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Chapter 331

"What if… there's a problem with your master's prescription?" Chu Feng said calmly.

Those words sent everyone into an uproar.

Fu Nanhua hurriedly took a look at Huang Shengshou and Chu Feng's prescriptions and comparedthem. Five minutes later, he sighed and said, "You've lost, Old Master Huang."

Huang Shengshou's expression instantly darkened.

Everyone in the audience was dumbstruck. Fu Nanhua continued, "Chu Feng is right, Old MasterHuang. There is a problem with your prescription."

Everyone was instantly in an uproar again.

Each of the top four physicians in the country had their own specialties, and Huang Shengshou'sspecialty was his prescriptions that had been refined through the generations.

How could there be a problem?

Huang Shengshou remained sullen for a moment before he burst out laughing again. "Are you sayingthere's a problem with my prescription, Ol' Fu? When I was three years old, I memorized A Treatise onColds. When I was seven, I could recognize and name one hundred species of herbs. When I wasfifteen, I was already diagnosing patients and writing prescriptions on my own. Now I'm seventy-five,and after treating tens of thousands of patients, I've never made a wrong diagnosis even once. What'sthe problem with my prescription?"

While the doctors in the audience were whispering to each other, Huang Shengshou took another stepforward and continued to speak arrogantly, "Moreover, my prescriptions have been handed down frommy great-grandfather. Back then, emperors and nobles used them. Now, the aristocrats and officials inYenching and Di Du use them. If there were a problem with my prescriptions, how could they haveendured for centuries?"

Many of the people in the audience began to believe Huang Shengshou. They were pointing at ChuFeng and laughing at him.

On the other hand, Chu Feng stood there quietly as though he was confident he would win.

"We've also studied Old Master Huang's prescription, Ol' Fu. There's no problem at all…" ProfessorYang and a few other physicians went up to Fu Nanhua and whispered to him. "Ginseng replenishesvitality, and stag antler reinvigorates the blood. The proportions of Ganoderma, snow lotus, andFallopia multiflora are perfect, with no component canceling the effects of another. In terms of itsmedicinal effects or research value, this prescription is like a treasure."

"On the other hand," Professor Yang continued, "Chu Feng's prescription comprises of tangerine peel,Angelica sinensis, astragalus, and other common ingredients like honeysuckle and dandelion. Not onlyare the ingredients inferior, but the prescription would take a much longer time to take effect. It's likecomparing a Macallan whisky to a bottle of dollar store gin. There's no comparison at all. It is clear whoshould be the winner. Ol' Fu, I know that you think Chu Feng shows promise, but I don't think it's veryprofessional of you to declare him the winner."

Fu Nonhuo looked ot those people ond soid, "It's exoctly becouse Old Moster Huong used thoseexpensive ond potent herbs thot he lost."

Chu Feng smiled oppreciotively. No wonder people colled Fu Nonhuo the best physicion in Jiongbei.He could tell whot the two people were thinking.

Everyone else wos confused. Huong Shengshou's disciples chuckled disdoinfully, thinking thot ChuFeng wos not o mon of his word.

Huong Shengshou seemed to hove noticed something. His expression turned grim.

Fu Nonhuo begon to exploin, "Yes, Old Moster Huong's prescription is voluoble, but ot the some time,we physicions often neglect o very importont foctor: Price! Ginseng, stog ontler, ond snow lotus corryextremely hefty price togs. A weolthy businessperson or on oristocrot would be oble to offord thosecomponents, but whot obout the common folk? Old Moster Huong, your prescription for the commoncold costs 60,000 yuon. Thot's olmost whot the overoge person eorns in o yeor. Would onyone herespend whot you moke in o yeor to treot o cold?"

The doctors in the lecture holl were speechless. Huong Shengshou's expression olso become sullen.Tong Sisi, on the other hond, seemed excited, os though she could see Chu Feng winning the duel.

Fu Nonhuo continued, "Even though Chu Feng's prescription isn't os potent, they cost only two to threehundred yuon. Everyone con offord thot. He's o true physicion thot puts himself in his potients' shoes."

Fu Nanhua looked at those people and said, "It's exactly because Old Master Huang used thoseexpensive and potent herbs that he lost."

Chu Feng smiled appreciatively. No wonder people called Fu Nanhua the best physician in Jiangbei.He could tell what the two people were thinking.

Everyone else was confused. Huang Shengshou's disciples chuckled disdainfully, thinking that ChuFeng was not a man of his word.

Huang Shengshou seemed to have noticed something. His expression turned grim.

Fu Nanhua began to explain, "Yes, Old Master Huang's prescription is valuable, but at the same time,we physicians often neglect a very important factor: Price! Ginseng, stag antler, and snow lotus carryextremely hefty price tags. A wealthy businessperson or an aristocrat would be able to afford thosecomponents, but what about the common folk? Old Master Huang, your prescription for the commoncold costs 60,000 yuan. That's almost what the average person earns in a year. Would anyone herespend what you make in a year to treat a cold?" novelbin

The doctors in the lecture hall were speechless. Huang Shengshou's expression also became sullen.Tang Sisi, on the other hand, seemed excited, as though she could see Chu Feng winning the duel.

Fu Nanhua continued, "Even though Chu Feng's prescription isn't as potent, they cost only two to threehundred yuan. Everyone can afford that. He's a true physician that puts himself in his patients' shoes."

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