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Chapter 1118

In the end, Grace still influenced Heinz in various ways.In the past, he was an independent and selfcentered man. Ever since he got together with her, a lot of things had changed.He was no longer the man he was before. He started taking other opinions into consideration.

He learned how to be a listener and started to be more aware of other's feelings. He began to open up and discussed with otherswhen problems arose. He learned that problems could be solved peacefully instead of having to quarrel.

He had changed drastically.He was more gentle and kinder than before.While sitting on the sofa and reading books, he would let out a smile all of a sudden.

When Grace was seven months pregnant, they went for an ultrasound. They found out that they would be having fraternal twinsand they were healthy. Just like with Little Gary and Emest, although they were twins, they had different facial features.

They were two independent individuals. Each of them had their own placenta to provide them with nutrients, and theirappearances were the same as other single-born children. They might look similar or they might not. They might even be of adifferent gender from each other.

This time, their check- up was to check for deformities. They wanted to see if the twins were healthy from when Quinn had triedto hurt them.

When the ultrasound equipment was placed on Grace's belly, it felt cold and the babies in her belly also started to react.She smiled instantly.

Perhaps the twins were conceived during the wedding period and when she was in a healthy condition. Hence, the pair wereextremely active in her belly.

Sometimes, when Heinz felt her belly, the babies would move.

She wasn't certain if the babies really knew that that was their father's touch, but they would react.

This time round, he accompanied Grace to the ultrasound to check on the babies again.

He did not understand a single thing but the doctor was patient and explained, "Mr. Jones, look, this is the baby's foot.”

At first Heinz saw a faint shadow of a leg on the screen and it gradually became clearer.

It indeed was a foot.

He was also very surprised and excited. He held onto Grace's hand and crouched slightly to look at the monitor.

"This is a face. Look, it's cute, isn't it?"

The more he looked at it, the more magical it became. It was simply too unbelievable.

"What about the other one?" He asked hurriedly, "Is the other baby healthy? Does he have any deformities or abnormalities?"

"Currently both of them are doing really well. Don't be too anxious, the babies are developing perfectly. For their weight and size,they are considered a healthy pair of twins," the doctor smiled.

"So everything is normal?" Heinz continued to ask.

"Yes, Mr. Jones, everything is perfect now. Everything that the ultrasound can detect shows that they are perfectly fine. However,for things that the ultrasound can't pick up, | can't be hundred percent sure."

Heinz was still a little worried. There was a glint of anxiety in his eyes.Quinn was sentenced to a month's detention. After the case was investigated, she was released.

Since she wasn't the one who injected the pesticides into the fruit, she was not charged with first-degree murder. She was onlydetained due to the fact that the pesticide residue in the fruit had exceeded the accepted limit. Hence, her case was notconsidered serious.

However, she had lost her job because of this.This was a huge price to pay.Ever since then, Grace had never seen her.

Now, she concentrated on nurturing her babies to health. Timothy also did not visit her frequently; perhaps he was worried thathe would bring her misfortune.

He did not reconcile with Quinn either. Instead, he gave her a sum of the shares and asked her to resign from the company. Withthose shares, she didn't have to worry about her daily needs.

Before he made this decision, he had asked for Heinz's and Grace's advice.

Heinz didn't object, neither did she.

Hence, Timothy proceeded with it.

Later, Zayne called and thanked Grace.

She felt that he was an extraordinary child. He had a great sense of justice and it was deeply rooted in his heart.

Eamon, on the other hand, seemed to continue to misunderstand his brother and father.

He had moved to Quinn's place to live and hence, separated himself from his father and brother.

Hearing that Eamon was going to study abroad, Grace felt that his and Zayne's conflict was gradually getting out of control.

She had asked Heinz to look into this matter and Heinz replied that they should believe in Zayne's ability, and trust that he couldsolve this issue himself.

Thus, she didn't push further regarding this matter.Now, she had another three months before the babies were born. She was looking forward to raising them peacefully then.

After they were done with the check-up, Heinz and Grace left. When they were in the car, he took the ultrasound picture andlooked at it.

"This one looks like me,” he proudly showed it to Grace. "Look, this one looks like me and the other one looks like you."

"It's so blurry," she took a glance and said. "This is just a souvenir. You act like this is your first time being a dad."

"It's not my first time," he said with aslight remorse. "Back then | didn’

know about Little Gargand EntsNOW, tHavAthe chance to

accompany you and | realized how

difficult it is to be pregnant." Please

read the original content at


She felt warm all over when she heard him say those words, and she uttered, "It would be great if every man could beunderstanding like you.”

He gripped her hand tightly; his eyes had a trace of apology in them.


He finally understood how difficultbeing pregnant was. Grace had sucha huge belly and her ledswersO'''enifroch the Goay fluid that wasaccumulating. Moreover, she stillcouldn't have makeup on. She wasdoing all these for the sake of theirbabies. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

He processed all these thoughts internally as they went through the last three months of her pregnancy together.

Another three months passed. Soon, it was May and the air turned warm. Flowers bloomed and the air smelled sweet of thefragrance of flowers. One morning, Grace's water broke.

It was time for her to deliver the babies.

Early in the morning, she had felt that something was amiss. Nerissa had called to ask about her situation, and coincidentally herwater had just broken.

“Aunt Nerissa, it looks like I'm going to give birth soon."

When Heinz heard this, he got up in a hurry and said in a trembling voice, "Come on, Grace is going to deliver. Prepare a car forher and let's go to the hospital.”

Fifteen minutes later, at the hospital.

Grace was pushed into the delivery room.

Heinz was going to break his way in.

Her face contorted in pain and she cried out to him, "Don't come in. Don't come in. Aunt Nerissa will accompany me."Nerissa also came in a hurry.

Heinz shook his head and said, "No, | have to be there. No, | must be there."

“No, | don't want you here," Grace cried out.

He had no choice but to let Nerissa go into the delivery room with her.

Outside, Alice said to him, "Heinz,don't follow her in. Grace doesn'twant you to s pecreokbvulnér aesfate Besides, | heard that manymen will be afraid when they see awoman having a natural birth."Please read the original content at


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