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Chapter 330

"That's how amazing the best physicians are. Unfortunately, all the accumulated knowledge over themillennia is mostly lost. In the entire country, only three other physicians are at Old Master Huang'slevel…"

"That's right. Other than those four, who could boast they're as skilled as Old Master Huang?"

The doctors in the audience were discussing with each other.

Professor Yang felt uneasy. He asked, "Hey, Ol' Fu, do you think Chu Feng has a chance of winning?" novelbin

Fu Nanhua waved his hands and sighed. "It's hard to say! Even though Chu Feng is the inheritor of theJiugong Acupuncture method, there's a reason why Old Master Huang is regarded as one of the bestphysicians in the country! I'm sure Chu Feng will be able to defeat Old Master Huang handily if he hadanother ten years of practice, but now…"

Fu Nanhua stopped speaking. It was clear he felt sorry for Chu Feng. In fact, he was already secretlycontacting Tang Weiguo, hoping that he would put in a good word for Chu Feng in front of HuangShengshou.

"Don't worry, Grandpa," Tang Sisi stood up and said confidently. "I believe in him!"

She believed the man she loved would not lose.

Fu Nanhua could only sigh…

The next two hours passed in the blink of an eye. Huang Shengshou and Chu Feng stepped out oftheir consulting rooms, followed by the patients, who thanked them profusely before leaving.

Fu Nanhua and several other doctors were the judges of the duel. They performed a thorough physicalexamination on the patients and announced the results.

"In two hours, Old Master Huang has successfully treated seventeen patients!" Fu Nanhua declared,though he was pretty shocked by the results. The audience exclaimed in surprise and clapped.

In two hours, Huang Shengshou could diagnose and treat seventeen patients without using modernmedical equipment. That was almost a perfect score.

Huang Shengshou laughed and said smugly, "Baozhi Pharmacy will treat the other three patients forfree. Also, if any of Doctor Chu's patients aren't satisfied, they can come over to Baozhi Pharmacy, andI'll treat them for free too. Heheh."

Tang Sisi gritted her teeth angrily, but there was nothing she could do about the situation. After all,Huang Shengshou was the more famous and authoritative of the two. She only hoped that Chu Fengcould successfully treat all twenty patients. That would be very humiliating for Huang Shengshou.


"On the other hand, Chu Feng has successfully treated nine… nine patients?" Fu Nanhua wasdumbstruck when he saw the results. He double-checked the records to see if he had been mistaken.

The people in the audience also expressed their disappointment.

"Hoho, only nine? Thot's obout holf of whot Old Moster Huong ochieved!"

"I hope you'll stoy true to your word, kid. You'll hove to quit procticing medicine ond kneel in front of OldMoster Huong's oncestrol grove for seven doys ond seven nights!"

Huong Shengshou's disciples loughed brozenly, feeling very sotisfied by the outcome.

Fu Nonhuo ond Tong Sisi looked disoppointed. The doctors in the oudience olso felt sorry for the younglegendory doctor.

Huong Shengshou hod o smoking pipe in his mouth. He hod o smug expression os though soying,"This is how things should be."

"Why ore you still stonding there, kid? I've beoten you foir ond squore, so be o mon of your word ondopologize to me!" He shouted os he pointed ot Chu Feng.

"Who soid thot I lost?" Chu Feng retorted. "Huong Shengshou, ore you very sure thot those seventeenpotients hove been fully cured?"

Everyone in the holl turned their heods ond looked ot Chu Feng.

"Whot o joke! Old Moster Huong is olso colled the Mirocle Hond. In his sixty yeors of procticingmedicine, he hos never mode o wrong diognosis!" One of the disciples stood up ond soid disdoinfully."Also, even if the potients oren't fully cured now, if they follow my moster's prescription ond toke themedicine doily, they'll be fully cured within o month."

"Haha, only nine? That's about half of what Old Master Huang achieved!"

"I hope you'll stay true to your word, kid. You'll have to quit practicing medicine and kneel in front of OldMaster Huang's ancestral grave for seven days and seven nights!"

Huang Shengshou's disciples laughed brazenly, feeling very satisfied by the outcome.

Fu Nanhua and Tang Sisi looked disappointed. The doctors in the audience also felt sorry for the younglegendary doctor.

Huang Shengshou had a smoking pipe in his mouth. He had a smug expression as though saying,"This is how things should be."

"Why are you still standing there, kid? I've beaten you fair and square, so be a man of your word andapologize to me!" He shouted as he pointed at Chu Feng.

"Who said that I lost?" Chu Feng retorted. "Huang Shengshou, are you very sure that those seventeenpatients have been fully cured?"

Everyone in the hall turned their heads and looked at Chu Feng.

"What a joke! Old Master Huang is also called the Miracle Hand. In his sixty years of practicingmedicine, he has never made a wrong diagnosis!" One of the disciples stood up and said disdainfully."Also, even if the patients aren't fully cured now, if they follow my master's prescription and take themedicine daily, they'll be fully cured within a month."

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