expression turned rigid.

Upon noticing Gary's expression, Lowell was slightly startled and asked, "Gary, what's going on?Why do you look so tense?"

Gary turned around. He looked at Lowell coldly.

Lowell shrugged. He was not afraid of Gary. On the contrary, he was very worried, "From the looksof it, something bad must have happened. Do you want to talk about it?"

"There is nothing to say," Gary replied.

He did not want to talk about it.

"When you were a child," Lowell paused as if he was looking for the right words before continuing,"You were always calm and indifferent. Now that you've grown up, you're always angry."

Only then did Gary frown slightly. He looked into Lowell's eyes and a terrifying light appeared in hiseyes. It was a feeling of oppression.

Lowell smiled as he looked into Gary's eyes and said nothing.

It seemed Gary was in such a bad mood because of a sensitive matter.

He knew that he couldn't overdo it. There were some things that didn't need to be said.

Gary knew that Lowell was not a meddlesome person. No matter what he said, it was because hewas worried about him. He had tact.

Therefore, Gary did not show any hostility towards Lowell.

After glancing at Lowell, he lowered his eyes and said, "It's not a complicated problem, it's justbecause of my own emotions."

Lowell looked at him, waiting for him to continue.novelbin

Gary raised his eyebrows and sighed, "Maybe it's because I wasn't there that I lost control."

"Are you referring to the situation or your own emotions?" Lowell asked, knowing exactly what tosay.

"It might be both."

"Y'know, I can also interpret it as you being unable to come to terms with the climate here," Lowelljoked around.

His words made the atmosphere a lot more relaxed.

Gary also smiled slightly, "Maybe."

They looked at each other and laughed.

Lowell looked as if he had thought of something and said, "I suddenly remembered. There is adocument that I need to go to the school library to look up."

Gary's gaze froze as he looked into Lowell's eyes.

He had a feeling that Lowell was only giving him space, and that he did not really need to look forinformation.

Yet, he didn't say anything.

Gary said, "You don't have to come back too late."

"I'll be back when I'm done," Lowell smiled. He picked up his textbooks and prepared to go to thelibrary.

Gary nodded at him, "You can go."

With that, Lowell walked towards the door, changed into his shoes and left quickly.

Now, Gary was alone in the house.

He returned to his room and was met with silence.

He didn't call anyone.

Lowell may have thought that he needed time to make a call, but he did not need to do that.

Therefore, Gary didn't call anyone.

He did need some space to rest.

In the end, Gary didn't make a phone call.

After Ernest finished the call, he also felt that he had done something impulsive. He locked himselfin the room and did not go out for a long time.

When Maria returned to her room, she could not calm down for a long time.

After debating for a while, she picked up her phone and called Gary.

When the call was connected, Gary answered the phone.

"Maria," His tone was nonchalant. After thinking about it, he calmed down. He was no longer soagitated.

"Gary," Maria's voice was a bit hoarse and she didn't know what to say. "I've called you because..."

She wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. She didn't know what to say.

"What do you want to say? Just go ahead," Gary's tone was still eerily calm.

"Cousin, I won't interfere in your relationship with Celeste in the future," Maria finally came clean, "Infact, I shouldn't have been involved in your relationship from the very beginning. I'm very remorsefulnow."

As soon as Gary heard her, he knew that Maria had suffered a blow.

He didn't comfort Maria but informed her, "Relatively speaking, you were indeed very enthusiastic."

"You could also call it meddlesome. There's no big deal in saying it bluntly. I was too self-righteous,"Maria sighed self-deprecatingly, "Gary, from now on, I won't be involved anymore."

"What did Celeste say to you?" Gary was aware that Celeste must have said something to Maria.

"She didn't say anything," Maria didn't want to talk to him anymore, "I called you because I wantedto tell you I'm sorry."

"Hah," Gary laughed lightly and said in a cold voice, "Just tell me. This will be the last time I'masking. Since there's a beginning, there must be an end."

Maria bit her lip.

"Celeste ran out and came back, didn't she?"

"How did you know?" Maria was shocked.

Gary didn't answer.

