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Chapter 1027

Little Gary had been secretly listening in on the conversation between his uncle and Maria standing at the corridor. He hadthought that his uncle was a confident person who would gain success in everything that he did.

However, after learning of his uncle's situation, he changed his mind.

It turned out that in the face of love, his uncle was a coward. He was as confused as Heinz. He didn't even know why his.girlfriend ran away when she was pregnant. His uncle was foolish.

He was simply more foolish than Heinz.

Heinz didn't have a relationship with his mother and he didn't know that she was pregnant, but Uncle Zachary was together withhis girlfriend and she even ran away while she was pregnant. What was worse was that he knew nothing about it?

As Little Gary thought about it, he suddenly realized that Heinz was a little better compared to his uncle.

If he never compared them he probably wouldn't realize that Heinz was better.

In that instant, Little Gary felt that he could forgive Heinz for his foolishness.

At the same time, he belittled his uncle while also having some sympathy for him.

After being tricked twice by a woman, his uncle must have a strong heart to be able to hold on.

Little Gary thought that if one didn't have a strong heart when falling in love, then things would be doomed.

He thought of his father and his uncle, and came to the conclusion that he must have a discerning eye the next time he fell inlove.

However, Little Gary did not know as a five-year-old there was no need for him to have thought about it so much.

From the bottom of his heart, he then decided that he would find a gentle, understanding, lively woman as his wife. Before hefound her, he wouldn't simply get into any relationship. He would get into one for love and when that happened, marriage wouldbe their last destination.

Furthermore, he told himself that he must learn from what happened to his uncle and father. He shouldn't let a woman getpregnant before marriage.

"Dad, | miss Mommy." Maria's low voice came from inside of the guestroom.

Zachary's heart immediately started to ache to hear his daughter say so. It was harsh and cruel for a five-year-old child for theirmother to leave them. They were still very attached to their mothers.

Looking at his daughter's pink and lovely little face, he consoled her in a soft voice, "Maria, | will definitely find your mommy andbring her back."

This was a promise he made to himself and for his daughter.He would definitely find Yvonne.novelbin

“What will happen after we find her?" Maria asked again.

He was caught off guard by the question.

She looked up at her father and asked, "Will you forgive Mommy for suddenly running away from home? Will you marry her andbe together with us from then on?"

What a sharp question!

Little Gary smiled quietly while he listened secretly from outside. He remembered worrying about the same thing before.Like himself, Maria had no sense of security.

He empathized with her and now found that she wasn't that unlikeable anymore.

Zachary didn't expect that his daughter would ask him such a question. He was really surprised. He had not expected her to asksuch questions that robbed him of words.

He stood there in a daze and did not answer for a long time.If he found Yvonne, would he marry her?

All these years, he found himself single and alone, not looking for anyone new. It seemed like ever since Yvonne left him, he wasdeeply hurt and was reluctant to open up to love.

In the past five years, he had also asked himself, what would happen if he saw her again?

"Daddy, is this question very difficult to answer? Or is it that you don't want to marry Mommy at all? Do you find it difficult?"Maria's questions were getting sharper, and Zachary was rendered speechless.

He had not thought about these questions carefully before, but they were now suddenly thrown at him.He could only think about it. He didn't want to lie to his daughter.

After a slight pause, Zachary said to her, "Maria, to be honest, | haven't thought about it carefully because your appearance hassurprised me too much."

"Is my appearance a good or bad surprise?" Her question came again.

"A good surprise!" He did not hesitate at all and said with a smile, "You are a gift for me. It's a very pleasant surprise."

Since he knew of his daughter's existence, his heart had always been full of warmth.

He did not even rush to find out why Yvonne left him. At that moment, he was enjoying his time with his daughter.

"Then I'm relieved.” Maria breathed a sigh of relief.

"| thought it was a bad surprise. | thought you didn't like me."

“How is that possible?" He said with a smile. "Of course | like you. You are my treasure."

"Okay." She also smiled sweetly. She saw that her father's eyes were full of warmth, and it didn't seem like he hated her either.

She knew then that her dad truly loved her.

"Come on, let's go out now. I'll take you back to see your grandma." Zachary held her and got out of bed.

She nodded. "Okay, Dad, let's go. | want to see my grandma."

He squatted down to help her tidy up her clothes.

She suddenly asked in a strange tone, "Do | not have a grandpa?" "Grandpa passed away and went to heaven," he whispered.“Ah, how sad," she said with a sigh. "Grandpa didn't have the luck to see me."

"That's right. If | wasn't lucky, | wouldn't have been able to see you either."

He felt sorry and sad that his father never got the chance to know about Maria.

His father had passed away when Zachary was young, so he probably didn't have the chance at all in the first place."Will Grandma like me?" Maria asked.

He immediately said, "She will definitely like you. Your grandmother is very gentle."

"Oh, that's good," she nodded and said like an adult.

He had been thinking a lot ever sincehe woke up. He thought to himselfthat if his mother couldn, accépn! * 'japehe Brobubly wouldn't treather badly as Maria was hergranddaughter after all. Maria wasalso a cheeky little child. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He believed that his mother would be able to accept Maria if he brought the girl to her. That thought made him decide even morestrongly to bring his daughter home.

However, the fact that Maria asked if people would like her hurt Zachary a little.

He then comforted her in a soft voice,"Maria, it's other people's business

whether they like you Qf Rot. Asherig

aye havea ears science,everything will be fine. Thus, | hope

you can be confident and happy.Don't always worry about whetherpeople like or dislike you." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Maria, who seemed to understand, nodded, but her face was full of doubts. She looked at Zachary and said, "Dad, | have asecret that | want to tell you."

He was surprised. He had notexpected that his daughter, whom.hehad just reunited -woutd SudtchlyHaye asediet to tell him. He smiledand nodded. "Okay, if you have anysecrets, you can tell me." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Then you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone else."

"Of course, this is a secret between us."

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