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Chapter 1023

The question that Zachary had no answer to was asked.

He did not speak for a long time.

Maria's face was full of disappointment. "So I'm not something that was born out of love? I'm trash. That's sad."An uncomfortable feeling rose in her heart.

She had thought that her daddy and mommy were in love with each other. It seemed that wasn't the case as her mommy was.separated from her daddy for so many years.

Sob.Maria wanted to cry.

"No," Zachary did not miss the disappointment and sadness in his daughter's eyes. He could not bear to see his daughterlooking so heartbroken. Looking at the child, he said, "It's not what you think."

"Is that so?" She lifted her eyes that were full of expectation to meet his. "But you never asked me once where Mommy wentsince you met me. How does that mean that you both are good with each other?"

She easily caught on to things.He was taken aback.This child was really smart.

Zachary didn't know how to tell his daughter about his relationship with Yvonne. He himself didn't even fully figure out whathappened.

"Maria, where did your mommy go?" He asked.How could Yvonne be at ease and leave after leaving her child at the kindergarten?

“Mommy said that if | want a daddy then she won't be there. If | want her then there won't be a daddy. Then, she went to sleep.When she woke up, she told me that she was going on a business trip and she dropped me off at the kindergarten. She said thatAunt Grace would help me to look for my daddy." Maria had a lot of questions that she wanted to ask her mommy, but before shecould do so, her mommy had sent her to the kindergarten.

“Your mommy said she was on a business trip?" Zachary asked.

"Yeah. There's a letter." Maria suddenly recalled. "It's in my school bag. Please take a look. It's from Mommy."

She opened her school bag, took out the letter and handed it to him.

He opened the letter and found that it was indeed from Yvonne.

The handwriting was indeed hers and it was the same when she was studying. Her handwriting was clear and crisp.

The letter said: "Zachary, | know that you have a lot of questions. Maria is my daughter. It was from that night. My body couldn'ttake the procedure so | decided to keep her. You don't have to think that I'm blackmailing you. | have never thought of that. Now,I'll be giving the child to you. | won't look after her anymore. Take care, Yvonne Attwood."

The letter was short.It was so brief and straight to the point that Zachary was angry from reading it.

She just made the decisions for them both without asking about his opinions or how he felt about the matter. All she did was justnotify him about her decisions.

He wanted to thank her this time for giving him a daughter, but he did not have the chance as she ran away.She even abandoned their child.

What the hell was going on with her?

He couldn't figure out what she was going through that made her abandon her own child.

She was too heartless.

Six years ago, she didn't want him as her boyfriend anymore.

Six years later, she didn't want her child.

An unspeakable dejection arose in Zachary's heart.

He did not know how to express his feelings at that moment.

He felt frustrated, and his handsome striking face immediately turned dark and gloomy.

Maria, who had been staring at her father all along, saw that he turned silent, and his face was terribly dark.novelbin

She immediately pursed her lips and said, "Did Mommy abandon me? Does she not want me anymore? Is she really throwingme away?"

The air turned tense and quiet for a few seconds.

He turned his attention back to his daughter. He looked at Maria and said, "She ran away, but | will find her and bring her back.""Dad, you can find Mommy?" Maria was a little skeptical.

"Yes, | can and | will,” he said in a deep voice. "This time, | will definitely not let her run away for that long.”

“Daddy, don't be too blindly confident." Maria was still a little dubious. "Mommy is really good at hiding. You may not be able tofind her."

"Maria, do you remember where you lived with your mother?" Zachary looked at his daughter and asked.

He felt that it was impossible to find Yvonne before this, but now, with Maria, she might share some details about her life with hermother.

And, with that, it might help him find Yvonne.He believed that he would definitely be able to find her.

"| don't remember." Maria shook her head. "I'm not good with directions. Mommy said so about me.” Zachary was startled. Helooked at his daughter and smiled.

"Dad, are you disappointed?" She could see a disappointed look on his face.“No, I'm not." He shook his head and said, "You are a child. | understand, and | can do this myself."“Mommy doesn't want me," she suddenly said angrily. "I will bully her when she gets back."

Listening to his daughter's words, Zachary did not know whether to laugh or cry because he was thinking the same exact thingas Maria.

The moment he found Yvonne, he would let her have a taste of the suffering he went through, and he would make her beg forforgiveness.

Very soon, they arrived.The moment Gary got down from the car, he saw Maria getting off as well.

She came out of the car and ran straight to him. She shouted excitedly, "Gary, we are relatives now. You will have to see andplay with me even though you don't want to. Haha, I'm so excited."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Go home and find your mommy. | want to sleep."

"Mommy." Upon hearing that, Maria's eyes suddenly turned red and she burst into tears.

Zachary instantly felt distressed. He looked at Gary and shouted, "Gary."

Gary saw her crying and begged, "Maria, I'm sorry. Please don't do that again."

It was so irritating and tiring that she cried so easily.

She continued crying.

Zachary was heartbroken to see his daughter crying so badly. He lifted Maria up and cast Gary a sharp look.

Gary looked at his uncle andsuddenly begged, sayin "Uncl@\T'charynhwasiafOng 1m sorry. |n't make you angry anymore. |can't afford to." Please read the

original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Zachary was a little annoyed at how he acted. He was sad and heartbroken for his daughter.Maria cried and shouted, "You can't hide."Gary's shoulders drooped hearing that.

Zachary was surprised to hear hisdaughter saying that. It was only!"er asfewmoments at he realizedthat his daughter was a mean littlething. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

He looked at her daughter in his arms and realized that his daughter was quite sharp and perceptive.

No wonder she was his daughter.

"Can | go in and sleep?" Gary looked at him. "Uncle Zachary, I'm really sleepy."

He looked really tired and sleepy.

Zachary was about to nod.

However, Maria shouted first, "No, you can't sleep."

Gary really didn't know what was going on with her. Did she have to make everyone suffer and stay up with her?Gary glanced at her. Then, he suddenly leaned back and fell to the ground.

"Ahh!" Grace saw Gary fainting themoment she got down romehe tanie) that sight eranditner She gave aS ls scream and ran towards him.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Zachary was also shocked. He quickly put Maria down and squatted down to look at Gary. "Gary?"Gary closed his eyes. He remained unmoving.He thought to himself that if he didn't faint at that moment, perhaps he wouldn't ever have the chance to sleep.

He really didn't understand why it was so difficult for him to just go to sleep.

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