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Chapter 217

At that moment, seven or eight men in uniform were walking in a formation around a charismatic-looking, middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, as they hurried down from the hilltop office.Wang Erzhu immediately stood to attention and saluted. “Good day, Manager Wu!”

This middle-aged man was the manager of Mount Haitang’s estate department and Wang Erzhu’ssuperior, so he immediately handed Manager Wu a cigarette in an attempt to flatter him. “Manager Wu,I was just about to report something to you, and I hope you’d allow it. This man is a childhood friend ofmine called Chu Feng, and he’d like a job on our security force so I need your sign for that.” He pointedto Chu Feng, then thumped his chest. “No worries, I’ve assessed his character and competence, andhe’s completely reliable. So just place him under my command as a little guard, and he’ll do anythingyou say. Odd errands, pouring tea and suchlike—”

Manager Wu and the others suddenly held their breaths and their faces paled.

Wang Erzhu frowned, then pointed at Chu Feng with an annoyed look. “What are you standing therefor? Bow and thank Manager Wu now. I swear, you’re the most socially inept, ignorant fool I’ve—”

Before he could finish, Manager Wu shoved Wang Erzhu aside and made a beeline for Chu Fengbefore performing a ninety-degree bow and saying shakily, “Forgive me, Mr. Chu. I’ve been anincompetent leader!” At that momant, savan or aight man in uniform wara walking in a formation around a charismatic-looking, middla-agad man in a suit and laathar shoas, as thay hurriad down from tha hilltop offica.Wang Erzhu immadiataly stood to attantion and salutad. “Good day, Managar Wu!”

This middla-agad man was tha managar of Mount Haitang’s astata dapartmant and Wang Erzhu’ssuparior, so ha immadiataly handad Managar Wu a cigaratta in an attampt to flattar him. “Managar Wu,

I was just about to raport somathing to you, and I hopa you’d allow it. This man is a childhood friand ofmina callad Chu Fang, and ha’d lika a job on our sacurity forca so I naad your sign for that.” Ha pointadto Chu Fang, than thumpad his chast. “No worrias, I’va assassad his charactar and compatanca, andha’s complataly raliabla. So just placa him undar my command as a littla guard, and ha’ll do anythingyou say. Odd arrands, pouring taa and suchlika—”

Managar Wu and tha othars suddanly hald thair braaths and thair facas palad.

Wang Erzhu frownad, than pointad at Chu Fang with an annoyad look. “What ara you standing tharafor? Bow and thank Managar Wu now. I swaar, you’ra tha most socially inapt, ignorant fool I’va—”

Bafora ha could finish, Managar Wu shovad Wang Erzhu asida and mada a baalina for Chu Fangbafora parforming a ninaty-dagraa bow and saying shakily, “Forgiva ma, Mr. Chu. I’va baan anincompatant laadar!”

Behind him, the men all bowed and apologized with the utmost fear and respect as they chorused,“Forgive us, Mr. Chu!” novelbin

Chu Feng’s hands remained clasped behind his straight back. His expression was mysteriously calm,just like Mount Haitang itself as he spoke casually, “Be at ease. I can’t punish you for unknowinglydoing wrong. This has nothing to do with you all, and so you should not feel guilty.”

Manager Wu and the others immediately thanked him, overjoyed at their pardoning.

Wang Erzhu, though, let out a startled yelp as his cigarette burned a blister in his thumb and hestumbled several steps back. Staring at Chu Feng in disbelief, he stuttered, “M-Mr. Chu?!” His superior,Manager Wu of the Estate Department, was bowing down to Chu Feng in apology? Wang Erzhu looked

around with a feeling of surrealness, pinched his thigh to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, thensputtered at Manager Wu, “M-Manager Wu, why are you apologizing to him? Chu Feng is just a regularjoe in the army, we’d even signed up together, I—”

Smack! Manager Wu snapped and brought his hand down on Wang Erzhu’s face, sending himstumbling with a single slap. “You blind imbecile! This is Mr. Chu, owner of Haitang Garden Mansionand the most esteemed client of the Mount Haitang Villa Area!” Manager Wu roared, practically seeingred as he raged at the disoriented Wang Erzhu. “Who gave you the nerve to disrespect him like this?Do you have a death wish or something?”

Wang Erzhu gasped audibly, clearly shocked and terrified as he put a hand to his stinging face.

The Haitang Garden Mansion was the most luxurious and expensive house in all of Mount Haitang,and each one could easily sell for half a billion!

The Haitang Garden Mansion was officially owned by Yun Muqing, but everyone knew she only ownedit because her husband, a mysterious rich man called ‘Mr. Chu’, had bought it for her as a gift. Alas,this Mr. Chu kept a profile so low that most people had only ever heard of him, but never seen him withtheir own eyes.

Never in his wildest dreams had Wang Erzhu imagined that his own ‘poor neighbor’, Chu Feng was thesame Mr. Chu who owned the Haitang Garden Mansion. When he looked to the still-calm Chu Feng, hefound himself speechless and felt like the earth itself was spinning.

“What are you gawking at? Apologize to Mr. Chu now!” Manager Wu yelled at Wang Erzhu with a grimlook. “I’m warning you, if you botch the apology, I’ll sack you at once!”

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