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Chapter 1243

"Now, Celeste's decision is to go to England with Ernest." Grace said, "Earlier today she was stillplanning to persuade Gary to study in the United States with the both of them. Look at how she haschanged her mind within a few hours."

"In that case, since she has made her decision already, why do you still have to fuss over it?" Heinzasked Grace, "Aren't you just being too anxious over it now?"

Grace was startled. After thinking for a while, she nodded, "Gary is leaving in three days. Will yoube seeing him off?"

"I won't be going." Heinz refused immediately.

"You're not?" Grace was appalled, "Why aren't you going?"

"This isn't my decision anyway, so why should I go with him when I didn't even agree to let him go inthe first place?" Heinz shook his head, "Since this is his own decision, Lester should accompanyhim instead."

"Why are you behaving like this?" Grace couldn't grasp his intentions for not accompanying his sonto the United States, "Are you even his dad?"

"Has he ever addressed me as his dad?"

Grace became speechless instantly.

That was right.

Gary had never called him Dad.

For so many years, this child had refused to address him as Dad, and only God knew how muchlonger he would continue to do so.

After more than ten years, Grace still didn't know what to do with Gary, so she started feelinguncomfortable.

Grace fell silent; she didn't know what to say.

Sensing her change of emotions, Heinz held his hand and comforted, "You're being too worriedabout him. He is all grown up, and I think the way they handled their simultaneous crush on Celesterather well. At the very least, they're both very rational about it. Don't you think that you're the mostirrational one in this whole matter?"

Stunned, Grace lowered her shoulders and said worriedly, "You're right. I understand that I'm beingtoo anxious about it as well. But at the end of the day, this is still the first time Gary is going so faraway."

"The school has already been informed, hasn't it?" Heinz said, "Furthermore, the education agencyis also in charge of his accommodation, not to mention the fact that we have an office overseas forinternational affairs. Although this is the first time he's heading overseas to study, he travels aroundthe world every year, so there's nothing to be worried about."

"Okay," Grace nodded and said, "Although I'm still worried, I have to admit that you do make a pointhere."

"Your worries haven't been eased yet." Heinz understood her well, "That's because of your duty andresponsibility as a mother. The reason why I'm not going to the United States with him isn't that I'mnot worried about him. It's simply because I'm trying to tell him that he's in charge of his owndecision and that he has to stick to it until the end."

Grace was startled and stared at Heinz in silence.

Heinz said, "Didn't you complain that I was pampering them too much, saying that I couldn't evenbear to watch them suffer just a bit? Now that I'm going easy on them, you end up being too worriedabout them. Grace, be honest, who do you think is pampering the children more?"novelbin

After thinking about it, Grace blushed from embarrassment as she shook her head, "Okay, I'm theone who is pampering them more. I'm just too paranoid about this whole thing." "Yes, so you shouldjust stop worrying about this.

Not only will I not see Gary off, but I also won't do it to Ernest as well." Heinz said, "Let them go ontheir own. Lester will accompany Gary while Alex will accompany Ernest."

"Alright, you can just call the shots."

Hence, the both of them reached a consensus on this matter.

The news regarding Gary's flight was spread around the Jones family.

When Alice found out about it, she was shocked and gave Grace a call immediately, "Grace, sinceGary will be leaving soon, let's have dinner together so that I can send him off."

"Heinz said that we don't have to do this." Grace said, "He said it's better to let them leaveignominiously since they have made their own decisions. They shouldn't trouble the adults."

"Since when did he become so firm and manly?" Alice felt suspicious.

"Just recently," Grace felt helpless as well, "I was also wondering if I have been pampering them toomuch. Looking at it now, I am more worried about our children compared to him."

"You were the one who gave birth to them, of course, you're worried. Wait for me; I'll head overnow." "What about Baby Late and Baby Winter?" Grace was worried, "There's still three days beforehe leaves. Why the rush?"

"I'll bring them along," Alice hung up the phone. Just as she was about to ask her children tochange their clothes to leave, her phone rang.

It was a call from Yvonne.

She had a hunch that she called to talk about Gary's imminent departure, so she picked up thephone instantly, "Yvonne, are you calling me because you just found out Gary is going overseas?"

"Yes," Yvonne said, "Maria told me that he would be studying abroad with Ernest, but I didn't expecthim to book his flight ticket so soon, so I was thinking of inviting them for a reunion dinner with thewhole family since we don't even know when will we be able to gather and eat together again."

"Reunion dinner?" Alice thought it was a good suggestion, "Then should we invite Mr. Yarbrough aswell?"

"I think we should, considering how Grace has a good relationship with Mr. Yarbrough and hisfamily. While Eamon is overseas, Zayne is still here. In that case, if we were to include Zayne andMr. Yarbrough, Heinz's grandfather and his father, Zachary and I, as well as our mother-in-law andthe children, this is going to be a huge gathering."

There were a lot of people that had to be invited; they would probably have to use a banquet hall.

"In my opinion, we should ask Heinz to organize a banquet as a farewell for Gary and Ernest so thatthe whole family could gather as well." Alice said, "I'll head over to their place with my children todiscuss this."

"Okay, call me after you've settled this." Yvonne said, "The main point is to allow the other childrento learn from Gary and Ernest."

"Got it."

Eight in the evening.

Alice arrived at Grace's house with her son and daughter.

Her son was already seven and looked exactly like Jensen. In fact, he looked exactly like aminiature version of Jensen.

Jensen named his son Latem Charm.

His name was the subject of laughs in the classroom. Every time his teacher was takingattendance, his classmates would laugh at him, making him very annoyed.

Just because he was only born after his parents got married for a few years, they ended up givinghim such a funny name.

Every time he protested, Jensen would give the same reason. "Latem is a much better namecompared to Late, okay?"

There was nothing Latem could do as he still couldn't change his name after protesting.

The Charm family's second child was three and a half years old already. As she was a daughter,she was given a very cute name, Snowie Charm.

She was born during winter when it constantly snowed, which was why they ended up naming heras such.

To Latem, her name was a hundred times better than his own.

He protested about his name again, but Alice rebutted him, "It is what it is. Even my name wasmade fun of, and there was nothing I could do about it either. In the future, if anyone is still unhappywith their name, just give their offspring a better name."

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