The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 214 Chief Of The Wu Du Sect
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Chapter 214 Chief Of The Wu Du Sect

Chapter 214 Chief of the Wu Du Sect

"First, on behalf of Tyren, I apologize to you, Commander Gardner!" The bearded man bowedagain. "Please rest assured, Commander Gardner. We will give you an explanation for this matter."

"Is that so?" Billy spoke calmly. "What kind of explanation are you planning to give me?"

"Commander Gardner, this matter is most likely the doing of the Wu Du Sect. Our ruler has alreadysent orders for their sect master to come to the capital," the bearded man responded. "If it'sconvenient for you, please come to the capital. Our ruler wants to apologize to you in person!"

"The Wu Du Sect?" Billy's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes!" The bearded man took a deep breath and replied.

"Then let's go meet them!" Billy smiled faintly, then gestured to the three thousand members of theArmy of Bloodshadow, "All of you, stay put!"

"Yes, Commander!" The three thousand soldiers shouted in unison.

Ten minutes later, Billy and his team got into a special VIP car from Tyren and headed towards thecapital.

Tyren was relatively small in size, so in less than three hours, the car reached the city gates of thecapital. A broad road led straight to Tyren' imperial palace. Along the way, a red carpet was laid out,and banners fluttered in the wind. On both sides of the road, guards stood at intervals, fully armedWarriors saluting as they passed, and tens of thousands of citizens cheered with flowers in theirhands.

That was a standard state ceremony.

Before long, the car entered the palace gates and arrived at the magnificent and grand palacecomplex. It finally stopped about a hundred meters away from the entrance to the main hall.

With the guidance of the bearded man, they entered the main hall. Inside, a man in his sixties saton a golden throne. He was the ruler of Tyren, Hunting.

Ten other high-ranking officials of Tyren stood in the center of the hall. Their expressions weresolemn, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes as they looked at Billy.

"Commander Gardner, please accept my humble welcome. It is my fault to have not welcomed youfrom a great distance. I ask for your forgiveness." Hunting descended from his throne with a tone ofhumility.

"Your Majesty, it's nice to see you again!" Billy spoke calmly.novelbin

Over a year ago, the two had already met once, so they were not strangers.

"Commander Gardner, please take a seat

Hunting gestured graciously, leading Billy to sit on two gleaming golden chairs on the right side.Vermilion Bird and the other three stood behind them.

"Commander Gardner, first of all, I apologize for this incident. I deeply regret it." Hunting turned hisgaze to Billy and spoke.

"Your Majesty, let's get to the point. I didn't come here today to catch up with you!" Billy picked up atea cup from the side and took a sip. He had already tasted Tyren' national tea during his previousvisit, and it was quite good.

"Bring forth the Sect Master of the Wu Du Sect, Angus Rizzo!" Hunting took a deep breath andspoke in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, the Sect Master of the Wu Du Sect, Angus Rizzo!" A loud voice echoed in the hall.

Two minutes later, a man in his fifties entered the hall, escorted by two Warriors. He had a slightlythin build, sharp eyes, and a faint aura of coldness emanating from him.

"Your Majesty," Angus began.

The middle-aged man walked to the center of the hall and glanced at Billy before bowing to Hunting.

In Tyren, there was no custom of kneeling, and bows were the way to show respect betweenmonarchs and subjects.

"Angus Rizzo, are you aware of your crimes?" Hunting spoke in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, please forgive this humble one's ignorance. I'm not sure what matter the ruler isreferring to," Angus poke after a brief moment of surprise.

A few hours ago, he had received the ruler's order to come to the palace, stating that the ruler hadan important matter to discuss with him. Upon receiving the order, he already had his suspicions.He hadn't been able to contact the individuals he sent to Glavale since last night, and he had afeeling that things weren't looking good. Now that the ruler had summoned him, he had no doubt itwas about this matter. However, he remained calm and composed, with no intention of panicking orattempting to escape. Accompanied by the imperial guards, he made his way to the capital.

Upon entering the hall and seeing Billy's group of Glavale people, his suspicions were confirmed.Nevertheless, he remained unfazed.

This was the imperial palace of Tyren, and there were only five people from the opposing side.What kind of storm could they cause?

"Are you still pretending to be foolish?" Hunting's tone grew heavier. "Do you dare say that thegroup that attempted to assassinate Commander Gardner in Glavale wasn't from your Wu DuSect?"

"Ah?" Angus Rizzo feigned surprise. "Your Majesty, this is not a matter to joke about. It's a capitaloffense!"

"I swear to you, Your Majesty, the Wu Du Sect had absolutely no involvement in this matter. In thepast month, all disciples of the Wu Du Sect have been practicing in our sect, preparing for theupcoming martial competition next month..."

"You scoundrel! Even when facing death, you still want to argue!" Hunting's stern voice cut off hiswords. The aura of a monarch emanated from him.

After a brief pause, he continued, "Commander Gardner has been poisoned by Erosive FlowerToxin! Tell me, in the entire Tyren, besides your Wu Du Sect, who else has the ability to refine thedeadly toxin of this flower toxin into a colorless and tasteless poison?"

"Your Majesty, if you conclude that the Wu Du Sect is responsible based solely on this, then you arebeing overly presumptuous and giving our Wu Du Sect too much credit!" Angus Rizzo respondedwith a slightly furrowed brow.

"While the Wu Du Sect is adept at poison-making, Erosive Flower Toxin, a rare deadly poison, issomething I've only heard of and never encountered. Let alone refining the poison from it! There arecountless strange abilities and talents among the people in Tyren. It's not entirely impossible thatsome hidden experts have the ability to refine the poison from Erosive Flower!"

"You're quite adept at arguing!" Stout spoke up at this moment.

"However, do you know that your aura has already betrayed you? Although the poison can berefined into a colorless and tasteless toxin after undergoing the forty-nine-step process... TheErosive Flower itself has a distinct and unique aroma. Anyone who comes into contact with it willcarry that scent on them for a month. From the moment you entered this hall, I've been able to smellthat aroma on you. And now you're telling us that you've never seen Erosive Flowers?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Angus Rizzo's eyes flickered with surprise.

Clearly, he hadn't anticipated that there were experts present who not only knew about the uniquearoma of Erosive Flowers but also knew about its forty-nine-step process. He had trulyunderestimated the situation.

After a slight pause, Angus took a deep breath before continuing in a low voice, "Who are you tomake baseless accusations? A mere youngster with barely any facial hair, and yet you spout suchnonsense here! Who told you that Erosive Flowers had a unique scent? That's utterly ridiculous! Ibet you don't even know what the flower is, do you?"

"Let me introduce his identity to you!" Billy's voice rang out in a calm tone. "He is the chief medicaladvisor of the Army of Bloodshadow's medical team. Besides, he is one of the two greatestgeniuses in Glavale's mystic sect in the last few hundred years!"

"Although Erosive Flower Toxin is a deadly poison, it is also a type of medicinal herb. Glavale'smedicine stores always have it in stock!"

"Now, you tell me, does he know what Erosive Flowers are?"

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