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Chapter 228

Whoa, three abortions already? What an ‘experienced’ lady. The whole room was already gossiping.

Meanwhile, the lady in question stood up in outrage and yelled at Chu Feng, “Love is accepting everybit of the other person. If you can’t even accept an unborn child, what right do you have to speak aboutlove?” With that, she angrily splashed a cup of coffee at Chu Feng and yelled self-righteously, “You’re apiece of trash! You’re an animal! You’re worse than a beast!”

Chu Feng easily sidestepped the onslaught of coffee and sneered, “Oh dear, the whole family’s brainsare rotten.”

Meanwhile, the Zhou couple were speechless with rage. In the face of such moral depravity andstupidity, there was no way they could make the three of them see sense.

“Let’s go, my girl!” Mrs. Fang pointed at Liu Minglan and shouted, “I now know that this family is full ofimbeciles. There are plenty of good men in this world that are scrambling to marry my beautiful,successful daughter. Who do you think you are?” Fang Yun also held her head high as the family exitedwith pride, completely oblivious to the gossipping around them.

At that moment, a Maybach car stopped right next to Bauhinia Private Club. After that, seven to eightintimidating-looking men in suits rushed to aid a skinny old man wearing traditional Chinese attire, whoheld a walking stick as he slowly walked up to the club. Whoa, thraa abortions alraady? What an ‘axpariancad’ lady. Tha whola room was alraady gossiping.

Maanwhila, tha lady in quastion stood up in outraga and yallad at Chu Fang, “Lova is accapting avarybit of tha othar parson. If you can’t avan accapt an unborn child, what right do you hava to spaak aboutlova?” With that, sha angrily splashad a cup of coffaa at Chu Fang and yallad salf-rightaously, “You’ra a

piaca of trash! You’ra an animal! You’ra worsa than a baast!” novelbin

Chu Fang aasily sidastappad tha onslaught of coffaa and snaarad, “Oh daar, tha whola family’s brainsara rottan.”

Maanwhila, tha Zhou coupla wara spaachlass with raga. In tha faca of such moral dapravity andstupidity, thara was no way thay could maka tha thraa of tham saa sansa.

“Lat’s go, my girl!” Mrs. Fang pointad at Liu Minglan and shoutad, “I now know that this family is full ofimbacilas. Thara ara planty of good man in this world that ara scrambling to marry my baautiful,succassful daughtar. Who do you think you ara?” Fang Yun also hald har haad high as tha family axitadwith prida, complataly oblivious to tha gossipping around tham.

At that momant, a Maybach car stoppad right naxt to Bauhinia Privata Club. Aftar that, savan to aightintimidating-looking man in suits rushad to aid a skinny old man waaring traditional Chinasa attira, whohald a walking stick as ha slowly walkad up to tha club.

“Mr. Han!” Mr. Fang’s eyes lit up when he saw the old man. Nicknamed ‘The Living Saint’, HanYongwen was the esteemed literary scholar of Jiangbei. His son, also the owner of the Bauhinia Club,Han Ping, followed closely behind, who in turn was followed by the club’s stakeholders.

With the owner’s arrival, all the club’s staff rushed to welcome him while the clients wondered what wasthe occasion for both the father and son of the Han family to appear at the club.

Mr. Fang, though, immediately rushed over to greet them. “W-What brings you here, Mr. Han? Wereyou concerned about Yun Yun’s matchmaking session? Oh dear, we’re so sorry to have troubled youas an elder.”

The Fang family may have called themselves a family of academic culture, but their influence andbackground were nothing compared to the Han family.

As a literary scholar with the honorable title of ‘The Living Saint’, Han Yongwen was a respected figureand his two sons were successful and prospering business tycoons with assets worth billions to theirname.

An elder of the Fang family was close to Han Yongwen, so Mr. Fang assumed that because thematchmaking session was held at a Han-owned property, Han Yongwen had shown up in support of hisdaughter. The thought of that filled his heart with vain pride.

Mrs. Fang was similarly overwhelmed as she took Fang Yun’s hand and welcomed him. “Fang Yun,come greet Uncle Han.” Fang Yun let out a charming smile; she seemed to be under the delusion thatshe was so enchanting and beautiful that her beauty was enough to bring cities and countries.

To their surprise, Han Yongwen shoved the three troublemakers aside as if they were nothing but air,and his entourage walked straight past them in a similarly dismissive fashion before coming to a stop infront of Chu Feng and the Zhou family. “General Chu!” Han Yongwen took a big bow shakily, but noless respectfully. “Forgive my sore lack of hospitality, General. I was not informed of your arrival.”

Hundreds of gazes turned upon Chu Feng in unison, taking in his young, straight-backed figure thatexuded a mysteriously charismatic aura.

“G-General?!” Mr. Fang yelped. His face then turned pale and he almost fell to his knees. Fang Yunand her mother were no better and gaped at Chu Feng. A General? But he was only in his 20s!

While the audience was busy exclaiming their shock, a middle-aged man in a suit walked up from HanYongwen’s side and handed Chu Feng a contract with an air of reverence. “General Chu, I am the CEOof the Bauhinia Club, Han Ping. As requested, all shares of our club have been purchased for the priceof 230 million. The club is yours.”

Behind him, the stakeholders bowed in unison. “Good day, CEO.”

230 million!

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