"She said that she wouldn't contact me in the future and wouldn't call me either, am I right?" Garygrunted.

"Gary, I don't know what happened, but I think you two should communicate properly with eachother." "There's no need to," Gary said calmly, "Since she has already said so, then she should doas she wishes. I don't care."

Maria inhaled sharply.

He was giving up.

Such a pity.

However, she could not do anything.

"That's all. Maria, take care," After saying that, Gary didn't give Maria any more chance to speakand hung up the phone.

Maria found that he had hung up on her and was depressed.

Everything was screwed up.

She really hated Gary.

At dinner time, Celeste looked at peace of mind.

However, the atmosphere between the three of them as they had dinner was very tense. Ernestwas silent, while Maria was worried and wanted to say something. However, she stopped at secondthought.

The three of them ate in silence.

The butler later came to ask for Ernest's opinion. "Ernest, as per your orders, the room has beencleaned up and all the items have been put away."

"We've also bought the ingredients you've instructed. The plane will arrive at 12 tonight. I'll preparethe food at about 11:30, and everything will be done at around 12:30 in the morning. Is that okaywith you?""

"That's alright," Ernest nodded, "You should prepare everything according to the schedule. Whenmy mom and the others arrive, we can have supper together."

"Alright," The butler tidied up the table.

Celeste's hands were placed unconsciously on her lap, and she looked a little nervous.

Ernest noticed her emotions and said to Celeste, "Celeste, you have seen my mother before. Don'tworry, she is an easy- going person to talk to. Besides, you know Maria's mother too. Hergrandmother is very kind, and aunt Hermione is very open-minded as well. They are all nice elders,so you don't need to be anxious."

Celeste pursed her lips and smiled awkwardly. She was surprised by Ernest's keenness. She wasalso afraid that her awkward attitude would be exposed.

"Thank you, Ernest," She still thanked him sincerely.

Ernest shook his head and gave her a smile, "Just relax."

"Okay," Celeste nodded.

At 12:30 a.m.

Heinz and his family arrived in London and arrived at the villa where Ernest and Maria lived.

It just so happened that everyone hadn't gone to bed and were waiting for the family to arrive.

As soon as she heard the sound of the car engine, Maria rushed down. "Mommy, grandma."

Ernest and Celeste followed behind her.

Maria immediately threw herself into her mum's arms. Maria hugged Yvonne and then her grandma.

When Ernest saw Grace and Heinz, he also looked happy. He did not express his feelings as Mariadid, but he also hugged them.

Celeste stood aside and didn't follow them. She looked from a distance and saw Mr. Jones standingnext to his wife. He looked tall and strong, and Celeste noticed that Heinz only cared for his wife.Even though his son that he hadn't seen for a while was in front of him, he was only focused on hiswife.

Would such a man be so irresponsible as to play around with women?

Celeste seriously doubted it.

Meanwhile, Heinz was a keen man. Perhaps it was because she was staring at Heinz that he wasable to sense it quickly.

Almost subconsciously, he cast a sharp glance at Celeste when their eyes met.

Even under the nightlight, Celeste was shocked by Heinz's gaze.

She was so scared that her heart tightened. She withdrew her eyes quickly and tried to calmherself.

When Heinz saw Celeste, he frowned slightly. He was slightly taken aback.

However, out of basic etiquette and courtesy, Heinz did not press her further. He nodded slightly atCeleste.

Celeste was also stunned. She only felt that Heinz's actions had shocked her.

At that moment, Grace noticed Celeste. Surprise flashed through her eyes quickly. Then, she smiledslightly and walked over immediately.

Looking at Celeste, she chortled, "Celeste, it's so nice to see you."

Celeste was startled, but she mostly felt guilty.

Ernest's mother looked sweet and welcoming. After walking over, the first thing she did was hugCeleste.

Grace's embrace felt very warm

Such a hug gave Celeste the feeling of being home. London was a lonely place to be, especiallywhen no one was there to give her any source of comfort.

That was probably the effect of a mother's loving touch.

Celeste's eyes reddened, tears brimming in her eyes as she smiled back at Grace.

"Mrs. Smith, it's an honor to meet you."

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