The Wrong Woman

Chapter 1514
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Chapter 1514

1514 A Cheap Prostitute.

Sometime later...

Felix's floating wisp could be seen placed in the exact spot where his spirit had first stood in the council.Lord Hades channeled an aura of energy and light, surrounding the-

wisp in a gentle embrace.

Slowly but surely, the wisp began to transform. It grew in size and luminosity, its ethereal form coalescing and solidifying just likewhat happened when Asna revived Felix.

As the wisp's form kept getting bigger, Lord Hades raised an eyebrow in intrigue after noticing a mysterious dot of light situated inFelix's heart position.

‘What's that? Why does it emit a fading celestial energy and a bit of recognition to Asna's soul?"After Felix's body finished its reformation, only then did the dot take its real shape, which left Lord Hades beyond stunned.‘It can't be..."

A few moments later, Felix opened his eyes and the moment he saw Lord Hades and Elder Kraken, he knew what was going oninstantly.

He bowed his head in both of their directions, a gesture of profound respect and gratitude."Thank you," he said, his voice echoing through the council. "For saving and reviving me.""Don't mention it little one." Elder Kraken smiled kindly, "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here.”

“Kraken is right, we are the ones who should be grateful of your great work." Lord Hades expressed, seemingly unbothered byshowing such a side to a mortal.

"| was simply carrying my duties as a law enforcer," Felix responded humbly."You sure did." Lord Hades seemed a little pleased.novelbin

After everything he heard from Elder Kraken, he understood that Felix had the most optimal chance to escape the heavenlyplane with his memories intact and get revived during the invasion.

However, he decided against it and went to defend the citizens and carry on with his responsibilities. In addition, he took a stepfurther and risked his life to close down the portal.

Just this alone was enough to speak volumes about Felix's character and Lord Hades respected anyone with such abackbone...Especially, when he realized that many unigins didn't have it.

“Listen well, child. Kraken has already told me everything | need to know to understand your situation." Lord Hades informedcalmly, "If it was any other time, such a transgression on my rules would warrant an instant kick from the heavenly plane. But, inthose special times and with your great efforts in the war, | shall turn a blind eye to it and you may enjoy your stay within theheavenly plane."

Lord Hades was known widely for being a massive stickler for the rules and he especially abhorred anyone who broke his ownrules.

So, for him to take a step back on this matter was already an unconceivable favor.But Felix didn't do all of that for the sake of getting forgiven and allowed to stay in the spirit realm with his memories intact.

Felix bowed his head and paused a little before speaking his mind freely, knowing that there wouldn't be another opportunity likethis again. "Much appreciated my lord...But, as Elder Kraken told you, | never had plans to stay in the spirit realm, and now thatAsna was captured, | have a much bigger reason to leave and seek out a method to rescue her."

"How bold and straightforward.’ Elder Kraken reacted with a faint smile.

To tell the Guardian of Spirits and Souls that he refused to stay in his realm was beyond a bold move...But, Felix was intelligentenough to add the last part to not make it sound like he just wanted to be disrespectful.

“Rescue Asna? Child, you don't even have the qualification to enter the eternal kingdom from the front gates." Lord Hadesremarked calmly, not trying to disparage Felix.

"Then, tell me, help me." Felix tightened his fists in frustration, "| know that | am too weak, | know that | am a mere mortal andmortals should keep their distance from unigins. But, | can't, | just can't live my life in peace, knowing that my loved one isimprisoned in some cell. | just can't..."

Felix raised his head and stared directly into Lord Hade's whirlpool-

like eyes. Then, he requested without an ounce of hesitation. "Help me, show me the way if there is any, and whether | failed orsucceeded in my conquest, you will know that | have at least caused them a bit of hassle as revenge for their invasion."

Felix knew that he needed a miracle to take on unigins and doubted if it was even possible. After all, becoming a primogenitoritself was almost impossible and he went through so much bullsh*t and he was still not a full-fledged primogenitor blessed by theuniverse.

Now, he was requesting how to defeat unigins, who were undefeatable even amongst each other.It wasn't farfetched to call him a lunatic for even thinking of speaking about this matter out loud.

Yet, Lord Hades neither made fun of him nor seemed disinterested in listening to him...He had a solemn expression like he wasactually considering it, which surprised even Elder Kraken.

‘With what Asna did to him, will it be possible?’ Lord Hades thought deeply about what to do next.If he didn't see that abnormality within Felix, he would have discarded his request without a second thought.

“May | have your permission to read your memories, to explore into the tapestry of your experiences? | need to understand what| am dealing with." Lord Hades asked.

"Feel free to browse through everything." Felix permitted instantly.

He was delighted with just the fact that Lord Hades decided to entertain his request, he wasn't stupid to ruin it by acting all weirdabout it.

Plus, his memories were like a inexpensive prostitute by now, they had been already run over by a considerable number ofprimogenitors...Another unigin wouldn't make any difference.

With the exchange of permission, Lord Hades extended his hand and released an ethereal mist towards Felix's head.

The moment it enveloped it gently, a connection was formed between them and the memories unfolded like a celestial scroll,allowing Lord Hades to explore deeper into the recesses of Felix's experiences.

As Lord Hades delved into Felix's memories, he witnessed a tapestry of memories and events, each one revealing a deeperlayer of cosmic truth. Among the memories, a sequence of events stood out, drawing his attention like a beacon.

In one memory, Lord Hades saw themoment when Felix and Asna firstcrossed paths int sealing allt \a idstplruinedteit ... How they

erged together and ended upblowing their souls just to findthemselves opening their eyes in adifferent timeline. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Just this secret alone made Lord Hades feel a peculiar sensation related to Asna and Felix, causing him to start questioning somany things about his reality.

Still, he put it at the back of his mind and continued exploring the memories, skipping all the useless stuff until he reachedanother pivotal moment in Felix's life...Nimo's finding and birth.

‘How is this possible?! There can't be two unigins of the same role at the same time unless the universe allows it. But how can itallow anything when it's barely functional without a consciousness?’ Lord Hades’ frown deepened.

He saw how Felix and the others mistaken Nimo's birth for being the replacement of the paragon of sins after all the chaos itsewed in the universe, but he knew that was an utter bullsh*t theory.

Unigins could not be replaced just like that as their origin itself was unreplicable without the interference of a much higher powerwith an actual thought process.

Still, Lord Hades put this also at theback of his mind and continuedskipping until he arti gaat Ealix's |

j rpeyigaiva the & ementalgalaxy...To be exact, he stopped atFelix's meeting with Lord Zurvan,where he presented the same sealinghall that had once held Asna. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

He had heard their conversation and how Lord Zurvan told Felix that an anonymous person had left the golden earring for him.This..."

While Felix and the others' thought process went towards the eternal kingdom, Lord Hades thought of something else,something he refused to believe or acknowledge, but the evidence kept pilling up on him with each memory.

Nimo's alter ego gets sealed in the golden earrings, Felix's clash against Lucifer, a cultivated demon created by the Paragon ofSins herself, and how Lucifer believed that he would ascend to godhood if he merged with Felix.

‘Asna left her most precious thing inthis child and now with this chain ofevents, it all lines up perfectly for thatprocess...’ Lord H des(Starédat'theogiling OAKis Yotinell with widenedpupils, reflecting a newfound truth,‘Did you know about all of this? Is thiswhy you invaded? Did you plan for it?Were you okay with this? Why? Whyare you okay with this? What the hellam | missing?’ The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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