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Chapter 1242

"He's leaving so soon?" Ernest was shocked as well, "I thought he was only due to leave nextweek."

He suddenly remembered that when he came home the night before, the webpage on Gary'scomputer was displaying information regarding flight tickets.

So he had already booked his flight ticket then.

"You didn't know about it as well?" Grace felt even more worried now. She looked at Ernest andasked, "Did something happen between you and your brother?"

Sensing how worried Grace was, Ernest smiled instantly, "Mommy, why would you ask thissuddenly? Why would there be anything between us?"

"Is there really nothing going on?" Grace gazed into Ernest's eyes deeply.

Ernest felt weirded out and couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mommy, why are you staring at melike this? There's really nothing between the two of us."

Naturally, Grace didn't believe in him, considering how he was smart and also good at concealinghis emotions. In fact, most of the time, he seemed rather friendly and optimistic.

Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't be possible to see Ernest getting angry.

Perhaps some matters weren't considered serious enough to Ernest, but the same might not applyto Gary.

This was due to the difference in every individual's personalities.

Grace tried to read his face, but he wasn't displaying any other emotions apart from finding herweird.

"Ernest, your classmate came by today." Grace decided to bring this issue up since she couldn'textract any useful information from him. She hoped to get some answers that way.

"Are you referring to Celeste White?" Ernest responded, "If it was Celeste, I knew about it. In fact, Iwas the one who gave her our address and landline."

"Then you know why she came over?" Grace was amazed at how natural and optimistic he seemedas if nothing was serious or important.

"Yeah, she wanted to persuade Gary."

"What for?" Grace quickly asked.

Ernest shrugged, "Actually, it's all Celeste's wishful thinking. She was hoping for Gary and me tostudy in the United States together, but both of us have already made our decisions. I go to Englandwhile he goes to the United States."

"Why can't the both of you study in the same country?" Grace stared at him eagerly, "How is it goodfor the both of you to separate from one another?"novelbin

"Mommy, I think you're being paranoid." Ernest ended up comforting her instead, "Gary and I bothunderstand what we should do, so you don't have to worry about us. It's really fine."

"What about Celeste?"

"Her wishful thinking was that it would be better for everyone to continue our studies asclassmates." Ernest then asked Grace in return, "Mommy, wouldn't it be better for us to go on

different paths in the United States and England to make new friends and learn different things? Ireally don't know what exactly you are worried about?"

"Ernest," Grace felt very helpless at how he answered her so nicely, yet indifferently as well.

This son of hers had always been nonchalant.

"Mommy, you know that you can just be straightforward with me," Ernest continued to smile atGrace.

"Your brother said..." Grace hesitated.

"Mommy, you can continue; there's no need to be shy. I probably won't be surprised with whateverhe has to say."

His words successfully stopped Grace from continuing what she initially wished to say.

She couldn't divulge what Gary shared with her.

As a mother, how could she share her child's private matters with someone else?

That would be very inappropriate.

After thinking for a while, Grace was grateful that she didn't blurt out everything.

She nodded and said, "Your brother told me the same thing, that I didn't have to worry. However, Ifound out that Celeste was planning to go to the United States until she found out that you weren'tplanning to head there. Apparently, that was why she decided to change her mind and go toEngland.

Ernest nodded toward Grace while continuing to smile, "Yeah, Celeste talked to me about thisbefore."

"You knew about this?" Grace was shocked.

Ernest nodded and said, "Yeah, I know." "She changed her mind because of you?" "Mommy, this isCeleste's decision," Ernest explained to Grace calmly, "Celeste is very intelligent. Perhaps shelacks some real- life experience, but ultimately, she's a smart girl who can decide her future. Ibelieve that she had thought it through before confirming it."

"But don't you think that it's a trifling matter to change her mind so suddenly?"

"That could only mean that her ultimate preference would be to study in England." Ernest didn't findanything wrong with it. "Mommy, if you're worried about Gary, perhaps you could talk to him about it.Honestly, I'm firm on my decision, and I don't plan to change it."

"Why are the both of you so insistent on your decision?" Grace felt speechless. She couldn't helpbut wonder if they were born to cause trouble for her.

"Mommy, Gary and I have always been firm with our decisions. We've never been ones to swaywhile Celeste was the one who wasn't firm enough with her own decision." Ernest smiled as heanswered, "There's only so much that we can do to interfere with her affairs."

After that, Ernest hugged Grace and patted her on the back. Then, he went upstairs.

Looking at Ernest from downstairs, Grace suddenly felt that her attempt to convince him had beenfutile.

He mentioned two points, with the first one being that he wouldn't change his mind.

The second one was the fact that Gary wouldn't change his mind, either.

Grace felt very helpless. Would she have to just let them go on separate paths?

"Spacing out?" Heinz's voice sounded behind her. Grace turned back and saw her husband, thensighed without responding.

"What's wrong?" Heinz reached out for her hand, "Let's go out for a walk."

He led her into the garden before asking, "Did Ernest piss you off?"

"I'm not pissed off, just worried." Grace said, "Why does it seem like they are both firm on theirdecisions, and they are only waiting for Celeste to make up her mind?"

Heinz raised his eyebrows sharply as admiration flashed across his eyes. "Not bad; they're actinglike true men."

"I'm being serious here." Grace complained, "Why are you praising them all of a sudden?"

"This is where you don't understand." Heinz wasn't anxious and started analyzing the situationcalmly, "Guys would always establish a "bro code" from the start. I'm sure you've seen girls fightingover a guy, but have you ever seen guys fighting over a girl to the point where things areirreparable?"

Grace startled and attempted to refute.

"Don't bring up specific examples, "Heinz stopped her in time. "I'm referring to the general patternhere."

Grace instantly felt at a loss for words.

She pondered carefully and realized that it was indeed a rare occurrence for guys to fight over agirl.

Girls, on the other hand, fought a lot more in such situations.

As she thought of it, it was true indeed.

"This means that they have established a healthy "bro code," Heinz said, "Based on what I can tell,Gary and Ernest probably have a crush on Celeste at the same time, but they didn't say too muchout loud. Then, they made an agreement wherein Ernest would go to England while Gary wouldhead to the United States. Then, the rest would depend on Celeste's decision."

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