The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1516
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Chapter 1516

1516 A Unigin's Core.

"You were always a foolish one...Sigh, but this is too far." The second ruler's voice was feminine and soft, resembling a warmmother.

"What's too far is your refusal to let me live my life in peace ever since | was born." Asna got angered and cursed, "If | knew mylife would be this sh*tty, | would have rather been born as a mortal.”

"We have told you many times that it's for your own good, but you refuse to listen." The first ruler shook his head.

“My own good." Asna scoffed, "You think | don't know about your little plan to take over the other side and how my core is the keyto unlocking..."

"Enough!" The third ruler's voice boomed across the celestial realm.

Even with such a shockwave, the white mist remained unaffected like it wasn't strong enough to make it dissipate.

Asna didn't care about this phenomenon as she was left glaring in irritation at them with her arms crossed above her chest."We will retrieve the core one way or another, | just hope you won't regret your decision later on."

"Heh, the only regret | have is being associated with you." Asna sneered one last time before turning around and leaving.While she was able to move freely, she could not leave the pocket dimension itself.

‘Knowing Felix, he will be coming to get me one way or another, might as well give him the tools to strengthen himself.’ Asna'sirritation melted right away after thinking of Felix.

Asna would have honestly wished for nothing more but for Felix to be safe and not endanger his life dealing with her celestialmatters.

However, after what happened in the spirit realm, she was certain that Felix would never let her go wherever she went.

So, it was better to help him facilitate the journey at least. She had no clue what Felix would do with her core...But, sheunderstood that he had many intelligent individuals around him who would come up with the best way to utilize it.

Asna suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her, making her almost fall from the sky.‘| should take a short nap and keep my energy consumption on the low."

Without her core, she was the same as a mortal without a heart. The only difference was that Asna was capable of living evenwithout her core while mortals couldn't.

However, being exhausted all the time and forced into slumbers wasn't exactly a dream life...Still, Asna had absolutely noregrets.

After she entered her new home, the three rulers were seen still on their thrones.

“Everything is going as the prophecy suggested, there is a bit of irregularity here and there, but nothing too serious." The thirdruler spoke calmly, his tone was no longer enraged like he was putting a mere act before Asna.

“We should watch out for those irregularities. When it comes to maintaining a timeline, a single one can cause our entire effortsto collapse." The second ruler warned with a soft tone.

"The prophecies have always been correct and predicted everything so far, all we have to do is put our faith in them, and the dayof our liberation will arrive."

The first ruler uttered, his golden shimmering eyes affixed on that tiny little black hole, staring at it with such longing and desireeven the blinding light couldn't hide them.

One could only wonder what those three rulers were planning to do as it was clear that capturing Asna wasn't even close to theend of the story and it was a mere part of their grand scheme...

Back to the present...On the other side."She bestowed me her core?"

Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise, not really understanding what that meant as it was the first time he heard about such athing...Even Elder Kraken was confused.

“A unigin's core is the same as the heart for mortals." Lord Hades explained, "We don't possess any particular physicalappearance and we can turn to whatever shape we desire because of this core. It's the source of our powers, strength, andoverall identity. A unigin having his core destroyed is the only way for him to truly die."

Lord Hades shook his head, "So, for Asna to put it within you, it's beyond a foolish decision as you are prone to get killed quiteeasily."

After hearing this, Felix was left with no words to respond. He reached out with his hand to his heart and held his chest tightly,feeling Asna's core buried inside his heart.

He realized that when Asna said that her heart would always be with him, it wasn't metaphorical at all.

Soon, he smiled faintly and murmured, "Is this your way of telling me that the stakes are still the same? If | die, we die together?"When Felix's soul was merged with Asna, their life and death were connected together.

The fact that Asna placed herself in a position of having absolutely no control over her life yet again was beyond a loyal gesture.It was a sign of respect, love, and absolute trust in Felix.

"Wait, if her core with me, how can she be fine?" Felix suddenly became concerned, knowing that there was no way Asna wouldbe alright after separating from her heart.

“Well, she won't die, but she won't have much energy to do anything." Lord Hades shared, "She will mostly be sleeping until hercore returns to its rightful place."


Even though the stakes weren't so high, Felix still felt horrible at the contemplated of Asna being forced into slumber because ofhim.

He knew that Asna's true motives were to help him get stronger but to come at the expense of her comfort wasn't easy to accept.

"Don't waste your time on such useless thoughts." Lord Hades mentioned, "You should be grateful to possess her core, withoutit, you wouldn't have a shot to become a unigin too."

Upon hearing this, both Elder Kraken and Felix refocused on him with solemn expressions. They didn't need to ask as LordHades continued on.

"For now, | don't know how much youcan use the core, but since yoursouls were weirdl sprepatibile, |b leye Wabyoutec absorb celestialenergy directly from the atmosphereand manipulate it into celestialflames or whatnot." Lord Hadesexpressed. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"So that's the source of the celestial flames." Felix raised his eyebrow in surprise, "I thought she bestowed it upon me like theduke and the others."

"Celestial flames are too hard to bebestowed due to their purity as nomortal can handle them. Theo mCL IMS iatrodubedto lowerthe tbneentration of the celestialenergy and make it accessible, that'swhy the lower the percentage of thecelestial energy, the more peoplecould use them." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

"If it wasn't for Asna's core, you would have been the first one to be burned by them."

Felix nodded in understanding as things were starting to make sense now. He also felt that it was too weird that he couldmanipulate the celestial flames at his will when it was his first time using it.

It turned out, that Asna's core was doing most of the work and it was merely responding to his wishes."Is it possible to communicate with Asna through her core?" Felix wondered with a hopeful tone, "Or maybe, she left a wisp in it?"

"It's possible only if she was awakeand the connection to the eternalkingdom was established." LorHades shook his head hs for herwisp? S {aft none and it's for thebest. If she kept a wisp within thecore, it would recognize her as theowner and you wouldn't have anycontrol over it even if she wanted youto." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"| see..." Felix sighed in disappointment, but there was nothing much he could do about it.

"Now, go help out with stabilizing the heavenly plane. You shall be promoted to the next chief of the law enforcement departmentas we are having a massive shortage of capable governmental officials." Lord Hades ordered.

“lam honored." Felix bowed immediately in appreciation, not stupid to start complaining about wanting to leave the spirit realmor such.

Now that Lord Hades was on his side, he had no plans to leave him until he made sure to milk out all the help he needed to getstronger!

If the price was to govern the heavenly plane during his stay, so be it!

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