The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 213 I’Ll Fight You
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Chapter 213 I'Ll Fight You

Chapter 213 I'll Fight You

Among Tyren' troops, some had participated in the battle over a year ago, and the scenes from thatbattle were still vivid in their memories.

The scattered limbs and blood that had stained a mother river of Tyren red-the true meaning ofblood flowing like a river. That battle had directly decimated half of Tyren' strength, and until today,Tyren hadn't fully recovered from its aftermath. Yet now, the enemy was here again.

"Could it be that they still held a grudge from a year ago?" People in Tyren thought.

"Com-Commander Gardner, may I ask what brings you to Tyren?" a junior leader stammered as hestepped forward from the group.

"Call your commander to come out and talk!" Black Tortoise spoke in a low voice.

"Our com... commander is not here right now. He... he was urgently called back to the capital..." Thejunior leader struggled to reply.

"Then call out the highest-ranking official here!" Black Tortoise continued with a stern tone.

"We've already sent for the deputy commander. He... he's on his way..." The junior leaderresponded again.

Soon, the sound of footsteps echoed, and a burly man led a group of people, anger etched acrosshis face.novelbin

"You fools, do you even realize what you're doing here? Are you trying to provoke a war betweenthe two nations?" The burly man walked up not far from Billy's group and pointed angrily at Billy.

The man had been dispatched from the western border of Tyren to serve as the DeputyCommander here. He hadn't participated in the battle a year ago.

Although he had heard of Billy Gardner's reputation before, he didn't believe he was much inferior tothe other side. Moreover, they had many more people here-ten times as many as the enemy. Hesimply couldn't believe they couldn't defeat their opponent.

"If you point your finger one more time, you won't have it anymore!" Black Tortoise's voice turnedcold.

The man snorted. "I've long heard about Glavale's Army of Bloodshadow being arrogant andoverbearing, looking down on everyone. Now that I've seen it for myself, it's indeed true. Do you notrealize that you've crossed the line? I'll give you one last warning, retreat beyond the border withinthree minutes! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

"How impolite do you want to be?" White Tiger growled and stepped forward.

"Crossing the border with your team, you think I won't take that as a slight against Tyren? Can youguess how I'll respond?" The man's voice was furious as he lifted his hand. "Listen up, everyone. Ifthey don't retreat beyond the border within three minutes, no mercy!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers of Tyren stood at the ready, drawing their large blades. Naturally, theyhad firearms, but even with ten times their courage, they wouldn't dare to use them. This was theborder of Glavale. They could easily imagine that if they dared to use firearms, they would bereduced to dust by the formidable weapons of Glavale's defenders.

"Attack!" The three thousand Blood Shadow Squad members simultaneously roared. Each person'saura surged, immediately enveloping the space around them.

These three thousand were elite selections from the three major legions, including formidableexperts at the Battle General Realm. They were far beyond the capabilities of the ordinary soldiersthey faced.

Sensing the terrifying pressure emanating from the Blood Shadow Squad, the tens of thousands ofsoldiers from Tyren felt as if a mountain were pressing down on them. Many of them shivered.

"Vi... Vice Commander, should we make a call to inform Commander about this first?"

The previous subordinate approached the man and after swallowing hard, asked with difficulty.

"They've already taken their arrogance to our doorstep, and you think we need permission for thiskind of thing?" The man's voice was stern. "Step aside, you have no authority here!"

"But... but..." The subordinate trembled.

"Say one more word, and I'll consider you a traitor!" The man cut him off.

The subordinate quickly backed away.

"Are you going to retreat or not?" The man then turned his gaze toward Billy.

"You're going to die!" White Tiger roared, "If you want a fight, I'll give you one!"

After speaking, he charged forward, his Bloodshadow War Blade in hand, swiftly unleashing achilling blade aura.

The man's eyes darkened as he drew a large blade from his waist to meet White Tiger's attack. Hehad heard that several legion commanders of the Blood Shadow Squad were at the Battle GodRealm's later stage. As for himself, he had already broken through to the peak of the Battle GodRealm. Thus, he had no fear of White Tiger.

However, in the next moment, his expression froze.


A crisp sound rang out, and his blade was sliced in two by White Tiger's blade aura, the front halfclattering to the ground. The blade aura didn't lose momentum, slicing directly through his heart.Immediately following, he toppled over, blood spraying wildly.

"You... you're already at the War... Warlord's Transcendence Realm..." He opened his mouth withdifficulty, his legs giving out as his breath faded.

"Narrow-minded fool!" White Tiger snorted coldly, retreating to Billy's side.

The scene fell into stillness, the faces of tens of thousands of soldiers from Tyren turning pale in aninstant. Their Deputy Commander, a Grand Elder Battle God Realm powerhouse, couldn't evenwithstand a single move from the other side, which was so quite unbelievable.

Gritting his teeth, a man with a buzz cut raised his hand and ordered, "Charge together, let's takethem on!"


Hearing these words, the tens of thousands of soldiers once again stirred. Although they knew theywould be throwing their lives away by charging, they were warriors, and military orders had to befollowed.

"Halt!" Just at that moment, a loud voice rang out.

Soon after, a bearded man strode forward, his expression unusually grave.

"Atten-tion!" Upon seeing the newcomer, the tens of thousands of soldiers of Tyren shouted inunison, simultaneously exhaling a sigh of relief.

"Commander Gardner, I am commander of the Eastern Front of Tyren, greetings to you!" Thebearded man marched up to a point not far from Billy, bowing with respect. As he spoke, his gazeinadvertently fell on the body of the man White Tiger had slain, causing his eyelid to twitch severaltimes.

The reason he had been urgently summoned back to the capital was due to the assassinationattempt on Billy. The high-ranking officials of Tyren had learned of this incident just this morning,and the news had shaken the royal court upon arrival.

The ruler of Tyren was even more infuriated! He hadn't even fully recovered from the events of ayear ago, and now such a major incident had occurred. He wished he could pull those individualswho had gone to Ozin for their mission and subject them to a public flogging.

This was pushing the entire Tyren into a pit of fire!

Hence, upon receiving the news, he immediately summoned the Commander of the eastern frontback to the capital and ordered an immediate investigation into the origins of those assassins.

Bearded man had spent less than half an hour in the capital before rushing back. He wasconcerned that the massive forces of the Army of Bloodshadow would advance into their country.He had arrived just a bit too late; his deputy had already met with trouble.

However, what made him relieved was that a full-scale war hadn't erupted between the two sidesyet. Otherwise, the consequences would be even more dire.

"Long time no see," Billy said to the bearded man, his voice casual. "You should know why I'vecome, right?"

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