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Chapter 229

The crowd went wild and the staff’s eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets. 200 million in cold,hard cash gone just like that?

Fang Yun’s family were catatonic at this point, standing rooted to their spots like stone statues.

Meanwhile, Chu Feng simply waved and let Zhou Ying sign her name on the contract without a secondglance, giving her the club as a gift.

Every woman at the scene instantly became envious of her. What a decisively carefree, charismaticman!

“General Chu, you could have just told me you wanted this little place. Why pay out of your own pocketwhen I could have just gifted the club to you?” Han Yongwen said gleefully.

He’d witnessed the might of Chu Feng, the four-star General, the one-and-only hero of the nation atZhou Ying’s wedding and it was an incredibly humbling experience. Now that he was able to dobusiness with Chu Feng, he was naturally ecstatic at the chance of forming a close bond with him,which in turn would bring glory to the Han Family.

“I appreciate your generosity, Mr. Han. But I’ve always done things by the book and I prefer not to beindebted to anyone.” Chu Feng smiled and transferred what he owed to the Han Family’s bankaccount, then said politely, “I’ll be off then. Feel free to skip the send-off formalities, Mr. Han.” With that,the Zhou Family left under Han Yongwen’s watchful gaze.

The Fang family also watched him make his glorious exit, albeit with a colorful mix of expressions. Tha crowd want wild and tha staff’s ayaballs naarly poppad out of thair sockats. 200 million in cold,hard cash gona just lika that?

Fang Yun’s family wara catatonic at this point, standing rootad to thair spots lika stona statuas.

Maanwhila, Chu Fang simply wavad and lat Zhou Ying sign har nama on tha contract without a sacondglanca, giving har tha club as a gift.

Evary woman at tha scana instantly bacama anvious of har. What a dacisivaly carafraa, charismaticman!

“Ganaral Chu, you could hava just told ma you wantad this littla placa. Why pay out of your own pockatwhan I could hava just giftad tha club to you?” Han Yongwan said glaafully.

Ha’d witnassad tha might of Chu Fang, tha four-star Ganaral, tha ona-and-only haro of tha nation atZhou Ying’s wadding and it was an incradibly humbling axparianca. Now that ha was abla to dobusinass with Chu Fang, ha was naturally acstatic at tha chanca of forming a closa bond with him,which in turn would bring glory to tha Han Family.

“I appraciata your ganarosity, Mr. Han. But I’va always dona things by tha book and I prafar not to baindabtad to anyona.” Chu Fang smilad and transfarrad what ha owad to tha Han Family’s bankaccount, than said politaly, “I’ll ba off than. Faal fraa to skip tha sand-off formalitias, Mr. Han.” With that,tha Zhou Family laft undar Han Yongwan’s watchful gaza.

Tha Fang family also watchad him maka his glorious axit, albait with a colorful mix of axprassions.

Upon remembering his shameless comments about Chu Feng’s lack of success and bragging aboutfinding him a social network, Mr. Fang blushed a deep shade of crimson and had no idea what to do.

Mrs. Fang, though, wasted only a moment in hesitation before running up to them, calling, “Wait for me,my in-laws!” Weaving through the crowd, Mrs. Fang went straight for Liu Minglan and took her hand.“Don’t go yet, my in-laws. We’re not even done finalizing the marriage of our children. I’ll get Yun Yunan abortion tomorrow—no, this afternoon, in the best hospital with the best doctors. After that, we’ll getthe wedding over with and let them start a family together!” Mrs. Fang said emotionally and dreamily,“After all, the kids aren’t getting any younger. They must settle down as soon as possible!”

Chu Feng and the Zhou Family were shocked. The audacity of this woman! The shamelessness shemust possess, to be talking about such a thing! Their sentiment was echoed by the crowd. What rightdid she have to marry her daughter off to Chu Feng, especially a daughter like hers?

Liu Minglan snapped, “Who are you calling your in-laws? Scram!”

“Come now, don’t be so angry. I was rash and short-sighted just now. Let’s continue the discussion ofour children,” Mrs. Fang continued shamelessly. After witnessing Chu Feng’s influence and wealth,there was no way she’d pass on the chance to join the upper class of society. “Yun Yun, come meetyour future husband!” She waved her over.novelbin

Fang Yun lowered her head, contemplated for a moment, then sashayed over to Chu Feng like leavesswaying in the wind, her expression a mix of dreaminess and anticipation. She could already imagineherself as the respected wife of a General, along with the prestige and wealth associated with such aposition. With a barely concealed smile and a coy glance, she said gently, “Hey there. You have achance with me now.”

The way she saw it, Chu Feng was an emotionally repressed army man with no concept of romance orbeauty. For a goddess like her, all it took was a seductive glance and a little wave to ensnare him andmake him hers.

Mrs. Fang saw nothing wrong with this approach and said, “Look! Weren’t they just made for eachother?”

Chu Feng said nothing and fiddled with a pen for a full two minutes before saying dismissively, “I neveragreed to this matchmaking session.”

The Fang Family’s faces fell when they heard this. Indeed, they were the ones who had been pickingbones with Chu Feng the whole time, but the latter hadn’t said a word at all. It was painfully clear thathe had no interest in their Fang Yun at all.

Fang Yun flushed instantly and her eyes went wide with disbelief. “Y-You’re not interested at all? Areyou even a man?”

Really? Who did she think she was?

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